North Africa /
Libya / Misrata

Misurata University
The Department of Software Engineering is one of the important and complementary departments in the Faculty of Information Technology. It was established to achieve the educational and professional policies of the Faculty. The department seeks to develop high-quality software solutions in various information fields. <p></p> In this department, students learn about several information fields and learn to apply these skills, techniques, and modern software engineering tools until they are able to make decisions in various projects. <p></p> Mission<br> The Department of Software Engineering is committed to graduating highly qualified students in order to serve the needs of the labor market and contribute to the transition of society into an intellectual community. <p></p> Goals<br> <mark><br>- Promoting the possession of professional skills in software engineering that make students confident in developing high-quality software solutions in various fields of practice in light of several realistic limitations. <br>- Participation and success in professional life through teamwork and effective communication. <br>- Gradually occupying influential jobs and roles in organizations and local communities. <br>- Continuing graduate studies and success in the academic and research career. </mark> <p></p> Vision<br>The Department of Software Engineering is looking for leadership and becoming one of the best programs in software engineering locally and internationally.

The co-working space provides you with all the innovative means that mature with creativity and bright colors, so that your work becomes enjoyable thanks to the comfortable sitting and calm atmosphere and the café that offers a wide range of services, in addition to high-speed Internet. <p></p> Advantages Of Using Space <mark><br> - Establishing Events <br> - Design <br> - Social Media <br> - Speed Internet <br> - Cafe <br> - Private Offices </mark>