Mobile Business Clinic (MBC) - school image

Mobile Business Clinic (Mbc)

Established to develop skills in technical assistance delivery among promising African youth

Create a strong SME sector in Ghana that will contribute to the reduction of poverty, food insecurity and the creation of employment, particularly in rural zones.

Specific Objectives
- Improved management tools, processes and practices
- Strong company organization
- Revised business strategy
- Winning Fundraising package

Program Details
Step 1 Business Capacities Assessment
The first step prior to the training is to use our Business Diagnostic Tool to identify the constraints to the growth experienced by the program participants. We analyse 4 fundamental business pillars: organization, people, operations and financial structure. Based on this analysis, we adapt our training program to focus on the main challenges experienced by the group.

Step 2 Business Capacities Building
Training program – The program includes 7 training modules (each two to three days long), a pitch rehearsal session in a real situation. Our training approach is extremely hands-on and requires the full commitment of participants to achieve expected results through practical lessons (e.g. case studies, group discussions, question-answers, and scenarios).
Business coaching – one-on-one business coaching. The program lasts between three and four months to allow the businesses to put into practice what they learned during the training and to permit time to implement solutions to their main challenges.

Targeted Audience
We are looking for entrepreneurs and managers of SME’s that have a genuine will to improve their business model and current operations.

Criteria and Requirements
SME has:
- 3 years of operations and more
- 5 employees minimum
- A Turnover of 250,000 GHS or more.
- Financial information the last two years
- 2 change officers are identified in company and one of them participates to all trainings
- Payment of Business Clinic package