Accelerator program to catapult startups

The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, TIEC, drives economic growth by providing knowledge and financial support to entrepreneurs and startups. Since 2010, we seek to unleash creative solutions and innovative ideas that make impacts in Egypt. Our vision expands well beyond local benefits; we aim for being a leading regional hub and world-class center for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Vision and Mission
IT innovations make our life easier and improve its quality. Entrepreneurial businesses spur economic growth and add to national incomes. Startups, innovators and entrepreneurs need to overcome challenges, capitalize on new opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls. The Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) help them raise funds and bring them extremely close to their causes.

Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center(TIEC) runs an accelerator program to catapult startups towards investments and success by providing them with mentorship and business education. This program offers acceleration services, learning by doing business opportunities, business coaching, guidance & knowledge on topics like development of business models, market entry strategies, operations management, minimum viable product development, financial & budget planning of the businesses, access to workshops & boot camp programs and pitching opportunities in front of potential investors.