Southern Africa /
South Africa / Pretoria - Universities

Tshwane University of Technology
The qualifications offered by the department are geared towards the development expertise in the fields of Computer Science and Multimedia Computing. The Computer Science qualification is designed to <mark>equip students with key programming, analysis and design skills that includes back and front-end web development, mobile computing, software engineering and data science in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts.</mark> The Multimedia Computing qualification encompasses the technologies behind the creative industry and adds audio/visual creation expertise to the key programming skills. These skills include 2D/3D graphics and animation, virtual reality, interactive environments and games development. <p></p> The emphasis of our qualifications is on the provision of adequate theoretical and practical knowledge in order to implement and recommend solutions to mainstream computer science related problems. Our postgraduate studies are focused on providing tools and techniques to enable quality research in both theoretical and applied computer science.

University of Pretoria
The Department fulfils a vital role within the broader Information Technology spectrum in South Africa, as well as internationally.Our main objective is to explore and research the scientific basis of new technologies. We furthermore promote the proliferation of reliable, robust and innovative computing and information technologies into the IT-industry in South Africa. <p></p> Excellence in computer science education, the development of internationally and nationally recognized research initiatives and strong industry collaboration are the driving factors underpinning the success of the Department of Computer Science. <p></p> The University of Pretoria is unique in administering Information Science, Informatics (Information Systems) and Computer Science from within a single School of Information Technology (SIT). <p></p> This programme includes a significant number of <mark>modules in mathematics, statistics and the natural sciences. these modules strengthen the kind of thinking done when one develops software and enhances problem-solving abilities.</p> It also provides a basis for research in computer science, which often relies on certain level of mathematical skill and maturity. Other than following a research career, graduates follow careers as programmers, system analysts, system architects, consultants, database administrators and network analysts

University of South Africa
The School of Computing offers various programmes ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition, the Centre for Software Engineering (CENSE) offers a number of specialised short learning programmes. Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We have established ourselves, and gained a reputation as a leader in Computing. <p></p> Successful learners should have: A systematic and coherent body of knowledge. <mark>An understanding of underlying concepts and principles of computing and the ability to apply this in the workplace.</mark> A high level of cognitive and other generic skills including problem-solving, written and spoken communication. The ability to access and evaluate scientific information; competence in applying knowledge through basic research methods and practice. Specific skills and applied competence leading to continued personal intellectual growth, gainful economic activity and valuable contributions to society in science and technology.