Ihifix Digital Academy - school image
Ihifix Digital Academy

Ihifix Digital Academy is a pioneer in digital skills training and business transformation, specializing in today’s most in-demand skills. We enable a flourishing community of professionals pursuing careers they love. <p></p> We enable a flourishing community of professionals pursuing careers they love. Get ahead with expert-led training in coding, data, design, digital marketing, and more. <p></p> Our Most Popular Courses<br> <mark>Web Design <br> Build rich, interactive, full-stack apps with key programming languages and dive into design patterns, APIs, and more. <p></p> Software Engineering <br> Develop interactive, responsive websites to impress new clients and employers with your coding skills and get ahead on the job. </mark> <p></p> Digital Marketing <br> Gain competitive digital marketing skills, personalized career coaching, and access to resources and digital marketing tools.

KAD ICT Hub - school image

A world class ICT Hub with capacity to train over 10,000 youths annually in web development, mobile app development, hardware assembly, call centre handling, entrepreneurship, and related fields. Some of the youth will then be transitioned into a high tech labour force that will work with the Kaduna state government and the Kaduna ICT Hub. <p></p> This becomes an outsourcing powerhouse through which local companies and multinationals will outsource/execute their tech needs, while other youth will be empowered to kick-start their tech start-ups under this umbrella. <p></p> Our Vision & Mission <br><mark>To serve as a hub for entrepreneurs, computer engineering, software development, software testing and IT training.</mark> <br>To bring together world-class technologies and innovations.