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Launch Lab

We are transforming Africa's biggest challenges into its greatest opportunities by serving as a confident, commercial co-builder for world-shaping startups. <p></p> What we build<br> Entrepreneurial Mindset + World-Shaping Startups <p></p>Community<br> We create and foster an entrepreneurial environment in a safe, empathetic manner focused on co-working, events & business support. Our aim is for our community members to learn something new, meet someone interesting and have fun in the process. <p></p> Innovation<br> <mark>We help teach a new problem solving method and the mentality that goes along with it to universities, corporate partners and anyone interested in viewing the world in a new way. This effort is made possible through various bootcamps, pitch competitions, experiential learning workshops and teaching support.</mark> <p></p>Business Building<br> We transform startups from across Africa into high impact, sustainable organisations through standardised content, bespoke support and access to a deep network of mentors, experts and investors. We have two business builder programs: University Startup Lab and Climate Lab. Five day Builder Sprints allow us to work with non-university or climate startups in a focused, high impact manner potentially leading to consulting mandates and brand recognition.