Benghazi University - school image
Benghazi University

The college seeks to contribute to the development and modernization of the educational system through training and preparing national competencies in order to contribute to activating human development plans and the development process in general. Through the provision of “scientific and technical” logistical consultations, as well as the culture of information and the introduction of the mechanization of information technology. <p></p> Objectives <br> <mark>The College of Information Technology aims to prepare and graduate specialists in various branches of computing and pure and applied information technology in line with the requirements of scientific progress and the needs of society for the faculties necessary to serve economic, scientific and social development and satisfy students’ aspirations and aspirations. </mark> <p></p> To achieve this, the college works on: <br> - Preparing integrated, purposeful study programs to ensure obtaining the academic degrees awarded by the college. <br> - Conducting scientific research and studies in various fields, consolidating scientific links and exchanging experiences with other scientific bodies inside and outside Libya. <br> - Providing facilities and means that would create an appropriate atmosphere for creative work by faculty members and students.

Libyan International Medical University - school image
Libyan International Medical University

The department of software engineering aims to meet the growing need for professionals working in software development, with special attention to large and critical systems. <p></p> This department aims to develop the practical and analytical skills required by students to develop powerful and effective software manufacturing systems in the medical, industrial, service and business management applications. <p></p> Students (both individually and collectively) will gain timely experience and the ability to deal effectively with programming methods and tools. <p></p> Vision <br> To be a leader in delivering an edge cutting education, research, and educational products in the field of software engineering at the local and regional levels. <p></p> Mission <br>Graduate students with ample knowledge and skills required to produce and deliver high-quality software systems. <p></p> Department Objectives <mark> <br> - Equip graduates with sufficient knowledge and skills to become qualified software engineers.</mark> <br> - Establish productive partnerships with the local community to continually improve the perception of locally produced software. <br> - Make a sizable contribution to the research effort in the field of software engineering.

Mediterranean International University - school image
Mediterranean International University

The Department of Software Engineering is one of the main departments in the College of Computer Science and Information Technology. The student is awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering after successfully completing 135 credit hours, according to the requirements of the scientific department, with an average of no less than 2 points out of a total of 4 points, and in a period of eight semesters. The student may graduate in a period of no less than 7 regular semesters or 6 regular semesters and two summer semesters, provided that the number of semesters does not exceed 10 semesters in the software engineering major. <p></p> The vision of the software engineering department:<br> The Department of Software Engineering seeks to be distinguished in the field of software engineering and its application in education, scientific research, knowledge and in societal sectors to keep pace with local and global competition and effectively meet market needs. <p></p> the message:<br> <mark>Providing advanced applied academic programs supported by modern technology means in the field of software engineering to acquire the skill of understanding, analysis, innovation and application, preparing applied programs for modern software engineering and ways to develop and operate them using advanced methods and entering the competitive market locally, regionally and globally, to contribute to raising the efficiency of educational and research institutions and solving problems in technical ways And the optimal employment of technology through the educational and practical environment to serve the local and international community.</mark>

Open University of Benghazi - school image
Open University of Benghazi

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree in Information Technology provides students with an applied approach that focuses on supporting end users in a variety of workplace settings by utilizing a range of computing technologies. <mark>The degree program gives students the tools to support computing infrastructures and the needs of individuals and organizations, write programs necessary to help them render their tasks more efficiently on their desktop or mobile devices, utilize databases and write the web-based interfaces to pull the data, and code and deploy applications across the cloud.</mark> <p></p> Students may declare one of the optional concentrations listed below within the Information Technology major, or select the major without a concentration.

African National University - school image
African National University

Information technology in our contemporary world has changed the lifestyle on this planet remarkably, and whoever owns the information has the elements of power and control factors in a competitive world based on information in all matters. Human beings have become virtual digital beings. This is the burden that the College of Information Technology bears on its shoulders, as the accelerating digital scientific and technical progress leaves no room for lazy or slow, otherwise it is out of time. <p></p> At the College of Information Technology, we are keen to offer a targeted and competitive academic program that obtains local, regional and international accreditation. We also work on refining the skills of students before graduation through targeted academic courses and companies in the public and private sectors through field training. <p></p> And we, in the College of Information Technology, are able to elevate the college to be a leader locally, regionally and globally through academic programs and specialists in the field and by providing the appropriate academic environment. <p></p> Vision:<br> Excellence in qualifying specialized cadres and providing distinguished scientific advice in the fields of information technology. <p></p> the message: Providing the appropriate academic environment for the production, teaching and application of knowledge to serve the community. <p></p> Objectives :<br> <mark><br> - Qualifying scientific competencies in the field of information technology to meet the needs of society. <br> - Providing technical advice to state institutions and civil society. <br> - Establishing partnerships with corresponding educational institutions locally and globally in the field of information technology and engineering our educational and training programs. <br> - Holding conferences, seminars, workshops and courses in the fields of information technology to keep pace with development</mark>