Bel Campus Technological University - school image
Bel Campus Technological University

The goal of the computer science department at UTBC is to educate undergraduate and graduate students with a firm foundation in computer science fundamentals and skills, and prepare them for successful careers. <mark>Advance computer science and related technical fields through transformative research</mark>. Promote the application of computer science and technology to the broader society.

Ruwenzori Official University - school image
Ruwenzori Official University

The field of computer engineering interests you, it is not surprising, computers are ubiquitous today. Think of mobile applications (Apps), websites, intelligent systems, video game consoles, cell phones, GPS navigation assistants, etc. All of these devices require sophisticated hardware and software, specialized for each of these applications. The computerization of design and manufacturing companies and processes is a huge, long-term project. <mark>Computer engineers must understand the constraints and needs of their customers and thus design, produce and deploy effective and efficient solutions. It is therefore not surprising that the demand for computer engineers is enormous.</mark> <p></p> Computer engineering training at the UOR aims to equip students with the knowledge and know-how necessary to meet daily needs in the orientations below: <br> - Mobile/Web/Desktop Apps <br> - Management Computing and Databases <br> - Software engineering <br> - Telecoms and networks <br> - Embedded systems and microcontrollers <br> - Information and communication technologies <br> - Perception for intelligent systems

Protestant University of Congo - school image
Protestant University of Congo

The Faculty of Computer Science (FASI), last born, it was opened in 2017. It is divided into three departments: the Department of Computer Engineering, the Department of Computer Systems and the Department of Artificial Intelligence. Technology is everywhere, and computer science graduates are needed in every industry. <mark>Our goal is to equip you with the technical, problem-solving and leadership skills needed to create new computing technologies and to use software to empower people, organizations and society. Regardless of your background knowledge with coding or technology</mark>

Bilingual Christian University of Congo - school image
Bilingual Christian University of Congo

Computer Engineering is a discipline that deals with the design, development, and manufacturing of computer systems, both hardware and software. The term Computer Engineering is sometimes used in a narrower sense, considering Computer Engineering as a discipline related to Electrical Engineering, and then refers to the design, development and manufacture of hardware only. The concept Software Engineering highlights the software aspects. A computer engineer, in addition to mastering as the computer scientist, applies methods of design and development of computer systems (hardware and software), has a basic training in technology and in-depth knowledge of the structure of computers, their interfaces and networking. Areas of specialization in computer engineering include: Computer Architecture and Semiconductors, Industrial Computing and Digital Control, Networking and Telematics, <mark>Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence</mark>.

University of Kalemie - school image
University of Kalemie

The Faculty of Science was established in 2003 and started functioning together with the Department of Computer Science. <MARK>It was created to satisfy the need to produce highly qualified graduates in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Tanganyika.</MARK> <P></P> Since then, the Faculty has managed to diversify its educational offerings by creating other departments and faculties such as: <BR> - The Faculty of Networks and Telecommunications. <BR> - The Faculty of Computer Science Management <P></P> In order to expand its teaching offer, the strategic managers of the University of Kalemie are already studying the feasibility of an Applied Mathematics department with a technical diploma in Statics and a license in Modeling. <P></P> Currently, the Faculty of Sciences is made up of the Computer Science Department which trains computer engineers. <P></P> By joining the Faculty of Sciences, we guarantee you good material and practical learning conditions, rich documentation and a fruitful career at the end of your studies. With us, the regions of Tanganyika will no longer be condemned to difficulty in their multiple needs for scientific expertise. Our certificates (diplomas) will open the doors to excellence in the profession because the future belongs to New Information and Communication Technologies and the happiness of posterity lies in the preservation of the environment. We are waiting for you.

Catholic University of Bukavu - school image
Catholic University of Bukavu

The Faculty of sciences was created in 2003 and started operating with the department of Computer Science. It was created to satisfy the need of producing highly <mark>qualified graduates in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Kivu.</mark> <p></p>After graduating from the School of Sciences, the graduate is empowered with the knowledge and skills to pursue the following opportunities in the institution of his choice: <mark>Programmer Analyst</mark>, Expert in Networks and Telecommunication, Expert in Environmental Sciences (study of environmental impacts, design of environmental projects in general).

University of Lubumbashi - school image
University of Lubumbashi

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) offers students outstanding undergraduate and graduate academic programs. The MCS faculty teach a wide array of foundational and specialized undergraduate, masters, and doctoral courses in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and cybersecurity which <mark>allow students to meet various degree requirements and be marketable in today’s digital world. </mark>

University of Kinshasa - school image
University of Kinshasa

The teaching organized by this Department aims to meet the growing needs for high-level mathematicians and computer scientists in our country. It thus aims to <mark>train specialists mastering theory and applications; with an extensive teaching and research project in pure mathematics, applied mathematics and computer science.</mark>