North Africa /
Tunisia / Tunis - Universities

International University of Tunis
The engineering degree in software engineering prepares you as an engineer to work and innovate in software computing across all industries. After a theoretical and practical training on some basic and advanced languages, you are able to develop on any tool or language. Practical or functional training allows you to acquire analytical reflexes in software architecture, thanks to tools and platforms available at ITU such as SAP Cloud Platform, Microsoft and other software from partner companies where the student will be able to perform his end-of-studies internship with a report and dissertation. <p></p> The interdisciplinary training allows you, beyond the mastery of the tools and languages of computer development and to analyze the processes and management of projects. <mark>With this degree, you learn to work in a group and lead a development team to design, develop and implement software based on a predefined need.</mark> <p></p> This national engineering degree opens up broad professional prospects thanks to a network of German and international companies, but also through partner universities which allow you to continue in research; patents and publications.

University Montplaisir
The goal of the program is to train engineers on an international scale capable of designing, producing and implementing all computer applications (information system, development, computer security, etc.) <p></p> The graduates of the University Montplaisir Tunis are distinguished from other graduates by the particular attention given to Business intelligence and Data mining and especially to the practical aspect and certifications. <p></p> <mark>Program content:<br> The courses are essentially based around: databases, Java development, information systems, Business intelligence and the dynamic web. <p></p> Required Skills:<br> Perfect mastery of databases, dynamic web, Java language and especially Business intelligence. </mark> <p></p> Professional career:<br> 100% of our Computer Engineering graduates are recruited right after graduating. They occupy positions of responsibility in various sectors of activity (Banks, development companies, etc.) thanks to the content of our programs, the practical work facilitated by the existence of the latest generation laboratories, end-of-year projects. studies carried out alternately with companies, certifications and especially thanks to the teaching staff of the University Montplaisir Tunis. <br> - Project Manager <br> - Developer <br> - Director of IT Resources

Free University of Tunis
This training is based on high-level scientific teaching in computer science, technical teaching in the form of projects, internships, practical work in line with the latest developments in the field, an opening to the economic world in the form of teaching, conferences, internships in companies and laboratories. <p></p> <mark>It aims to train versatile engineers who are designers, developers and integrators of systems and applications related to new information and communication technologies.</mark> <p></p> The possibilities of professional integration are very wide, they concern all structures (companies, associations, administrations, etc.) wishing to develop their commercial activity using the digital dimension. <p></p> The jobs that follow after obtaining the engineering degree in Computer Engineering are: <br> - Implementation project manager <br> - Design project manager <br> - Systems Administrator <br> - Technical director <br> - Technical Architect

South Mediterranean University
MedTech’s Software Engineering (SWE) program provides a combination of advanced technical and theoretical knowledge, best engineering practices, and emerging technologies to develop software that meet high quality standards. <p></p> <mark>The SE program is based on real-world learning experiences through team-centered, and hands-on projects to prepare students to become software architects and development team leaders. Moreover, the program helps students to acquire an entrepreneurial mindset by providing them with the required theoretical and practical knowledge of the entrepreneurial process and the practical steps to identify opportunities.</mark> <p></p> After the completion of the program with 210 credits of which 114 credits are in the main field of study, an engineering degree certificate is issued with a major in Software. <p></p> Educational Objectives <p></p> Graduates from the SWE program are expected to attain or achieve the following Program Educational Objectives within a few years of their graduation: <br> PEO1: Achieving successful careers in Software Engineering or related professional fields as engineers, consultants, and entrepreneurs as well as continuing advanced studies as researchers, experts, and educators. <br> PEO2: Being an effective member in a development team and involved in the whole life cycle of computer software. <br> PEO3: Demonstrating an ability to adopt advanced engineering methods with their lifelong learning skills and remain current in the dynamic field of software engineering. <br> PEO4: Participating actively to the professional/community development activities, and contributing to the advancement of society by having leadership roles, mentoring/ outreach activities as well as public and volunteer services. <p></p> ABET Student Outcomes <p></p> The program must have documented SOs that support the PEOs. Attainment of these outcomes prepares graduates to enter the professional practice of engineering. <br> ASO1: Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics. <br> ASO2: Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors. <br> ASO3: Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. <br> ASO4: Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts <br> ASO5: Ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives. <br> ASO6: Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. <br> ASO7: Ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Central University
This license aims to train skills capable of: Design and develop computer applications. Manage IT projects. Assess and maintain computer systems. Manage and Analyze data <p></p> <mark>The knowledge acquired in computer science allows graduates of the license in Software Engineering and Information Systems to occupy technical positions in companies, computer service companies and administrations: Studies and development of computer software - Production and operation of computer systems. information - Administration of information systems - Computer and office automation maintenance</mark> <p></p> The holder of the degree in Software Engineering and Information Systems has the possibility of continuing his higher education within the framework of: <br> - From a computer engineering cycle <br> - From a cycle of Telecommunications Engineer <br> - From a professional master's degree in "Big Data" <br> - A professional master's degree "Engineering in Artificial Intelligence" <br> - A professional master's degree in "Cyber Security" <br> - A professional master's degree in "Cloud Computing and Virtualization" <br> - A professional master's degree "Security of Computer Systems and Networks" <br> - A research master's and doctoral degree in computer science

