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HarHub Business Incubation is the first incubation in Somaliland/Somalia and is designed to empower entrepreneurs, freelancers, Job seekers and digital nomads with safe, secure, cool, and work-oriented space to foster startups growth and sustainability. HarHub was established in 2018 to support early-stage startups to grow and expand through unique services. <p></p> Harhub Entrepreneurship and Incubation programs aim to help youth to launch their business ideas through providing them appropriate entrepreneurship training, Incubation Services, Mentorship, Coaching, Technical assistance to become self-employed. <p></p> Vision <br> To be a hub for business-and people-driven impact in Somali-speaking regions and beyond. <p></p>Mission <br> <mark>To build an entrepreneurial community, Business Incubation and create solutions for an Ecosystem that works for all</mark> <p></p>Inspiration <br> Why do we feel different? We have a flexible mentality... We embrace creativity.

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Jokkolabs Bamako

Jokkolabs Bamako is an open space, which welcomes any entrepreneur seeking to develop their network, meet new collaborators, discuss their practices and develop their professional, personal or associative projects. <p></p> It is <mark>designed to meet the needs of micro-enterprises, freelancers, home-based workers, entrepreneurs, start-ups or digital economy workers, writers, designers and other new media or digital arts professionals whose work does not fit into a classic desktop model.</mark>

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We foster a more integrated West Africa by stimulating entrepreneurship in the region by empowering youth and women to lead a journey of economic self-determination. <p></p>Our programs focus on: <mark><br> - Help entrepreneurs obtain financing in national and international markets. <br> - Develop strong, financially self-sufficient and interconnected hubs across the region. <br> - Facilitated regional expansion of entrepreneurs and regional partnerships.</mark> <br> - Organize conferences and symposia that promote regional integration

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Impact Hub Bamako

Impact Hub Bamako first implementation in French-speaking Africa, considered as the largest network of incubators and innovation centers (social and technological) in the world. They are an innovation hub that is focused on job creation, youth engagement and innovation. <p></p> <mark>Bamako Impact Hub has a collaborative workspace. Impact Hub Bamako is affiliated with Net Impact Global Hub, the first global network of business incubators, laboratories for innovation and social entrepreneurs communities (100+hubs, more than 16 000 members in 50 countries).</mark> <p></p> Bamako Impact Hub also provides training, incubation and acceleration programs open to all businesses but specialized on young entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs in agriculture and agribusiness.

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DoniLab is a business incubator that covers sectors of activity with a high potential for innovation, namely ICT, health, social innovation. <mark>They offer entrepreneurs the opportunity to work in a comfortable space while benefiting from various expertise, also an innovation hub that is focused on social impact, job creation and innovation and get most of their funds from Europe.</mark> <p></p> Features: <br> - Acceleration - Supporting entrepreneurs is DoniLab's core business. <br> - Studies and Advice - We support individuals/companies in obtaining reliable information on their markets. <br> - Co-working - “A stimulating workspace…” With the latest generation equipment. <br> - Fablab - Digital manufacturing laboratory, serving as a place of learning. find out more

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Faculté des sciences et techniques

The Faculty of Science and Technology is a public education structure in Mali created in 1996 with the University of Mali. Today, it is a structure of the University of Sciences, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako. Since its creation, it has trained many students in the field of science and technology, from DEUG level to Doctorate level. Science and technology are at the heart of understanding all processes, from the formation of the Universe to the dynamics of animal populations, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. Today's scientists must meet the challenges of innovation and the implementation of a new development model. We are proud to<mark> train these specialists who show day after day their ability to develop, discover and create.</mark> <p></p> Our Faculty, with an area of ​​nearly 9 ha, with a 550-seat amphitheater, 9 rooms with 150 to 200 places, 40 rooms with more than 50 places, 28 research laboratories, 14 rooms for practical work and other specialized rooms, welcomes more than 4,000 students each year. The missions entrusted to it are general practical and specialized higher education, research and the promotion of scientific and technological research, professional training, postgraduate training, preparation for the Grandes Ecoles, the development and dissemination of culture and knowledge, carrying out expertise in the field of science and technology. <p></p> Five departments are responsible for carrying out these specific missions. They are: the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Computer Science and Physics.

