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University of Santiago

The Computer Engineering Course at the University of Santiago aims to train Computer Engineers trained both for practice and for research in the area. With a strong practical component, the four years of training are supported by <mark>solid theoretical training that stimulates creativity, based on in the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of computer systems.</mark> <p></p>Professional Outlets<br> Graduates in Computer Engineering will have the following areas of professional activity: Engineering; Computer maintenance; Computer network; Architecture and Design of Systems Information; Information security and IT systems; Systems Analysis; Schedule; Design and development of Systems and Applications; Database Implementation and Administration Data; Multimedia; Management of IT Centers; Consulting and Auditing; investigation and technological development

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Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde

The degree course in Informatics and Computer Engineering has the general objective of training specialists able to manipulate and edit information at the conceptual and abstract level, also mastering the physical realities that support it or to which they relate. The course involves a set of elementary, basic and specialized training subjects, which allow the future professional to act with scientific rigor and technological updating, in domains that encompass the analysis, design, modelling, production, operation and maintenance of computer applications, architectures of computers, hardware, multimedia applications and networks. <mark>The course seeks to respond to the local and national need for training qualified professionals with basic and advanced skills in the use and manipulation of Communication and Information Technologies (ICT).</mark> <p></p> In terms of career opportunities, while having a degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, it is possible to develop activities such as: application programmers, technical support professionals, IT system administrators in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).

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Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde

The Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors program provides students with extensive theoretical knowledge in mathematics, statistics, operation and system analysis, system theory and modelling of technical, economical and social systems, information technologies and information engineering. <p></p> The aim of the course is to provide graduates with a balance of knowledge in business and production theory. <p></p> The technical aspects of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course includes: <mark> <br> - discrete mathematics <br> - algorithm theory <br> - formal logic <br> - <br> - functional programming data flow analysis <br> - systems analysis and modelling <br> - statistics</mark> <p></p> Graduates of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course are well equipped for subsequent studies in a relevant MSc programme and/or for employment in the IT sector for economists, in information management, national and international trade etc.

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University of Mindelo

At the end of the course, the trainee will have to be trained and qualified to professionally build adequate solutions to solve problems of organizations and society, with the use of new technologies and information systems, based on all the accumulated experience and knowledge acquired through solid training in the field of mathematical sciences, administration and computing. <mark>The interdisciplinary nature of the set of curricular units taught enables professionals with a degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems to perform a wide variety of functions in companies, ranging from the management of the general functioning of an organization to the problems of application development, planning and management of information systems.</mark> <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering and Computational Systems from the University of Mindelo is a natural candidate for positions in IT departments of the most varied types of national and European institutions and bodies. As an example, institutions in the services sector (where banking, insurance, energy, telecommunications, tourism, culture, multimedia, health and technical-professional education stand out), institutions in the sector industrial and commercial, the Public Administration and in general all companies that need systems to extract, store and make available large volumes of information, whether or not they use Internet services. More specifically, the Graduate in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems from the University of Mindelo is competent to act in the market as: <br> - Systems Analyst; <br> - Analyst/Programmer; <br> - Former; <br> - Network Manager; <br> - Technical Director of Information Systems; <br> - Consultancy in Technologies and Information Systems; <br> - Database Administrator; <br> - Programmer of applications distributed on the Internet; <br> - Computer technician; <br> - Computer Security Technician; <br> - Design of hardware and/or software systems; <br> - Design of IT systems infrastructures; <br> - Communication network infrastructure design;

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Seychelles Institute of Technology

This newly developed programme is written using the compe- tency based approached (CBA). It is aimed at providing both the theoretical principles in information technology as well as the necessary prerequisite/skills/competencies to the graduates which will enable them to work with confidence with a certain degree of autonomy and some responsibility for the supervision of others. <mark>The graduates would be more suited to be employed a technical personal in the field of work. The high demand in the IT industry today is more practically oriented in different fields such as Network Engineering, Multimedia Designers and Soft- ware Developers, Telecommunication etc... Also there is boom in the IT Industry.</mark>

