Scale global innovation for Africa

We invest in sustainable companies, build high-impact projects, and develop innovation ecosystems that provide solutions consistent with a globally-conscious, healthy, and safe society.

Our mission is to support the Middle-East and Africa in shaping a more sustainable future for all, with local entrepreneurship, smart capital, and technology paving the path to success.

Our Investment Approach
We invest in growth-stage sustainable ventures, using innovation to address vast unmet needs of the African market
- Technologies and innovative business models have only recently become commercially available to the masses, ready to leapfrog old infrastructures and bridge endless gaps.
- We scale the most promising, affordable, inclusive, environmental and sustainable solutions.

Our Value Proposition

Proven Track Record
We are a team of entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and investment veterans, with a successful track record of founding, building and financing leading companies around the world.

Government Support & Collaboration
Vast access to local support, partners and deals, with vast local market knowledge, all being critical success factors in a region with few intermediaries and scarce business information.

Global Network
An extensive international network of global leaders, venture partners, dominant businesses, influential NGOs, and knowledgeable research partners.

Regional Understanding
Our team has experience of over a decade in operations, investment and business development in Africa, creating strong channels and a comprehensive understanding of the local market's challenges and needs.