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AIIST (Africa International Institute of Science & Technology) is an Information Technology Training Institute based in Monrovia, Liberia. All of our training programs are practical and hands-on materials. AIIST offers an innovative way to learn and grow from a beginner level to a certified expert in Software Engineering within eighteen (18) months’ time. Our Software Engineering career path helps you achieve just that. This career path begins with basics knowledge of Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Office Professional 2013 and also an <mark>advanced level of designing, developing, deploying cross platform application from popular programming languages like; BASIC, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Java, and Angular JS. </mark>

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iCampus- Liberia’s first multi-disciplinary, innovation and community space for change-makers focusing on the intersection of technology, accountability and social change. Our 4,000 square foot campus in the heart of Monrovia provides the space, resources, support and cutting-edge technologies that can make change possible in Liberia. <p></p> <mark>Book a room, buy a day pass, or become a member of a growing collaborative community pushing for a different more inclusive and prosperous future!​</mark>

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iLab Liberia is a non-profit local tech hub that provides access to information, open and geospatial data, research, web technologies and expert ICT assistance through a community of volunteers leveraging technology for the good of Liberia. Founded in 2011, we develop local solutions through global standards while serving partners ranging from government, private sector & development actors. ​<p></p> ​iLab supports development actors, Civil Society Organizations and local businesses by integrating tech to enhance their services; works closely with the Governments on technology initiatives that promote access to information, peace and security, elections, Health emergencies, Open governance, climate change, research, data collection, while developing platforms and systems for anti-corruption, accountability and the rule of law. ​<p></p> Since opening our doors in 2011, <mark>iLab have offered over 300 trainings and public events for more than 3,500 Liberians ranging from web and mobile development, open data and visualization, data collection and analysis, geospatial and participatory mapping, entrepreneurship, physical computing and networking, coding, leadership among other skills that focus on open source technologies and other relevant solutions.</mark> Through these initiatives, we’ve managed to expand to all 15 counties by building the tech capacity of rural dwellers and continuously seek employment opportunities for them. ​<p></p> iLab also customizes technologies for projects across West Africa, including mobile data collection & analysis platforms, online reporting platforms for citizen engagement & good governance initiatives, geospatial mapping, web and mobile solutions. iLab has overseen the customization & implementation of surveys to more than 30,000 respondents in urban and rural settings, trained dozens of enumerators, and assisted data analysts – for governments and nonprofits – in how to best utilize the results. ​<p></p> ​ In collaboration with our long-time partner Accountability Lab Liberia, iLab co-manages iCampus – a shared innovation and community space for organizations, start-ups and government agencies working at the intersection of technology, accountability and social change in Liberia. iCampus acts as a physical and virtual space for ICT and governance training and meetups; a cross-sectoral networking and innovation space; and a focal point for elections and open governance work.

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Tubman University

The Computer Science and Engineering Program are designed to provide the educational requisites in the training of men and women for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. The courseware focuses on solving problems related to computers that produce each graduate a broad skill in both software and hardware specifically in computing systems. In addition, it is a self-motivated discipline across different fields in mathematics, science, and engineering that provides a foundation and dedicated knowledge that is needed to scrutinize, design, and gauge system software, and utility programs. <mark>This will also allow students to solve and develop a hardware and software solutions in different areas of application provided with different methodologies and techniques on how information is derived, stored, operated, and linked. Students will experience to gain access in different resources plus the real scenario approach on their hands-on exercises in the laboratory.</mark> BSc in Computer Science and Engineering is a five year program and considered as one of the exciting fields of study today due to rapid growth and changes in technology including a demand for a computing experts locally and internationally. At the same time, the students will be encouraged to take a variety of industry certification such as A+, Microsoft, Cisco, etc. to strengthen their credentials. In the near future, this program will also cater a post graduate degree.

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Find your flexible workspace. Whether you’re an established enterprise or a growing startup, discover flexible spaces and solutions to move your business forward. <mark>Enjoy the freedom of having space whenever you need it—by the hour, the day, the month, or longer.</mark>

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Regus - Conakry

Make a home for your business with a Regus private office. Our fully-equipped workspaces have everything taken care of – from the furniture to the high-speed WiFi – so you can focus on driving your business forward. <p></p> <mark>A place for your business to grow</mark> <p></p> A few minutes from Conakry Gbessia international airport, the Tour Niger centre is located in downtown Kaloum's business area, where most of the country's companies are based. <p></p> The building is within 500 m of the presidency, ministries, the port, the French embassy, major hotels and banks.

