AutoClax by Dreams Hub
AUTOCLAX platform, with more than 300 courses, for beginners and professionals who wish to continue acquiring new skills<p></p>Programming web pages JavaScript and ASP .NET 3.5 (C#)<br> Development of web applications course. For this, the programming of the client part with JavaScript and the programming of the server part with ASP .NET technology and the SQL Server database server are studied. Upon completion of the course, the <mark>student will be able to develop complete database-backed e-commerce applications.</mark> <p></p> Java SE (Standard Edition)<br> The course provides the foundation that any Java programmer needs, both in terms of the peculiarities of the technology that Java SE encompasses, and the programming language itself. The characteristics of two types of applications that we can create with Java SE are also studied: applets and stand-alone applications. At the end of the course, the student will be prepared to consider other professional challenges, such as the study of Java or Java EE business technologies.

Dreams Hub
At Dreams Hub, we bring ideas to life; We work with you to make your dreams come true as a startup, investor, professional, and tech/digital enthusiast. Dreams Hub is a project of XAPIENS SL., an initiative aimed at <mark>providing technological tools mainly to young people with high potential from families with limited financial resources.</mark> Basically, it is an initiative to promote the research, development and innovation (R+D+i) ecosystem, stimulating technological platforms for the generation of nationally produced technological products and services, to meet the demand of Equatorial Guinean companies, by promoting of entrepreneurship from the early stages of educational training, promoting the creation of a generation of young entrepreneurs, stimulating the creation of qualified employment and the creation of value at the national level. <p></p> Dreams Hub — Official member of AfriLabs . A pan-African network organization of 320 innovation centers in 51 African countries. Each hub serves as a meeting point for entrepreneurs, technologists, investors, technology companies, and web/mobile engineers in their community.