Ogooué Labs - school image
Ogooué Labs

Ogooue Labs provides co-working space to host incubates and start-ups, they provide business accelerator services open to any startup and/or companies requiring global or specific support, and they <mark>provide innovation laboratory to introduce young Gabonese to web & mobile development and to the development of projects with high social impacts.</mark> <p></p> Educate. Equip. Develop Ogooué Labs: Innovation laboratory<br> Because we wanted to create a digital ecosystem capable of supporting the creation and development of a thriving digital industry for Africa, Ogooué Labs was born. <p></p> We are an innovation laboratory which aims to make the African continent the digital factory of the world from different innovation hubs including Gabon. <p></p> Since 2013, we have been participating in the construction of a dynamic and efficient ecosystem in Gabon and in Africa. <p></p> We are an active innovation laboratory for the development<br> The NGO Ogooué Labs and its innovation laboratory have been supporting the Gabonese State since 2013 in the construction and animation of our ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. <p></p> We aim to make our start-up ecosystem mature in order to increase the share of the digital economy in Gabon's GDP from 5 to 15%. <p></p> Our ambition is to make Africa the next digital factory of the world.