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JATROPHA Hub is an initiative of the Jatropha SA Group with the aim of giving the opportunity to many young people in Guinea to develop their entrepreneurial potential. We are a national NGO, with relay antennas in all the administrative regions of Guinea. Built on 1000M2, and installed in Kaporo in the commune of Ratoma, in the suburbs of Conakry, we are the first community of entrepreneurs in Guinea. Affiliated with several national and international networks of incubators, accelerators and Fablabs, Jatropha Hub aims to be a catalyst for technology made in Guinea. <p></p> Our values <p></p> Integrity <br> Adoption of the highest standards of integrity with our employees. <p></p> Flexibility <br> A company with international standards, while keeping our African values ​​as organizational skills. <p></p> Adaptability <br> <mark>Innovation at the heart of our development strategy. We think outside the box with an ease in welcoming change, new challenges, adopting new behaviors/tools, welcoming new talents.</mark>

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Kofi Annan University of Guinea

At Kofi Annan University in Guinea, the training of state engineers (or design engineers) is organized over five years . The 1 st and 2nd years (4 semesters) constitute the preparatory cycle , devoted to lessons in common core and placed under the responsibility of a Director in charge of this cycle. At the end of the preparatory cycle , students begin the Engineering cycle , which goes from the 3 rd to the 5 th year; it brings together five streams, each managed by a program director (head of stream), streams in which students are oriented according to their interests and aptitudes (cf. below a). <p></p> Computer Engineering is one of them. Its vocation is to <mark>train computer engineers who, in addition to mastering (like the computer scientist) the methods of designing and developing computer systems (hardware and software), have basic technical training and in-depth knowledge. structure of computers, their interfaces and networks.</mark> <p></p> The 5th year is organized in two concentrations: <br> - Information Technology and Software Development Concentration <br> - Networking Concentration <br><br> Networking deals with the design, analysis, implementation, use and management of both computer networks and the applications that use them . <br><br> Conditions of access to the preparatory cycle <br><br> Justify a bachelor's degree in mathematical or experimental sciences, or a diploma deemed equivalent; have successfully passed the admissions procedure; pay tuition fees. <br><br> Admission requirements for the Computer Engineering course <br><br> This course is open to students who have: <br> <br> - successfully completed the preparatory cycle; <br> - obtained a bachelor's degree in computer engineering (or an equivalent diploma) and would like to continue their studies for the state engineer diploma. <br><br> Admissions on a case-by-case basis , on file, can also be pronounced for the benefit of students with: <br> - validated two years of scientific studies after the baccalaureate (Bac +2); br> - started (but not completed) an engineering course in another institution. <p></p> Opportunities <br> Because of the general nature of his training, the computer engineer is present in all sectors of activity where computers are needed; it has the possibility of intervening wherever the interfacing of computers with other non-computer elements is necessary, in particular in the sectors: <br> - ICT (telecommunications services, online services, advanced electronics, embedded systems, robotics, etc.), <br> - industry (automotive, aeronautics, agri-food, electromechanical, etc.), <br> - commerce, banking... <br> The professions offered by this sector cover a wide range: <br> <br> - Information System Architect, <br> - systems designer, <br> - software developer, <br> - IT Auditor, Quality Engineer, <br> - IT Project Manager, <br> - Systems and network architect, <br> - Administrator of systems, networks or databases… <p></p> Computer engineering engineers thus have the opportunity to work in almost all national and multinational companies operating in Guinea. <p></p> Organization and content of the training <br><br> The training takes place over three years (six semesters) and includes the completion of a graduation project during the sixth semester. During the training course, two internships are compulsory during the holidays; they allow students to apply their knowledge and develop their skills.

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Jean Piaget University

The curricular structure of the 1st cycle of studies in Informatics Engineering has a flexible design, combining mobility and employability. The graduate acquires a solid basic training, being able to choose to enter the labor market or to continue studies at the level of the 2nd cycle of studies. <p></p> The degree, in the model of three years and 180 credits, is structured on a solid and structuring basis in Computer Engineering Sciences and related and complementary areas, <mark>preparing students for the current challenges of the job market, with skills to work from the from design to maintenance of IT systems and technological projects.</mark> <p></p> The curricular plan, as a result of the option of including UC of a more applied nature, favors an applied Computer Engineering profile, so that future graduates acquire multidisciplinary and teamwork skills, always bearing in mind the social, economic and legal implications. resulting from the use of computer science and technologies.

