Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane - school image
Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane

The Bachelor of Science in Cloud and Mobile Software Design and Development (BSCMS2D) program will help students design and develop enterprise-grade mobile and cloud applications using software engineering principles, modern design patterns, new paradigms of cloud computing, and web services. Students will learn how to build adaptable and scalable software solutions. They will also learn about modern development frameworks and middleware issues in the context of cloud computing. <p></p> Approach <br> <mark>Emphasizes learning by doing through course projects and use of state-of-the-art open-source and proprietary full-stack software tools and development platforms for practical learning and final projects.</mark> <p></p> Motivation <br> Cloud is the foundation for the new agile business world. Together with mobile apps, they are the platforms for enabling agile application development necessary for the digital transformation of enterprises. The markets for mobile and cloud application developments have been increasing steadily over the past ten years. “Mobile App Developer is the Fastest Growing Jobs.” (CNN Money, Jan 5, 2017) <p></p> Acquired Skills <br> Graduates of the BSCMS2D will be able to: <br> 1. Design and develop mobile and cloud application architectures to harness the power and flexibility of cloud-based web services. <br> 2. Use the latest enterprise and cloud application development frameworks to build scalable software. <br> 5. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions. <br> 4. Design, implement and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline. <br> 6. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts. <br> 7. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. <br> 8. Analyze, design, develop, deploy and maintain mobile application architectures to harness the power and flexibility of cloud-based web services and build scalable software. <p></p>Career Opportunities <br> Graduates of the BSCMS2D program will be able to work as: <br> - Mobile Software Engineer <br> - Cloud Software Engineer <br> - Software Engineer <br> - Software Integration Engineer <br> - Information Systems Manager <p></p>Key Courses <br> In addition to Core Computer Science Courses, the program consists of specialization courses including the capstone project: <br> - Enterprise Application Architecture, Design, and Development <br> - Mobile and Cloud Application Architecture, Design and Development <br> - Agile Software Engineering and DevOps <br> - Blockchain Business Application <br> - Software Project Management