Algiers STEM Center
Providing engaging educational activities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Art (STEAM). Reaching students and teachers, and making learning fun! <p></p> The Algiers STEM Center is an industry-led initiative to strengthen the innovation, critical thinking and communication skills of the Algerian workforce via direct training of youth, targeted training of teachers and community education forums and events. <p></p> <mark>The Boeing Company, Dow Chemical, Occidental Petroleum and the U.S. Embassy in Algiers support World Learning’s STEM initiatives in Algeria.</mark>

We empower people by upskilling and reskilling them on digital skills through instructor-assisted, affordable and quality trainings. We provide trainings for the future of work on a wide selection of digital skills. <p></P> Our available programs <BR> - Digital Marketing <mark> <BR> - Full-Stack Development <BR> - Intro. To Web Development</mark> <BR> - Artificial Intelligence <BR> - Data science <BR> - Deep Learning <BR> - Intro. to Game Development <BR> - Kids track <BR> - DevOps <BR> - UX/UI Design