B2B Sales Accelerator For Tech Founders

Sw7 partners with technology businesses, portfolios and their investor networks pre and post fundraising to prepare for technology business valuations, to fundraise & find matched funding, to provide business support, board advisory, to assist with off-shore expansion and sale of the business. Sw7 are one of the leading technology accelerators in Africa, having run 9 cohorts including the first Fintech Accelerator in Africa and have worked with over 300+ technology businesses & Founders from early-stage to growth, funding & exit with shared insights from 100+ experienced Technology Founder CEOs. The Sw7 LinkedIn group in Africa has over five thousand members & partners include Amazon, Microsoft & Google.

For Founders, COOs, CTOs and Product Owners in B2B technology businesses and ISVs
- Get To Market
- Create Predictable Revenue
- Grow Your Business
- Expand Your Network
- Get Funded
- Scale
- Exit

Sw7 work directly with founders of B2B technology businesses to build the sales and marketing processes that generate predictable revenue.

This accelerates your path to high growth and scale, enables you to expand to new markets and puts you in the best position to get ready for your first or your next funding round or even prepare for exit.

Through a blend of private one-to-one workshops, board advisory and mentoring sessions, we work together on priority areas of focus that will move your business forward. We craft a compelling storyline with cohesive messaging that powers and connects your sales, marketing, funding, talent acquisition & team culture strategies.

Peer-to-peer learning and sharing of know-how happens on our platform and in our curated private round tables and group webinars with a network of resourceful founder CEOs, mentors, technology platform partners and investors.

Sw7 is fully virtual so you can join Sw7 from anywhere, anytime. This means that you can build your business and expand your network without the need to travel or to take time off from your business.