Investing in the future of digital commerce in Africa

We focus on Africa’s largest economic engines and invest in founders who are creating opportunities for everyone. We invest in early-stage founders building the future of digital commerce in Africa. We back our portfolio with the funding, mentorship, and expertise they need to thrive.

Our expertise extends from years researching and investing in commerce ecosystems around the continent which have helped us form deep insights and convictions around the approaches we believe will thrive.

For our founders and co-investors, we bring an unparalleled mix of startup-building experience and sector-specific knowledge.

We invest guided by a digital commerce thesis informed by years of data-driven research. Our hands-on partnerships with our portfolio companies then enables even deeper, more ground-tested intelligence.

We're trusted by the world's leading research organizations, investors, and impact donors to help provide insights on the latest developments in digital commerce in Africa and its impacts.

We're a remote team that hails from the USA, France, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa, but our community - Sufficient Capital - spans the globe and includes the most active digital commerce investors and founders.

Differentiated Capital
We offer high-conviction capital at founder-friendly terms. We invest $50,000 with our first check, then up to $150,000 in follow-on capital alongside our syndicate. We're often one of the first investors in our portfolio companies.

Practical Mentorship
We connect founders with other operators who can offer ground-tested advice to help shortcut the cycles needed to keep growing. Our team offers a hands-on program designed to help startups successfully prepare and close their first institutional round in exchange for advisory shares.

Focused Community
Our Sufficient Capital community is the meeting place for the best investors, builders, and experts in the African digital commerce.