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Universidade Lusófona da Guiné

The essential objective of this study cycle is to train graduates capable of assuming prominent positions in computer engineering projects or development and consultancy teams in the area of ​​information systems, assuming relevant roles in the generation of innovation and wealth through their training and attitude. In this sense, <mark>students obtain the appropriate skills to design, implement and maintain computer systems, programming applications and systems, designing computing and communications architectures, managing information and knowledge systems, as well as understanding and solving problems. </mark> <p></p> Reasons to attend: <br> - Access a professional status with high market potential, through a recognized profile with strong technological and human skills, ensuring a high degree of employability and the possibility of continuing 2nd cycle studies with excellent prospects for success. <br> - Enjoy excellent teaching based on a quality teaching staff, integrating specialists and PhDs with high pedagogical potential and proven activity in research. <br> <mark>- Have access to various internships and business training throughout the course, within the scope of the different partnerships developed by DEISI, enhancing employability as well as a high level of qualification before completion of the course.</mark> <br> - Being able to carry out the Final Course Work inserted in innovative projects, due to the fact that a majority of its teaching staff is associated with ECATI Research Centers or DEISI's partner companies. <br> - Take advantage of the PLAY Business Incubation Center, which guarantees support for the ideas of the most enterprising young students, boosting their transformation into successful companies. <br> - Course recognized by the Order of Technical Engineers.

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Canadian College of Modern Technology

The Computer Science programme focuses on the practical application and use of computers in complex mathematical, communication, and data issues present in today’s job market. <mark>Practical work skills will be gained as assignments and curriculum closely replicate work that students will be expected to perform after graduation.</mark>

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The DigiNxt MMS Software Engineering program is aimed at creating software engineering professionals. Students will learn most prevalent and latest technologies in the software Industry. It builds <mark>strong foundational skills in Java Technologies & Web Development programs.</mark> Software curriculum have Multiple Job profiles based architecture like Database Developer, Web Application Developer in Java, Web Designing using HTML & JQuery etc. In this curriculum some course are Global certification mapped, will help student to clear the exam. <p></p> This curriculum is also powered by NIIT’s revolutionary methodology, which provides the teacher and the group of students to mould the learning style dependent on the profile of the Learners and give an environment to provide constructivism and collaborative learning. It has been therefore aptly called as LACC (Learning Architecture based on Collaborative Constructivism). <p></p> What You will Learn? <br> - Working Smart with Microsoft Office & the Internet <br> - <mark>Logic Building & Effective Problem Solving</mark> <br> - RDBMS Essentials & T-SQL Programming <br> - Programming with Python <br> - Programming in Java <br> - HTML5 Programming <br> - Developing Web Applications Using Servlets & JSP <br> - Developing Mobile Apps on the Android Platform <br> - Implementing JSF, Hibernate, and Spring in Java EE Applications <br> - Automated Testing Using JUNIT <br> - Responsive Web Design Using HTML5 & JQuery <br> - Developing Windows Store Apps Using HTML5 & JavaScript <br> - Deploying Cloud app using Google app Engine <br> - Dev Ops

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Milestone Technology College

Software engineering has expanded into numerous fields; the most exciting and promising are cloud and mobile computing. Cloud and Mobile Software Engineering is a three year program which offers you in depth classroom training followed by one year of Professional Practice to gain real world professional skills. <p></p> The Industry Endorsed Curriculum of This Program in Cloud and Mobile Software Engineering enables students acquire necessary skills to aspire for new age jobs. <mark>The curriculum lays emphasis on industry specific competencies helps students stand out in the most competitive environment. The program is also mapped to global technology certifications to enable the students to seize the global career opportunities.</mark> This program is customized to suit your Graduation pattern and allows you to pursue your IT career pursuits along with your Graduation. This is followed by an Internship in an organisation at the end of your Graduation. <p></p> The <mark>Software Engineering program is aimed at creating software engineering professionals. Students will learn most prevalent and latest technologies in the software Industry. It builds strong foundational skills in Java Technologies, .NET technologies & Web Development programs. Software curriculum have Multiple Job profiles based architecture like Database Developer, Web Application Developer in Java & .NET, Web Designing using HTML & JQuery etc.</mark> In this curriculum some course are Global certification mapped, will help student to clear the exam. <p></p> This curriculum is also powered by Smart Braid Educare, which provides the teacher and the group of students to mould the learning style dependent on the profile of the Learners and give an environment to provide constructivism and collaborative learning. It has been therefore aptly called as LACC (Learning Architecture based on Collaborative Constructivism). <p></p> The program offers you certifications from Microsoft and Oracle (Java) making it the most powerful curriculum in the world and making you the best IT Professional in the Software Engineering domain in the world. <p></p> Highlight <br> - 7 term program in software engineering aligned to university semester curriculum <br> -3 month Digital Transformation Specialization Term + 6 month Professional Practice <br> -1000+ Organizations as recruiters <br> -Experienced IT Professionals as Faculty <br> -1 year of Professional Practice

