Comor'Lab is a Coworking space imagined by the Comorian association of information and communication technologies (ACTIC), in order to meet a need for pooling logistical and human resources, with the aim of creating synergy and to help boost the skills of Comorian digital startups and entrepreneurs. This space aims to be a <mark>link for exchanges, sharing and learning oriented towards entrepreneurship and innovation.</mark> Coworking space in Moroni, offers very high speed fiber optic Internet access and electricity, during all hours of service. We are a meeting point for Comorian TECH.

A support program to move from idea to action - Need to take the first steps of your project? The pre-incubation program is for you! It aims to introduce you to the entrepreneurial spirit and validate your idea in relation to its market. The program is collective. It can be done face-to-face (3 months) or online (6 months). <p></p> A program alternating pedagogy, fieldwork and advice - More than a training, the pre-incubation aims to put you really in the bath, and to take action. You benefit from the expertise of a team of consultants and entrepreneurs who support you in your efforts. <p></p> <mark>The pre-incubation program consists of: <br> - educational content <br> - thematic workshops <br> - concrete goals every week <br> - daily individual support <br> - and discussions with other entrepreneurs like you.</mark> <p></p> Each week, you take a step in the realization of your project: <br> - learn about the entrepreneurial mindset understand your environment study the reliability of your <br> - project understand your target and meet it <br> - prototype your product <br> - position yourself and think about the business model write your business plan <br> - create your company

University of Comoros
The computer engineering program has a comprehensive analysis and design curriculum that provides an outstanding, cutting-edge education in computer systems with emphasis on hardware and software, The <mark>program incorporates the latest market and technology trends and combines the traditional disciplines of electronics, communications, control and computer programming with newer courses, such as Cyber Security, Nanoscale Circuit Design, Parallel Computers, Image Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Web Search Engines, Wireless Networks, Peer-to-Peer Networks, SoC (System-on-a-Chip), VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and Game Development.</mark> <p></p> Recognizing the need for well-rounded engineers, we also emphasize strong communication and interpersonal skills. Our students develop these skills not only through required courses in the humanities and social sciences but also during team projects in design classes.