North Africa /
Tunisia / Zarzouna

Coworking Business Center
Synergy Room, an interesting alternative to the loneliness and isolation provided by the development of an activity at home or to the takeover of classic premises which requires a larger budget. <p></p> Opting for Synergy Room also makes it possible to work away from home while not having to bear the cost of a traditional office rental. <p></p> Our Synergy Room is very flexible: it is possible to reserve a space for a day or for a year. Our coworking space is well equipped with furniture and equipment, it has good internet connections. A common place of conviviality allows you to rest or recharge your batteries <p></p> <mark>Why synergy room <br> - No initial investment, reduced costs <br> - Soft and flexible contract, without commitments <br> - Create contacts, develop a network, promote business and opportunities, <br> - Benefit from the richness and experience of each other, <br> - Free your mind, break the loneliness of the creator, get out of your home <br> - Define a boundary between professional and personal life, <br> - Take advantage of essential services (internet, meeting room) <br> - Work in a pleasant and business-friendly place*</mark>