North Africa /
Libya / Sabha

Sebha University
The department seeks to prepare strong and distinguished scientific and technical cadres with high qualifications that keep pace with the development of technology and the increase in the volume of software that requires the completion of large software projects and large work teams working to accomplish a specific software project where teamwork in the field of software requires special engineering capabilities specialized in software development <p></p> Vision:<br> Achieving global leadership and excellence in education and scientific research in the fields of computing and information technology. <p></p> Mission:<br> <mark>Preparing distinguished scientific-technical cadres with high qualifications qualified to work and compete in various fields of computing and information technology, and qualified to continue the college’s pursuit of leadership in conducting scientific research and studies, transferring knowledge and localizing technology, using the latest administrative, technical and informational methods.</mark> Objectives: <br> 1. To provide the student with the basics of knowledge in the fields of computing and information technology, which qualifies him to enter the professional field and to be able to compete in the labor market. <br> 2. To develop the student's abilities and skills in analytical and creative thinking in the field of computing and information technology. <br> 3. Preparing the student in preparation to continue scientific research in the field of computing and information technology. <br> 4. Providing a suitable environment for students to enable them to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in identifying the needs and problems of society related to computing and information technology. <br> 5. Encouraging faculty members and students to actively contribute to community service and solving its problems. <br> 6. Permanent and renewable development of the study plan to ensure keeping pace with rapid and successive changes in all fields <br>7. Developing and achieving ways to ensure the quality of performance and outputs