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Eastern Technical University of Sierra Leone

The challenge of engineering or technology is to bring new technical discoveries to commercial reality through the clever application of scientific knowledge, practical engineering experience, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. It is also to apply judgement, based on experience, to bring new discoveries to the point where they are able to benefit society. The Faculty of Engineering & Innovation (FOEI) at ETUSL is structured to have greater autonomy and enhance efficiency in providing training and delivery of services. <p></p> It has been a long felt inevitable to align higher education with the emerging needs of the economy so as to ensure that the graduates of higher education system have adequate knowledge and skills for employment and entrepreneurship. The higher education system has to incorporate the requirements of various industries in its curriculum, in an innovative and flexible manner while developing a holistic and well-groomed graduate. The programmes in the FOEI aim to build individual capacities and train persons with adequate employability skills. <mark>The programmes structure attempt to blend appropriate technical knowledge and skills, personal and professional skills and substantive ‘hands-on’ and field / site experience required in the different occupations.</mark> <p></p> The Faculty of Engineering & Innovation welcomes creative people who can face the challenge of invigorating future society by achieving what has before now been impossible. <mark>To create groundbreaking inventions and to achieve what has been impossible so far with the application of existing techniques, students should not be content to simply acquire knowledge and understand scientific principles. In addition to learning that kind of knowledge, students must master engineering, which will enable them to create new technologies and make dreams come to life.</mark> This makes the Faculty of Engineering & Innovation at the ETUSL a place for multi-faceted profession in engineering and technology.

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Njala University

Computer science is one of the most core elements of information and communication technology. It is among the most challenging exciting areas of research and development. Computer and communication technologies are the most rapidly changing technologies in their advancement over times as a result of which these areas as fields of study needs continuous revisions and modifications in the method and content. <p></p> Computers play a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn't afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. The most important step is to be able to use them properly. <p></p> <mark>This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, who will administer the computer systems and who will decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general.</mark> <p></p> Institutions, enterprises, organizations and companies in all sectors, public and private, are directly or indirectly being affected by the overwhelming information flow around the world. The effect goes down to small businesses and even to individuals. Every such unit should be equipped with tools that enable it to survive in such a dynamic world. Ethiopia is no exception and we must get ready to cope up with the influence of the knowledge age in our day-to-day life.

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University of Management and Technology

UNIMTECH is known for its technology and this school serves as a pillar for the university. Our goal is to integrate computing, telecommunication, information, and data science in every aspect of UNIMTECH’s undergraduate education, research, programs, and activities. As a school, we always thrive to be at the forefront of 21st-century science and technology and how best we can use these tools in the advancement of our society. Our environment encourages critical thinking and practical education to better enhance and prepare our graduates for roles in diverse areas in society. <p></p> With excellence and marketable undergraduate programs, the School of Technology is a well comprehensive and collaborative program. <p></p> Overview and Learning Outcomes <br> The Computer Science Department strives to provide a high-quality degree, through our curriculum and environment. The department creates a community that is welcoming and encouraging to all UNIMTECH students. The department offer curriculum and promoting learning experiences (with the aid of excellent computing resources) that will prepare future graduates to either enter graduate school or the workforce directly after graduation. The field of technology is always changing and competitive moreover in this case, our graduates will be prepared to be life-long learners so that they preserve current skills and knowledge in a rapidly changing world. <p></p> Students will: <br> - <mark>Improve in the art of problem solving, an essential skill for life. Students study the design, development, and analysis of software and hardware used to solve problems in a variety of business, scientific, and social contexts. Because computers solve problems to serve us, so there is a significant human side to computer science as well.</mark> <br> - Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. <br> - Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. <br> - Recognise professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.