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Seychelles Institute of Distance and Open Learning

Unlike electrical and computer engineers, computer scientists deal mostly with software and software systems; this includes their theory, design, development, and application. Principal areas of study within Computer Science include artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing. <p></p> Although knowing how to program is essential to the study of computer science, it is only one element of the field. <mark>Computer scientists design and analyze algorithms to solve programs and study the performance of computer hardware and software. The problems that computer scientists encounter range from the abstract-- determining what problems can be solved with computers and the complexity of the algorithms that solve them – to the tangible – designing applications that perform well on handheld devices, that are easy to use, and that uphold security measures.</mark>

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University of Seychelles

The vision of the Department Computing and Information Systems is to become a regional leader in providing high quality education and research in the area of Information and computer technology and engineering. Mission <p></p> <mark>Producing quality graduates trained in the latest tools and technologies by imparting in-depth knowledge to the students, facilitating research activities and provide to the ever changing industrial requirements and public needs.</mark> <p></p> Core Values<br> The values of the Department, which we share, guide our decisions and behaviour. They are: <br> - Integrity <br> - Academic excellence and freedom <br> - Mutual respect and human dignity <br> - Diversity of thought, culture, gender, and ethnicity <br> - Personal and institutional responsibility and accountability <br> - Shared governance <br> - A sense of community <br> - Sensitivity to work-life concerns <br> - Civic responsibility. <br> - Confidentiality

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Blend Seychelles co-working memberships. We’ve created a range of membership options to fit your individual business needs and pride ourselves in flexible arrangements which give you access to fully furnished offices, dedicated open spaces and safe workstations. <p></p> As more and more people across the globe shift to a freelance lifestyle in order to focus on what really matters, coworking spaces around the world have provided an efficient and comfortable space to work remotely. <p></p> They’ve become a <mark>space where individuals from all industries can come together to work and grow under one roof and as part of one community.</mark> <p></p> We wanted to bring this dream to Seychelles, to allow local freelancers and people who work from home, to have a place to come to that has all the benefits of an office AND the chance to be part of a bigger network, without the additional costs. <p></p> Located in the business and industrial district of Mahé, in the brand new Abis Center at Providence, Blend has the perfect coworking desk with your name written on it. <p></p> Onsite Staff<br> Our team is here for you throughout the workweek, from front-desk service to personalized support <p></p> Phone Booths<br> These soundproofed alcoves provide comfortable sanctuaries for conducting private calls and video chats <p></p> Micro-Roasted Coffee<br> Stay caffeinated throughout the day with an infinite stream of freshly roasted coffee <p></p> <mark>High Speed Internet<br> Hook yourself up to hard-wired Ethernet or secure Wi-Fi, including IT support and guest log-in functionality.</mark> <p></p> Conference Rooms<br> Dedicated meeting spaces include A/V gear and unexpected details like custom wallpaper and marble tables <p></p> Professional & Social Events<br> From workshops to thought-leader panels and cheese tastings, our programming helps you nurture a strong team culture <p></p> Unique Common Areas<br> The heart-and-soul of our locations, these lounges are living-room-style spaces designed for creativity, comfort, and productivity. <p></p> Printing<br> Every floor has its own space stocked with a business-class printer, office supplies, and paper shredder. <p></p> Cleaning Services<br> Around the clock, our cleaning crew helps keep common areas, meeting rooms, and private offices looking their spiffiest

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Mauritius Institute of Training and Development

The CIW Web Foundations series of courses is the most popular vendor-neutral Web education program in the world. Individuals who have completed all three Foundations courses have mastered more than mere digital literacy skills: They have a unique understanding of Internet business, data networking and Web site design. <p></p> <mark>Certified CIW Web Foundations Associates have validated their understanding of important technologies that affect virtually every business. This certification is ideal for all professionals who use the Internet on the job. Once certified, these individuals are ready to pursue specialties in Web design, e-commerce, JavaScript, databases and other fields.</mark> <p></p>Course Contents: <br> - Internet connection methods <br> - Internet protocols <br> - Cloud computing <br> - The basic functions of Web browsers <br> - Web site development using Extensible HTML (XHTML) <br> - Manual code writing and graphical user interface (GUI) authoring tools <br> - Essential networking technologies and skills <br> - OSI reference model

