PIDERC Specialization Institute (ISP) - school image
PIDERC Specialization Institute (ISP)

The objective of the Professional License in Software Engineering (LPGL) is to train well-equipped professionals in the areas of knowledge of Networks, Multimedia and Distributed Systems. <p></p> Computing has for years become network computing, that is to say that all large-scale systems are network-based. The demand for specialists in Software Engineering is obvious. <p></p> In addition, although its vocation is professional, the LPGL can be part of a longer academic training course, leading to a Masters and then to a Doctorate. <p></p> Opportunities <br> The diploma of the Professional License in <mark>Software Engineering is able to participate in projects relating to the design, installation and operation of corporate networks including the interconnection of public networks. He can also design, produce and operate software adapted to the requirements and problems of companies.</mark> <p></p> In addition to the use of software, registration and distribution can adapt software.

National Institute of Post, Information Technologies and Communication - school image
National Institute of Post, Information Technologies and Communication

INPTIC is a professional public institution of higher education placed under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Digital Economy and the Ministry in charge of Vocational Training and Higher Education. The only establishment in GABON in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, Telecommunications and Digital Economy, INPTIC offers professional, specialized, diploma and qualifying training. INPTIC works for specialized higher education, of quality in the fields of ICT, Networks and Telecommunications, associated with technical management tools <p></p> INPTIC provides access to all the functions of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications. <p></p> Information Systems and Databases<br> Computer databases are used in a large number of companies to store, organize and analyze data. This specialization aims to train middle managers specialized in the development of information systems for organizations. Training available in daytime classes (license) and evening classes (continuing education). <p></p> Development of distributed applications<br> <mark>The production of software is a very complex task involving several resources, in particular human, material and technological. The objective of this training is to provide students with the in-depth skills required to be able to intervene in all phases of software production.</mark> Training available in daytime (licence) and evening classes.

Institute of Technology of Owendo - school image
Institute of Technology of Owendo

This specialty aims to train specialists capable of developing computer applications in various fields, using their skills in needs study, analysis. <p></p> Generic skills <br> - Work independently, collaborate in a team; <br> - Analyze, synthesize a professional document (French, English); <br> - Communicate orally, in writing, in the company or outside (French, English); <br> - Participate in / Lead a project management process; <br> - Know and exploit the professional and institutional networks of the IT sectors. <p></p> <mark>Specific skills <br> - Design and develop computer applications; <br> - Implement and maintain computer programs; <br> - Develop software products or software-based systems following appropriate professional standards; <br> - Set up and customize distributed applications; <br> - Diagnose the main breakdowns affecting the computers and replace the defective parts; plan, monitor and control an IT project.</mark> <p></p> Outlets <br> - IT Project Manager ; <br> - Software consultant; <br> - Application Developer; <br> - System administrator.

Institute for Advanced Techniques - school image
Institute for Advanced Techniques

The main objective of this institute it to give each young person the best chance of development and university success, according to his aptitudes and his motivations, in an open and rigorous spirit, with reference to human values. Prepare him to understand his professional future by accompanying him in the development of his personal project in an environment open to the company and to the world. Develop in him a sense of initiative, taking responsibility, creativity and the acquisition of civic values ​​to bring him to act on events as an actor in social life. <p></P> Within the IT department students will learn to install and configure an operating system, install a client-server type application, create software allowing the management of stocks of different products, set up a catalog (client/server application - database), carry out an accounting reconciliation computer aided, etc. <mark>The Application Developer option prepares you for design: analysis of user needs, research and choice of a suitable solution, and for the development of applications.</mark>