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University of Makeni

The Bachelor of Information Technology course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyse, design and develop computer-based solutions to business problems. IS professionals work with IT and must have sound technical knowledge of computers, communications, and software, but must also understand organisational systems and their functions within organisations. This course therefore teaches concepts and processes for achieving organisational goals with information technology. <mark>In addition to sound technical knowledge and organisational understanding, it also seeks to equip students with systems thinking skills, the ability to analyse business problems, communication skills, and teamwork skills in both face-to-face and virtual settings.</mark>

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Sensi is building a technology innovation community in Sierra Leone that will contribute to local social and economic development through skills development, professional networking and technological innovation, to unleash the untapped potential of young people interested in seeking to succeed while making a difference through their careers <p></p> TRAINING <br> We train new businesses the fundamentals for successful management including developing a business plan.<p></p> INCUBATION <br> Startups receive investment capital and can be based at Sensi throughout the period of early stage in business<p></p> ACCELERATION <br> Advanced coaching, access to mentors and partners, and flexible support based on individual needs <p></p> Our digital literacy initiative looks to <mark>up-skill of young people’s in ICT skills and competency to meet current ICT demands in West Africa and globally. The programme offers beginner, intermediate and advanced ICT training and master classes to fill the gap in digital literacy in Sierra Leone.</mark> <p></p> We provide key training to young people in the following areas: Word Processing, Computer Essential, online essential, Presentation, using database, Spreadsheets, SPSS, and GIS etc. We believe empowerment is a key factor in determining the success of development. <p></p> An inclusive ecosystem allows for the fast development and flow of authentically diverse talent, information and resources so that entrepreneurs can quickly find what they require at each stage of growth. As a result, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Ecosystem building is the leading model for modernized economic development and the catalyst for net new venture, job and wealth creation. <p></p> Sensi Tech Hub is cognizant of the importance of inclusive ecosystem building in the tech, entrepreneurial, innovation and investment space. Furthermore, the central role of its people, the culture of trust and collaboration which allows for successful interaction, partnership and growth. As a result Sensi Tech Hub proactively <mark>work to build the entrepreneurial, innovation and tech ecosystem in Sierra Leone through forging partnerships with government ministries, educational institutions, the private sector, development agencies, entrepreneurs and other ecosystem building actors. </mark>

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University of Sierra Leone

The Bachelor of Information Technology course equips students with the knowledge and skills related to the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies, and prepares them to meet the computer technology needs of business, government and other organisations. As a discipline, IT emphasizes designing and developing user centered technologies that meet human needs and enhance the user experience. This encompasses information assurance and security, as well as the management of complexity through abstraction and modelling, best practices, patterns, standards, and the use of appropriate tools. <mark>This degree course therefore produces graduates skilled in problem solving and programming, networks and communications systems, databases, Internet and Web technologies, security and project management, and gives them a strong grasp of business concepts, communication skills and ethical and societal issues in IT.</mark>

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Information Technology of the Gambia

The Information Technology of the Gambia (ITAG) was incorporated under the Gambia Companies Act 1955 on the 3rd of August 2004. The organization is operated through its Executive Committee, and Advisory committee in consultation with its membership base.</p> <p>The Organization was solely formed by professionals within the ICT ecosystem of the Gambia and in diaspora whose sole aim was to collaborate, explore and develop the ICT community in the Gambia. The organizations membership cuts across a wide spectrum of professionals covering all aspects of ICT.</p> <p>Since Inception the organization has not only been committed to promoting the ICT industry in the Gambia but has continuously been pro active in the developments of ICT in the country. The Ministry of Information Communication and Infrastructure has recognized ITAG as the sole ICT professional organization in the Gambia. The ministry continuously collaborates with ITAG towards various ICT initiatives of the Gambia Government of which ITAG members play a critical role.</p> Benefits <ul> <li> Facilitate the attendance of local and International Seminars / conferences</li> <li>Forge partnerships and facilitate business opportunities among stakeholders</li> <li><mark>Provide avenues for career development and counseling through workshops / seminars in schools and higher institutions</mark></li> <li>Create avenue for staff acquisition through our student membership base for corporate members</li> <li>Create sensitization and awareness on ICT policy / standards through workshops and seminars</li> <li> Provide opportunities for students to take part in ICT International competitions / events to show case their talents</li> <li>Facilitate tailor-made training for individuals and institutions.</li> <li>ITAG membership dues are paid annually and covers from January to December of each calendar year.</li> </ul>

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Management Development Institute

In all sectors of the Gambian economy, there is a high demand for skilled IT professionals with a vast knowledge of the field. Students who complete MDI’s IT courses are desirable employees for any company. <mark>Students gain hands-on critical experience in solving problems that computer specialists face daily in the profession.</mark> <p></p> MDI is the first CISCO networking academy and has continued to attract more students from the private sector. The Department is continuing to develop its IT programmes into how best IT training can benefit middle and senior level public servants who also need the skills to perform in an integrated global knowledge based society. <p></p> Students are assured of relevant, current, and practical training in ICT at MDI.