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Born of the demand for innovative and practical professional spaces in Grand Baie, the Fast Hub is located in the middle of a rich urban ecosystem along the coast of Mauritius. Our hubbers have quick access to free parking, a post office, a shopping center, banks, ATMs, exchange offices and many other amenities. The spaces of the Fast Hub opened at Grand Baie Coeur de Ville on March 1st, 2016. <p></p> <mark>Renting a turnkey office allows you to benefit from the full range of our services. <br> - Full access to our administrative services <br> - Access to our meeting rooms upon reservation <br> - Full access to our shared spaces for you and your team <br> - Ability to privatise part or all of our terrace</mark> <p></p> An easy-access solution ideal for last-minute meetings <br> - Access to our administrative services during your days at the Fast Hub <br> - A private workspace <br> - High-speed fibre-optic internet connection <br> - Access to our shared equipment (photocopier, lounges) <br> - Full access to the coworking space and to the terrace <p></p> With this kind of working arrangement, you benefit from a budget-friendly workspace while being in an environment that facilitates and encourages interaction with other professionals. <p></p> Are you a young entrepreneur? An independent commercial agent? Do you work as a freelancer? Your home is not necessarily the best place to work productively and make the most out of your day. <mark>Coworking at the Fast Hub will allow you to benefit from quality professional interactions and high-speed fibre-optic internet connection.</mark>

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LinearArc Solutions

Supporting you from Ideation to Implementation. We accompany you free of charge across your entrepreneurial journey <p></p>Mentoring<br> Guiding you personally and professionally through fortnightly meetings with a dedicated coach to better equip you with the right tools to make your business a success <p></p>Self Development <br> Formal training sessions by professionals in the field, covering topics such as marketing, finance, strategy, legal framework and so forth <p></p>Social Capital <br> Hosting of quarterly events to meet people from the industry as well as facilitating meetings between the entrepreneur and established players in the market <p></p>Financial Capital <br> <mark>Supporting start-ups in pitching their business idea to potential investors and lenders by running through internal pitch deck sessions hosted by industry captains</mark> <p></p>Physical Space <br> Access to a co-working space including a meeting room and a business address to meet stakeholders as well as work on your project in a conducive environment <p></p>Administration <br> Providing administrative support to the start-ups including setting up of the company, trade licenses, basic accounting and setting up of bank accounts

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Mauritius Start-up Incubator

Be part of the 1st Ecosystem of services for Startup in Mauritius Our mission: To accompany startups who want to be developed and be guided to success. <mark>You will be supported on an end-to-end basis to launch, develop and establish your business. Office spaces, personnel mobilisation and full support, communication, outsourcing and strategic consulting ! Mauritius is ” the place to be ” to implement a project whose market shares may be Africa , Asia and Europe</mark>

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BRIGHT (Belt Road Initiative Global Hub of Technovation) Centre is a one-stop BUSINESS HUB offering coworking space and conference facilities, financial and administrative support, and local networking. It <mark>caters to SMEs, start-ups, and investors who wish to set-up their African representative office in Mauritius and take advantage of its stable political and banking infrastructure.</mark> BRIGHT is well connected in Mauritius, having been an early investor in the Offshore Finance, Domestic Banking and Payment Sectors. It is part of PRIZM Group, a well-established Fintech and Digital Marketing conglomerate headquartered in Hong Kong but with offices and affiliates in PRC, Singapore, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and London.

