West Africa /
Burkina Faso / Koudougou

Burkina Institute of Technology
Our computer science program connects cutting edge technology with the social skills required to understand and influence the implications of computer science for the future. The problem-solving, teamwork and leadership skills acquired are incredibly important in the future. This course provides the future generation with the <mark>knowledge and skills required to combat everyday problems with sustainable business ideas for the country. </mark> Therefore, we are looking for highly determined students with a critical thinking ability. If you are interested in understanding complex structures, solving technical problems and developing your own computer programs, then this is the right course for you.

Norbert Zongo University
The Science and Technology Training and Research Unit of Norbert ZONZO University (UFR-ST/UNZ) was created in 2014. It is a higher general education institution whose objective is to train students in scientific and technological fields. Within the framework of the LMD system, the UFR-ST/UNZ prepares students for Licenses, Masters and Doctorates in the fields of Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-Computer Science and Life and Earth Sciences. <p></p>The Computer Science program core coursework provide basic coverage of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture. Theoretical foundations, problem analysis, and solution design are stressed within the program’s core materials. <mark>Students are exposed to a variety of programming languages and systems and become proficient in more than one higher-level language. </mark>