West Africa /
Guinea Bissau / Bissau

IDEA App - Guinea Bissau
IDEA App is a series of online incubation and mentoring programs created to make sure that thousands of early-stage entrepreneurs build their capacity and create viable enterprises in their regions, especially youth and women. <mark>IDEA App supports entrepreneurs from Guinea Bissau to turn this around by creating innovative solutions that can boost, protect or scale the most relevant value chains in the country while generating new decent job opportunities. </mark> <p></p> How does the model work? <br> - UNIDO set three IDEA Centers as implementation partners and undergo a “Training of Trainers” program to build their entrepreneurship program management and incubation capacity. The training consisted of 6 sessions covering topics from creating a mentors network to mastering the IDEA App platform to facilitating best practices. <br> - Bridge for Billions co-manages the entrepreneurship program with the three IDEA Centers in Guinea Bissau: Agência Nacional do Empreendedorismo Juvenil (ANEJ), Innovalab and Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) <br> - All program partners select altogether 60 entrepreneurs from Guinea Bissau and over 80 local and international mentors to participate in the IDEA App program. All of them are trained and onboarded during Kickoff Day. <br> - <mark>As part of the program, all founders access structured guidance in 8 business tools, constant support from the incubation management team, personalized weekly mentorship, and a global community of founders, workshops, and sectorial resources. Internet and tablets are provided to the IDEA Centers by UNIDO to ensure all participants have the necessary tools to undergo the training.</mark> <br> - Agência Nacional do Empreendedorismo Juvenil (ANEJ), Innovalab and Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) provide local support and knowledge to the founders, additional in-person workshops and resources, and physical space for founders to work from. <br> - Entrepreneurs work in teams to develop their businesses while working weekly with volunteer mentors through the IDEA App platform. The five best and most impactful projects will receive up to €5,000 in funding.

InnovaLab (a social entreprise) founded by young Bissau-Guinean engineers, financiers, and managers and is the pioneer innovation accelerator in Guinea-Bissau. Innovalab fosters entrepreneurial ecosystem development and creates social impact by supporting venture creation and entrepreneurship in the following sectors: education, agriculture, healthcare and infrastructure. <p></p> <mark>Through in person and online (web and radio) mentoring activities, as well as OpenLabs, Forums, TechCamps, Hackathon and Bootcamps, we inspire and empower Guinea-Bissau entrepreneurs to solve their immediate socio-economic challenges by leveraging and providing access to technology, resources and stakeholder networks. Our objective is to achieve sustainable development in Africa, starting in Guinea Bissau, by fostering innovation among the youth. </mark><p></p> Our mission is to spur innovation, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities across Africa. <p></p> OUR FOCUS<br> We fuel economic development by playing a major role in Guinea-Bissau's innovation ecosystem: a network of established public- and private-sector organizations, all working together to spur innovation, develop new technologies, and expand job opportunities.

Jean Piaget University
The curricular structure of the 1st cycle of studies in Informatics Engineering has a flexible design, combining mobility and employability. The graduate acquires a solid basic training, being able to choose to enter the labor market or to continue studies at the level of the 2nd cycle of studies. <p></p> The degree, in the model of three years and 180 credits, is structured on a solid and structuring basis in Computer Engineering Sciences and related and complementary areas, <mark>preparing students for the current challenges of the job market, with skills to work from the from design to maintenance of IT systems and technological projects.</mark> <p></p> The curricular plan, as a result of the option of including UC of a more applied nature, favors an applied Computer Engineering profile, so that future graduates acquire multidisciplinary and teamwork skills, always bearing in mind the social, economic and legal implications. resulting from the use of computer science and technologies.

Universidade Lusófona da Guiné
The essential objective of this study cycle is to train graduates capable of assuming prominent positions in computer engineering projects or development and consultancy teams in the area of information systems, assuming relevant roles in the generation of innovation and wealth through their training and attitude. In this sense, <mark>students obtain the appropriate skills to design, implement and maintain computer systems, programming applications and systems, designing computing and communications architectures, managing information and knowledge systems, as well as understanding and solving problems. </mark> <p></p> Reasons to attend: <br> - Access a professional status with high market potential, through a recognized profile with strong technological and human skills, ensuring a high degree of employability and the possibility of continuing 2nd cycle studies with excellent prospects for success. <br> - Enjoy excellent teaching based on a quality teaching staff, integrating specialists and PhDs with high pedagogical potential and proven activity in research. <br> <mark>- Have access to various internships and business training throughout the course, within the scope of the different partnerships developed by DEISI, enhancing employability as well as a high level of qualification before completion of the course.</mark> <br> - Being able to carry out the Final Course Work inserted in innovative projects, due to the fact that a majority of its teaching staff is associated with ECATI Research Centers or DEISI's partner companies. <br> - Take advantage of the PLAY Business Incubation Center, which guarantees support for the ideas of the most enterprising young students, boosting their transformation into successful companies. <br> - Course recognized by the Order of Technical Engineers.