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La Plage Factory

La Plage Factory focuses on propelling impact-driven African tech startups, by providing mentorship, business development support, and access to funding. Located in the very heart of the old Port-Louis, our coworking space is spread over two beautifully preserved colonial houses connected by a large cobblestone courtyard. We are the perfect address for tech businesses targeting Africa and Europe from Mauritius. <p></p> La Plage Factory is an startup incubator-accelerator accredited by the MRIC, based in Mauritius. We provide a resilient scaffolding to ambitious and innovative entrepreneurs willing to address economic, social, or ecological challenges at local and/or regional level, through innovative business solutions. <p></p> La Plage Factory operates from the “Coworking Port Louis”, offering a unique African business location with a flexible, connected and productiveworking environment. <p></p> La Plage Factory is an accredited startup incubator-accelerator, based in Mauritius. <p></p> <mark>We are committed to providing quality and sustainable operations, based on creative business dynamics, unmatched expertise mentorship and shared principles. La Plage Factory offers broad networking opportunities to facilitates access to market and finance.</mark> <p></p> La Plage Factory is your trusted ally for a vibrant enterprise venture, from scratch to scale.

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Middlesex University Mauritius

The ICT industry is a very important one in Mauritius and the region, involving hundreds of companies and thousands of employees. The programme offered is in line with the Vision 2030 to transform Mauritius into a Cyber Island and make ICT an important engine of economic growth. Some 600 ICT companies presently operate in Mauritius, in a wide range of activities including software development, call centre operations, business process outsourcing (BPO), IT-enabled services (ITES), web-enabled services, training, hardware assembly and sales, artificial Intelligence (AI), asset management, networking, consultancy, multimedia development, disaster recovery (DR) and other support services. By combining two key subject areas, Computer Science and Systems Engineering <mark>the programme has been designed to meet the requirements of a range of ICT companies by preparing students with knowledge and skills acquired from the combination of both fields of study so that they can build on their technical and critical thinking abilities, within a technology rich environment.</mark> <p></p> Graduates of the programme will be equipped with professional and employable skills and attributes such as: <br> - Multidisciplinary skills; <br> - Business-oriented knowledge and awareness; <br> - Ability to communicate effectively through a range of scenarios to different stakeholders; <br> - <br> - Ability to participate in and manage projects; Easily access professional qualifications suited to the industry needs (CEng, BCS, CCNA, MCSE, RHCE, HCNA etc.)

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Coworking Port-Louis

Located in the very heart of the old Port-Louis our co-working space of 300 square meters is spread over two beautifully preserved colonial houses (dating from the 18th century) connected by a large cobblestone courtyard. A range of centennial trees provide cool natural shade and something beautiful and peaceful to look at while working. You won’t believe you’re downtown Port Louis. <p></p> We rent private offices (ranging from 2 to 6 positions) and single desks in an open space under simple month-to-month contracts. The offices design and decoration is a blend of colonial past and modern style. We offer all the functionality you need to take your business to the next level: Fully equipped conference rooms, chill-out outdoors lunch / meeting tables, fully functional “grandma’s” kitchen and bike-sharing facilities. <p></p> Who is this for?<br> Small Size Teams<br> Your team is made of 2 to 6 people. You’re looking for cool office space in a central location. You want privacy but you don’t mind sharing common office resources like the meeting room, reception, kitchen, courtyard, etc. to keep rental costs low. <p></p>Startups - Freelancers- Digital Nomads<br> <mark>You are a boot-strapped entrepreneur working 24/7 on your project. You’re looking to transition from your home-office to a prestigious office location while surround yourself by like-minded people to keep inspiration high.</mark> <p></p>High quality <br> - You are a creative professional looking to work from an inspiring yet functional location. The historical surroundings and outdoor working spaces will foster your creativity. St Georges is a lively neighbourhood during the day too!

