Dedicated to the financing and support of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises

Comoé Capital is a private company under Ivorian law created in 2018 by entrepreneurs and private actors including Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P), a pioneering group in impact investment, entirely dedicated to the financing and support of start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our approach
Comoé Capital works with Ivorian entrepreneurs and local suppliers to develop a dynamic community of SMEs in Côte d’Ivoire. Working with the entrepreneur, we build a strategy to boost the company’s development.
Our approach is organized around the entrepreneur with whom we aim to build a long-term relationship based on trust.

Our Impact Objectives
We are persuaded that companies have an essential social role in the real economy.
In addition to the extra-financial activities, Comoé Capital is a committed player in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.
One of our objectives is also to promote the social and environmental responsibility of the company and build with the entrepreneur an action plan to boost the impacts on each of its stakeholders (employees, customers, local communities, suppliers…), referring to the framework established by the United Nations with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Entrepreneur Corner
In parallel with its investment activities, Comoé Capital publishes Entrepreneur Corner, a trimestrial magazine providing a sector analysis (education, health, digital, etc.), and success-stories of entrepreneurs. More than just an information support, Entrepreneur Corner is a real advocacy tool in favor of Ivorian entrepreneurship.