Incus Data - school image
Incus Data

At Incus Data, we believe that good programming is both an art and a skill. We believe that training programmers and software developers in new skills - such as Java, C, C++ and web development - requires a different approach to training users. <p></p> User training involves training new users how to do a specific task. Training programmers, on the other hand, means <mark>training people to understand the methodologies, tools and thinking processes involved for a new language or technology, and how to apply these to real-world problems.</mark> <p></p> We also understand that training adults is very different to training children. For example, did you know that a lecturer has to repeat something more for adults than a teacher would have to for children?. <p></p> We teach you more than just a new programming language or technology. Our courses also teach you good coding practice and better ways to make your code cleaner and easier to maintain. <p></p> In the words of respected coding guru Rick Osborne: "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." <p></p> Why? <mark>Because coding matters.</mark>

mLab - school image

Technology and Entrepreneurship are the pillars on which Africa will build a prosperous and sustainable future. <p></p> mLab is a tech-centred business working alongside partners to build a vibrant, robust innovation ecosystem. We do this by identifying and nurturing the tech-talent among our youth, supporting budding tech-entrepreneurs and their fledgling businesses, and creating tech that brings about change and improves the lives of all South Africans. We also run a number of pan-African programmes to broaden the reach and impact of our participants and stakeholders alike. <p></p> <mark>mLab places great importance on driving social and economic impact within the ICT sector. The organisation has a strong focus on empowering youth and driving inclusive innovation within the digital economy. It does this by providing support to its programme participants in order to de-risk them for relevant industry opportunities. These programmes include; Skills Development, Enterprise Development and Technology Development.</mark> <p></p> mLab runs the CodeTribe Academy which aims to drive inclusive digital innovation in South Africa. The coding programme provides training and work experience to talented youth in the townships to <mark>develop – Android, iOS and Web solutions. Participants are also up-skilled in cloud technologies, scrum agile project management and other soft skills to drive employment and self-employment.</mark> With over 500 developers trained and 48% being females, the programme assists graduates pursue employment and self-employment careers in ICT.