North Africa /
Libya / Bani Walid - Universities

Bani Walid University
The Department of Computer Science, since the establishment of the college, aims to consolidate scientific knowledge and practical experiences in the field of computer science, which enables the student to keep abreast of the latest developments in this broad and renewable field, where a large number of career opportunities are available for the graduates of the department. Therefore, the curriculum has been designed in such a way that the Department of Computer Science has great freedom to adapt the curriculum according to the needs of students, business and industry. <p></p> Vision<br> The optimal investment of resources to prepare graduates capable of competing in the labor market in the field of computer science, and to ensure a stimulating academic environment, effective scientific research, and quality community services. <p></p> Message<br> <mark>Preparing qualified students with high skills, sufficient experience and understanding of general preparatory sciences to enroll and enroll in other specialized departments of the college by providing them with the latest knowledge, skills and advanced information.</mark> <p></p> Department goals <br>1. Creating a distinguished academic environment to increase the competitiveness of the students of the department <br>2. Achieving excellence in the faculty team in the department. <br>3. Developing and strengthening the scientific research system in the department. <br>4. Developing postgraduate programs that meet the needs of the labor market in the field of computer science. <br>5. Develop and promote community service programs in the department

Azzaytuna University
In response to the development and successive scientific and technological advances in our contemporary reality and to cover the labor market needs of scientific competencies in disciplines directly related to information technology and communications, the Faculty of Information Technology was established in the academic year by a decision of the Minister of Higher Education (617) for the year 2016 regarding the renaming and creation of new faculties at Al-Zaytoonah University. <p></p> The College of Information Technology includes a group of scientific departments, which are the General Department, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Engineering Technology for Electronics and Computer, the Department of Computer Networks and Communications, and the Department of Software Engineering. The college offers all the distinctive knowledge, experience and skills to create national cadres of high efficiency and international quality, polished academically, scientifically and practically, and capable of building our beloved country and serving the local and regional community. <mark>The college contains a distinguished constellation of academic staff specialized in the field of information technology and skilled in linking modern sciences with practical applications. This constellation dedicates its efforts and endeavors to translate the college's goals, strategies and aspirations into concrete practical steps on the ground that contribute to building a technical generation capable of giving in various state institutions.</mark> <p></p> In conclusion, I am pleased to welcome you to the corridors of the College of Information Technology, and I invite you to learn about the academic disciplines and the scientific opportunities it offers, and I invite you to communicate with us with your opinions and suggestions.