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Artfield Institute Of Design

Web Design

With the advent of the internet and its rapid popularity, More and more of us rely mainly on the internet for information, (be it shopping, social life and for getting informed) Companies even in Uganda have realized that the first point of contact most of their consumers will have with them will be through some kind of Digital devise. Making the front door to most businesses their websites. Thereby creating a demand for great web designers.

Our Web design course introduces you to the principles of creating a well-planned, aesthetically pleasing and ultimately effective website from scratch. Whether for personal or professional purposes. With carefully selected modules like;
- Introduction to web design.
- Web hosting options and design tools
- Planning your website: Content and structure
- Working with images
- Visualizing your website: Colors, images, fonts and layout
- Basic of HTML, HTML5 and CSS
- Coding with HTML5 and CSS
- Advanced CSS, Java Script and trends in web design
- Creating and publishing your website.
- Testing and maintaining your website.

This course is targeted at
- Web developers,
- Content managers,
- Freelance digital communicators
- And any other people working in the communication industry, wishing to upgrade their CV’s