UNDP - Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone
Growth Accelerator is a 12 month business acceleration programme that supports early stage innovative and impactful entrepreneurs with investment, technical assistance and mentorship. <p></p> Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone is an accelerator programme looking to support youthful entrepreneurs that run innovative and impactful businesses. <br> <mark>The Accelerator is offering: <br> - Up-to USD40,000 Co-Financing <br> - Technical Support. <br> - Mentorship <br> - Business development Support. </mark> The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the economic and social growth of 55 innovative, viable and ambitious MSMEs, with a specific focus on women and youth-led enterprises. This will be achieved by increasing access to finance, technical and business development support to selected MSMEs while also focusing on job creation and the development of innovative products and services to address social challenges for consumers. <p></p> The initiative will focus on supporting MSMEs through tailored coaching, mentorship and linkages to business development services to strengthen skills, capacity and planning for innovation, growth, and investment. <p></p>Innovation Challenge MSMEs are to apply and present their innovative ideas and business models addressing social and development challenges in their communities relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applicants will be required to present their Innovation, Growth and Investment plans to an independent committee of business experts who will score each applicant based on innovativeness, capacity, feasibility, marketability and potential for growth and scale. <mark>Successful MSMEs will be contracted and provided investment funding to support their business ventures directly through UNDP.</mark> <p></p> Services <br> - Improved access to finance focusing on blended financing package (Grants, Loans and Guarantees) <br> - Technical assistance, and business development services <br> - Delivering social impact by creating new jobs <br> - Addressing social and economic challenges through innovative business models and <br> - Providing low-income consumers with new or improved products and services.