University of Tunis
Main aim of the Computer Engineering is to prepare graduates with a strong background in Programming, Information Management, Software design, Web and Mobile Technologies, systems and architectures, Artificial intelligence, Networking and Security. <p></p>In order to enable graduates to achieve this aim, students should develop and obtain a set of competences – intended as the capacity to use knowledge and professional and soft skills in work situations – that have been identified in agreement with the identified educational needs of the labour market of reference and the resources available to the awarding institution as follows: <mark><br> - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding of engineering disciplines underlying Computer Engineering subject area with specific reference to the following disciplines: Programming, databases, software engineering, Web Technologies, systems and Networking to develop computer solutions. <br> - Ability to analyse and solve complex problems to design complex and smart products and systems to investigate complex issues in the computer engineering area with reference to the following topics: Advanced databases and software design, Mobile technologies, advanced Architectures, Security, Artificial Intelligence and data Analytics <br> - Ability to implement and conduct complex computer development projects using and applying practical knowledge, by identifying financial and managerial implications, taking appropriate decisions, and to meet deliverable, schedule and budget requirements. </mark>

University of Carthage
Computer engineering training allows you to acquire the skills necessary for the profession: <p></p> <br> - Master the methods and techniques of software development, <br> - Design the architecture of the systems to be implemented, <br> - Master the approaches and tools for building, evaluating and maintaining robust and scalable systems, <br> - Understand the characteristics of hardware and software components, <br> - Designing solutions taking into account specific qualitative requirements such as Security, Dependability, Quality of service, etc. <p></p> The computer engineer trained at ENICarthage has good technological and scientific knowledge, and has an approach focused on problem solving and profitability. It is also aware of the social, economic and ecological implications of its projects. <p></p> ENICarthage's computer engineering training offers the possibility of choosing, in the final class, one of three courses respectively providing professional skills specific to the profession of future engineer in order to promote their professional integration. <br> - Information system <br> | Information Systems Engineering <br> | Web development and SOA <br> | Information Systems Security <br> | Cloud and Grid Computing <br> | Software quality and validation <br> - Embedded systems <br> | Embedded Linux <br> | Security of embedded and mobile systems <br> | Validation and testing of embedded systems <br> | Systems co-design <br> | Mobile Programming <br> - Networks <br> | Mobile network engineering <br> | Network security <br> | Network switching and WAN access <br> | New generation networks <br> | Network administration

Tunis El Manar University
The IDL Department trains engineers and students with a general and multi-professional SIL license. We follow technological developments that are so frequent in IT, serving the future of our young graduates as well as possible. <p></p> Thanks to a teaching team made up of motivated teacher-researchers, <mark>everything is done to ensure that students can be effectively supported in each of the master's, engineer and license cycles. Our pedagogy is designed to allow the acquisition of theoretical and technical skills as well as engineering, design and project management.</mark> Our graduates are operational and equipped to steer their trajectory each according to their own motivation. <p></p> The IDL Department is resolutely turned towards the business world in a win-win relationship. The links with the company have materialized through strong sponsorship relationships.