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Tanzania AI Lab & Community

Tanzania AI Lab & Community aspires to empower anyone in Tanzania to access the potential of AI for the growth of themselves and the nation. We exist to bring together and connect those passionate in AI and social impact to work together in facing the challenges around us. <p></p> Our Mission <br> <mark>To build a strong AI community and ecosystem in Tanzania through knowledge, resources and experience sharing to address local challenges.</mark> <p></p> Our Vision <br> Become Africa’s leading AI learning lab and incubator to provide homegrown solutions to our challenges and contribute to the global advancement of AI.

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Buni Hub

Buni Hub is an innovation space in Dar es Salaam - Tanzania, the space accommodates preliminary stage startup companies. With a well established community of 400+ registered members annually, Buni Hub offers practical hands-on support programs to its registered members.<p></p> <mark>The programs include: <br>1. Buni Internship Program <br>2. Buni Mentoring Program <br>3. Buni Community Outreach Program <br>4. Buni Divaz (Ladies Community) </mark><p></p>The hub is also home to a mini fabrication lab for small scale production of electronic softwares and hardwares. The fabrication lab hosts a 'makers community' made up of in-house and registered tech enthusiasts.

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Impact Hub Dar es Salaam

Impact Hub Dar es salaam is focused on changing the narrative in innovation. Rapid growth of innovators necessitates instant action to build a support system for their business stability and growth. This not only champions economic growth but it also forges a sense of collaboration amongst innovators as they solve the community’s most pressing challenges whilst turning them to entrepreneurial opportunities. <p></p> The space provides a co-working environment for innovative businesses. We believe this is a kick off stage to building a community of changemakers who can collaborate in different projects to enhance sustainable development. <p></p> Our space includes a multipurpose 119M square area for meetings, training sessions and independent working spots, a dancing room of 116M square for dance classes and rehearsals, and a 76M Square fully equipped music studio. <p></p> Our space is uniquely designed to form a community of entrepreneurs for positive impact through their business. Become a member today and contribute in achieving SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic Growth). <p></p> <mark>Impact Hub Dar es Salaam has been a catalyst for entrepreneurial and impactful action for 2+ years. We are part of the Impact Hub global network – one of the biggest of its kind in the world – made up of 24,250 people driving change, 100+ communities in 60+ countries across 5 continents.</mark>

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We are focused at the core of facilitating an inclusive economy in Africa, where every business, entrepreneurs and African youths are fully engaged, having the right tool, resources and mindset to contribute towards transforming Africa. <p></p> Ennovate Hub runs <mark>incubation programs that provide a startup pipeline for our venture fund. Through top level incubation programs, we enable idea-stage startups to go through intensive ideation and validation activities, to prove business concepts and gain tangible market traction. </mark> <p></p> Startups from the incubation program are well supported to build market-informed and data-centric startups that are fluid enough to scale and clearly create a unique value proposition for their intended market. Promising startups from the incubation program are selected to join our venture fund.

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Dar Teknohama Business Incubator

DTBi is a Tech Incubator in the country that promotes the growth of ICT technology-based emerging companies, Start-ups and those with innovative ideas contributing to job creation (including youth and women) and enhanced economic health of the nation. <p></p> The Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi) is a Not-For-Profit Company run as a business registered in Tanzania. It has its own Board made up of members from Private Sector, Public Sector, NGOs & CSO. COSTECH is a shareholder and is part of the founding members, which includes infoDev of the World Bank. DTBi is a Tech Incubator in the country that <mark>promotes the growth of ICT technology-based emerging companies, Start-ups and those with innovative ideas contributing to job creation (including youth and women) and enhanced economic health of the nation.</mark> <p></p> Furthermore the incubator’s aim is to serve as a hub for technology start-ups and actively identifies and provides for the value-added services required to support incubator clients success. Turning an idea into a profitable business requires passion and dedication which, the staff of DTBi does provide, including the valuable support entrepreneurs need. DTBi provides business development services and assists early stage ICT companies by lowering the cost of business and increasing the chances of business survival by providing access to shared resources, facilitating access to finance and markets through credible support, guidance and business management, and networking for technical trends and opportunities to access markets.

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Tanzania Data Lab

Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) is a world class data and innovation lab that harnesses the potential of the data revolution and the fourth industrial revolution in solving local, regional, and global sustainable development challenges through data and innovation. <p></p> <mark>dLab embraces a systems approach in suffusing data driven decision making and policy making by strengthening data policies, practice and use, and leverage data driven innovation and data partnerships to improve the lives of people.</mark> <p></p> dLab envisions Africa where data is frequently and consistently used to inform policy and decision making at all levels.

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Ndoto Hub

Ndoto Hub is a marketplace of business ideas and opportunities to socially and economically empower young women, bringing them together to access workspace, information, knowledge, markets and networks curated for their business and personal growth.<p></p> The hub is supported with a digital learning platform and member led community groups. <mark>Ndoto Hub not only provides access to a workspace, business development and compliance information and services but also incorporates information and mentorship support for young women’s personal growth, which is pertinent to their professional growth.</mark> Empowering a woman requires a holistic approach that cannot separate the different dynamics that women face throughout the day to enable them to thrive as family members, mothers and business people. <p></p>To achieve this, it is important to leverage existing research and involve the target users and beneficiaries to create both the physical hub and a digital community that together, form the Ndoto Hub.