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The Hive Workplace

We believe that creating a community with passionate and purposeful people is the key for true interaction, collaboration and happiness of living. Boldly, we create places that offer people the opportunity to give life to their dreams. <mark>The Hive offers a wealth of advantages for entrepreneurs, startups & freelances, all within a community of over 150 SMEs & individuals!</mark>

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Open University of Mauritius

The programme aims to provide you with a thorough and systematic understanding of the field of Computer Science. The programme is designed to give you experience of core technologies and techniques, while making it possible for you to design and build software programs and systems. <mark>The applied dissertation project will enable you to acquire valuable skills in teamwork, project planning, time management and presentation, applying your learning to design and implementation of your project.</mark> <p></p> The programme consists of a combination of skills that enable our graduates to keep pace with this fast moving subject, and achieve rewarding careers around the world. Graduates mainly go on to work in the ICT industry as software developers, system analysts, software engineers or consultants among others. Academic possibilities include further study towards a Master’s degree programme or MPhil/PhD qualification

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The Edge By Know House

The Edge’s exceptional architecture and creative concept presents flexible floor plates with a wide range of thoughtful and modern amenities intended to delight you and attract new talents. The <mark>lively work place meets every requirement bound to increase staff motivation and productivity by giving you and your employees the opportunity to bring balance to your work, health and social life.</mark> <p></p> The gated office development also includes a large communal landscaped garden, backup generators, 24-hour security and CCTV as well as provides you with optional cleaning services. <p></p> The premises comprise of a generous parking area of 210 parking spaces from which you will automatically be allocated 1 parking space per 100m2 of net workspace bought. You will be able to rent or buy additional parking spaces according to your needs and availability through an automated parking management system.

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Le Wagon Mauritius

Experience our coding bootcamp in Mauritius. Change your life and discover the paradise island of the Indian Ocean! Mauritius is emerging as a competitive business destination, being one of the most developed countries in Africa. On top of traditionally recognized tourism and financial sectors, the tech scene in Mauritius has been booming, driven by public and private initiatives, Mauritius is the Tech Hub of the Indian Ocean! Experience the melting pot of cultures, breathtaking landscapes, dreamy beaches, excellent culinary scene while learning to code with Le Wagon Indian Ocean. <p></p>Learn to code at our Mauritius campus and join a community of tech creators, career changers and entrepreneurs who changed their lives with us. <p></p> Choose the right course in Mauritius to reach your goals, with a format adapted to your availabilities. All our courses can be done on campus or remotely! <p></p> <mark>Web Development courses <br> From the database to the user interface, learn all the skills of a Software Developer and code your own web applications from scratch. <p></p> Data Science courses <br> From Python to advanced Machine Learning models, get all the skills to join a Data Science team. </mark>

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Regus - Medine Mews

Take in breathtaking views of Port Louis from the 5th floor of Medine Mews. Located right in the heart of the Mauritian capital's thriving business district, our well-connected workspace has on-site parking and is just a stone's throw from a bus stop. <p></p> <mark>Be inspired by our community of professionals from all walks of life in an elegant and bright setting.</mark> Network in the shared lounge, grab a bite to eat in the cafés on the ground floor or take a trip to the nearby Jardins de la Compagnie to take your mind off things. <p></p> Join a vibrant coworking community with a dedicated workstation or shared office. <p></p>Characteristics : <br> - Thousands of centers <br> - Book your workstation via our app <br> - Network and collaborate

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University of Technology Mauritius

The School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering (SITE) aims at helping the country create the necessary IT professionals to work in our Cyber Island and the region.The programmes are updated regularly so as to reflect latest technological trends.<p></p> The BSc (Hons) Software Engineering is designed to satisfy the increasing demand for well-trained graduates to work in the export-oriented software development industry. The curriculum provides a balanced and intellectually stimulating programme which combines together state-of-art techniques and emerging trends to produce skilled software engineers. <p></P>The programme introduces students to the necessary foundations in computing and mathematical techniques. Following which, software engineering knowledge and skills are developed with modules focusing on programming, databases, web development, security and systems analysis and design. More specific technical skills and emerging techniques are further introduced with Web Services, Mobile computing, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. <mark>The programme also prepares the students for research, communication and entrepreneurship. Work placement attached with the software development industry is an integral part of this course and allows students to gain practical work experience during between year 2 and year 3 of the programme.</mark>

