Southern Africa /
Botswana / Gaborone - Tech Hubs

The Neo Hub
A place where you can Co-Create, Co-llaborate, Innovate and sale up your business while being friendlier to yourself and the environment you work in. <p></p> We aim to provide a <mark>one stop shop for innovative entrepreneurs, with intentional interest in developing and propelling our stakeholders towards being sustainable key players</mark> who are locally made but globally recognized. <p></p> Who We Serve<br> Inclusive Innovation <br> Kids; Inculcating savings, technology, leadership and entrepreneurship mindset at a young age, from as young as 5 years old. <p></p><mark>Tech Innovation <br> Startups who are intentional about the use of technology to optimise processes and disrupt industries</mark> <p></p>Innovative Startups <br> Those that do not necessarily use technology but find other new, creative and better ways to do things. <p></p>Knowledge Center <br> This project is specifically for the youth and teenagers, an information sharing center, with an aim to demystify and engage young people on issues of national interest. <p></p><mark>University Students Test Lab <br> University students have the opportunity to test commercial viability of their startups within our business development unit.</mark> <p></p>Open Innovation Space <br> Partners who are open to sharing and receiving information, allow externals to make contribution within selected companies. These third parties will be consultants through TheNeoHub. <p></p>Innovation Strategy<br> We consult on growth strategies fro private companies, governments and universities. <p></p>Market Place <br> Match making place for investors and startups.

Botswana Innovation Hub
Botswana Innovation Hub offers a unique platform for scientific, technological and indigenous knowledge based innovation with core values of integrity, openness, excellence, collaboration, and innovation. <mark>They add value to existing companies, foster entrepreneurship, and technology transfer while generating knowledge-based jobs thereby attracting innovative companies and institutions to the space.</mark> <p></p> Our Services <br> Technology Entrepreneurship Development <br> - Incubation <br> - Business Acceleration <br> - Innovation Capacity Building <p></p> First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC) is a technology entrepreneurship development and innovation commercialization programme, within the Botswana Innovation Hub. The centre is established to support entrepreneurship and innovation through technology transfer. FSVC identifies, develops and nurtures viable technology-oriented start-up businesses with potential to grow locally and into international markets. <p></p> Innovation Funding <br> - <mark>Promoting Innovation through provision of seed/earlystage funding</mark> <p></p> Botswana Innovation Hub is mandated to coordinate the establishment of a functional and integrated national innovation ecosystem. Key to this, is the creation of Innovation Fund that promotes innovation through provision of seed/early stage funding to companies or organizations registered with the Botswana Innovation Hub which may subcontract part of the development work to universities and research organizations. <p></p> First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC) <br> First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC) is a technology entrepreneurship development and innovation commercialization programme, within the Botswana Innovation Hub. <mark>The centre is established to support entrepreneurship and innovation through technology transfer. FSVC identifies, develops and nurtures viable technology-oriented start-up businesses with potential to grow locally and into international markets.</mark> <p></p> FSVC offers support to start-up companies to harness the potential for economic diversification in the technology sphere through ventures that embrace locally relevant technology and technical support. The Centre offers services such as hot desking, business advisory, brand activation and publicity, fully furnished offices at affordable rates, technology entrepreneurship coaching and mentoring and matchmaking which connects start-ups with the right partners