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IIHT Gambia Limited

IIHT Gambia realizes the limitation and challenges of our educational curriculum today and the need to bridge the gap, and to create skilled manpower and jobs for our graduating students. We will equally remain active and committed to the ever-growing changing industry requirements in our market for highly skilled manpower as well as positioning our people to take advantage of international outsourcing opportunities for highly skilled manpower in the IT Sector. <p></p> As computerization has proved an important aspect in improving quality services, efficiency of the workforce, convenience of business and other verticals, we are aware of the huge requirement for trained, qualified and certified IT professionals in the Gambia. In our market, students will benefit from the growing global dominance of the IIHT brand in the following areas: <br> - Domain knowledge and technical expertise of IIHT Faculty. <br> - Concrete and Current Course Content. <br><mark> - Courses &amp; Curriculum on emerging and latest technological trends. <br> - Practical Labs and hands-on training experience.</mark> <br> - Best Courseware, exclusively designed to meet standards of quality, relevance, recognition and understandability. <br> - Value-added work proficiency skills. <br> - Comprehensive on-going examinations to assist in the assessment of the students. <br> - Arranged mock interviews to assist students in the recruitment process. <br> - Guidance and assistance provided to attend the Vendor Certification examination through IIHT affiliated <br> - Prometric Centers. <br> - Strong Placement assistance through support of leading companies tie-up with IIHT. <br> - Unparalleled value for price/quality/relevance Ratio. <br> - An environment that is conducive to learning for the 21st-century student.

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The Hub

The Hub is a co-working space where young people and consultants get together to share ideas, innovate, grow, and learn. <mark>It is a space where creative minds meet cutting edge technology to create solutions to our everyday problems.</mark>

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Smart Professional College

Our professional and technical training programs include computer and digital literacy, computer repairs and maintenance, networking, <mark>programming</mark>, graphics designing, web development, CISCO programs, cyber security programs, engineering programs, business management and business administration programs, communication programs among others. SPC offers several academic, technical, and professional courses/programs suited to several disciplines and fields of study. We remain steadfast in our commitment to excellence in education in The Gambia and beyond. All our programs are nationally and internationally accredited. All our courses were <mark>endorsed by the National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority (NAQAA), the body responsible for the issuance of operational licenses to all tertiary and higher education institutions in terms of their systems and programs in The Gambia.</mark>

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Disruptive Lab

Our purpose is to elevate all forms of businesses, especially technology focused startups and established IT companies by providing them with the right work environment, be able to connect these businesses with others with shared interests and to create better products and services. The Disruptive Lab and its initiatives were created to increase and accelerate economic inclusion. With highly trained technology professionals in Cloud Services, Cyber Security, and coding; The Gambia is poised to be a Hub for Tech talent. <p></p> Our space offers shared workspaces such as desks, private office and conference rooms to tech start-ups, tech companies and a diverse group of professional services companies that serve The Gambia's tech community. These range from Angel investors, Solo practitioner Attorneys, Finance and Accounting Professionals, and more. A requirement for all professional services companies that lease space at <mark>The Disruptive Lab will be to provide mentorship to the start-ups and other co-tenants. These will be delivered via one-on-one sessions, Workshops, Lunch & Learns, and other customized coaching and mentorship programs.</mark>

Gambia Technical Training Institute - school image
Gambia Technical Training Institute

The Department of Computer Science and Information Technology is aimed at giving students theoretical understanding of the field of Computer Science with a strong emphasis on the practical applications encountered in today’s business of Information Communication Technology. <mark>The core of the Computer Science curriculum aims to provide a broad overview of computer science theory, software applications, programming, Networking, PC Repairs, Web Development, Database Design and Computer Architecture, and other relevant topics in the field of Computer Science.</mark>