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Le Workshop

Situated at the heart of the Creative Park of Beau-Plan, Le Workshop is an authentic destination for art & crafts lovers. The place offers regular classes of all kind, creative events for adults & kids and showcase a designer store 100% Made in Mauritius. <p></p> This unique creative space support local artists and art lovers, encouraging interaction and passion sharing between them. It is also a <mark>co-working place where nomad workers can stop by for a day.</mark> <p></p> You will also find rest areas if you are a coffee person, so you can relax and enjoy a good break.

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University of Mauritius

Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies (FoICDT) has been set-up to essentially respond to the significant human resource needs, in terms of quantity and quality, of the country to make Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector the main pillar of the economy. One of the core tasks of the FoICDT is to <mark>provide high quality ICT education and training of international standards so as to increase the global competitiveness of Mauritius. A larger pool of highly qualified IT manpower in different field of specialization will help to promote new national and multinational IT companies in Mauritius.</mark> <p></p> The Faculty is expected to boost up opportunities for collaboration with stakeholders at both national and international levels. Moreover, the Faculty aims to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of the ICT sector in a timely manner. Several areas for research and consultancy have been identified for each department based on current and expected future development. The Faculty is additionally fostering multi-disciplinary and cross-departmental research in a range of IT disciplines. While the activities of the Faculty will adhere to international standards, special attention will be given to problems of national interests.

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Work doesn’t have to be a boring routine you’re locked into. Step up your work game by bringing your business to one of Oficea’s premium coworking spaces in the prestigious setting of Vivéa Business Park, in the heart of Moka Smart City. Whether you are a solopreneur, a freelancer or a start-up, you will experience the convenience and joy of popping in to a place that blends rich history with contemporary architecture anytime you need to get your work done. <p></p> <mark>Our bright, multifunctional spaces feature a variety of modern facilities including lounge settings, traditional desks and standing height tables for you to choose from. Close to all amenities and transport connections, they deliver just the right amount of accessibility and flexibility to give you the freedom to work according to your own rhythms.</mark> Embodying a unique personality and atmosphere, these highly functional and tech-enabled spaces designed for those who cannot afford to rent a traditional office are available at reasonable rates. <p></p> The atmosphere, quality, and vibe of our coworking spaces combine to create the perfect setting for interaction, collaboration and innovation. To deepen the community spirit, we also host occasional special activities like breakfasts and other exciting events.

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Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub

There is no better time than now to be in the FinTech space, particularly as an agile entrepreneur or tech SME. Digital wallets, internet banking, alternative point of sales and mobile financial products all provide life-altering options to a largely unbanked African market. However, because of the very nature of Financial Technology, it can be challenging to get past the red tape after investing the time to innovate, particularly if it involves disrupting historically traditional industries. This is why MAFH exists, if you join the Mauritius Africa FinTech Hub you’ll: <p></p> <br> - Be plugging your business into a network of pan-African, Mauritian governments, corporates, FSPs, investors, FinTech businesses and tech experts. <br> - Get assistance with regulatory sandbox licences as well as business registration. <br> - <mark>Have access to resources and knowledge from other tech businesses that form part of the ecosystem.</mark> <br> - Have the opportunity to get in touch with potential investors and other funding sources. <br> - A number of African FinTech startups have made Mauritius their home, providing a proven template for business that want to enter African markets via Mauritius. <br> - Attend roundtable events with regulatory bodies. <br> - Be supported by the MAFH team’s in-house legal expert, with extensive experience in FinTech regulation. <br> - <mark>Benefit from Mauritian investor agreements in place that can act as buffers for businesses looking to enter new growing African markets.</mark> <br> - Free workshops with regulators, government representatives and other legislative decision-makers. <br> - Be part of innovation labs run by corporates of MAFH itself.

