Women in Technology Uganda - school image

Women In Technology Uganda

Code Academy. Code Clubs. Network.

Our STEM-centered program takes advantage of the advancing state of the digital revolution and ensures young women and girls are not left behind. We push for gender equality in Uganda with strategic interventions.

Code Academy
- 2-year diploma in Computer Science and Entrepreneurship (DCSE)
- Through the Women’s Institute of Technology and Innovation (WITI)
- Tech-based training to specialize in: Professional software development, Website development, Junior Practitioning

- Soft skills advancement for work in entrepreneurship
- Post-graduate networking through a digital jobs center

WITI recruits and trains brilliant young women into junior software developers (full stack developers). Our mission is to empower young women and girls to become innovative technologists and entrepreneurs.

Code Clubs
- In partnership with primary and secondary schools across Uganda
- Introduction to computer science through coding and web design

- Training of teachers and schools to integrate technology content into the standard curriculum