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Comor'Lab is a Coworking space imagined by the Comorian association of information and communication technologies (ACTIC), in order to meet a need for pooling logistical and human resources, with the aim of creating synergy and to help boost the skills of Comorian digital startups and entrepreneurs. This space aims to be a <mark>link for exchanges, sharing and learning oriented towards entrepreneurship and innovation.</mark> Coworking space in Moroni, offers very high speed fiber optic Internet access and electricity, during all hours of service. We are a meeting point for Comorian TECH.

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A support program to move from idea to action - Need to take the first steps of your project? The pre-incubation program is for you! It aims to introduce you to the entrepreneurial spirit and validate your idea in relation to its market. The program is collective. It can be done face-to-face (3 months) or online (6 months). <p></p> A program alternating pedagogy, fieldwork and advice - More than a training, the pre-incubation aims to put you really in the bath, and to take action. You benefit from the expertise of a team of consultants and entrepreneurs who support you in your efforts. <p></p> <mark>The pre-incubation program consists of: <br> - educational content <br> - thematic workshops <br> - concrete goals every week <br> - daily individual support <br> - and discussions with other entrepreneurs like you.</mark> <p></p> Each week, you take a step in the realization of your project: <br> - learn about the entrepreneurial mindset understand your environment study the reliability of your <br> - project understand your target and meet it <br> - prototype your product <br> - position yourself and think about the business model write your business plan <br> - create your company

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University of Comoros

The computer engineering program has a comprehensive analysis and design curriculum that provides an outstanding, cutting-edge education in computer systems with emphasis on hardware and software, The <mark>program incorporates the latest market and technology trends and combines the traditional disciplines of electronics, communications, control and computer programming with newer courses, such as Cyber Security, Nanoscale Circuit Design, Parallel Computers, Image Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Web Search Engines, Wireless Networks, Peer-to-Peer Networks, SoC (System-on-a-Chip), VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and Game Development.</mark> <p></p> Recognizing the need for well-rounded engineers, we also emphasize strong communication and interpersonal skills. Our students develop these skills not only through required courses in the humanities and social sciences but also during team projects in design classes.

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The Hive

One of the biggest challenges faced by start-up companies is finding an affordable office space. Give us a ring and get a quote for our reasonable weekly office rates. We also have co-sharing spaces. We are the perfect hive for your business. <mark>Our co-working space and virtual offices come with full service from our efficient staff to answer your calls as well as assist with any office work.</mark>

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University of Eswatini

The department works tirelessly on improving industrial participation and entrepreneurship. The key scholastic objective is to prepare students for research and being strong economic drivers. <p></p> Through our excellence in teaching, cutting edge research and commitment to community service we seek to become the Department of Choice in Africa. Our main goal right now is to grow into a School – one that will play a pivotal role in the country’s attainment of the 1st World Status in 2022. In a nutshell, GROWTH is our mantra. <mark>Currently, we are working on a number of direct and professional programmes which we hope will attract a lot of technology enthusiasts from all over the continent.</mark> <p></p> To boost our research profile we have formed a research group that will focus on Computational Intelligence and Health Informatics (Computational Intelligence and Health Informatics Research Group). The aims of this group are to mentor our students to become young researchers and to use research to respond to national problems e.g. fighting HIV and TB, and advancing agriculture. As a Department, we are also doing our best to create ICT awareness in the country and to make our voice heard in the country’s ICT discourse.

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GrindNation Lesotho

"The entrepreneurial spirit in Maseru is alive and well. We just need a platform to showcase it" Unlike a traditional office, coworking spaces share an office environment among members who work for a range of different companies, ventures, and projects. <mark>This coworking space offers flexible and accommodating options where members can support each other, collaborate and thrive. We encourage entrepreneurship and the chance to inspire others with your story. We also believe in the importance of offering value, a community, and efficiency.</mark> <p></p> There are various packages GrindNation can offer you, including: <br> - Private offices: starting at M3500 per month <br> -Hot Desks: M1000 per month (Early bird special) <br> -Workshops / Networking Events – contact us <br> -Incubation