University of Santiago
The Computer Engineering Course at the University of Santiago aims to train Computer Engineers trained both for practice and for research in the area. With a strong practical component, the four years of training are supported by <mark>solid theoretical training that stimulates creativity, based on in the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of computer systems.</mark> <p></p>Professional Outlets<br> Graduates in Computer Engineering will have the following areas of professional activity: Engineering; Computer maintenance; Computer network; Architecture and Design of Systems Information; Information security and IT systems; Systems Analysis; Schedule; Design and development of Systems and Applications; Database Implementation and Administration Data; Multimedia; Management of IT Centers; Consulting and Auditing; investigation and technological development

Universidade Pública de Cabo Verde
The degree course in Informatics and Computer Engineering has the general objective of training specialists able to manipulate and edit information at the conceptual and abstract level, also mastering the physical realities that support it or to which they relate. The course involves a set of elementary, basic and specialized training subjects, which allow the future professional to act with scientific rigor and technological updating, in domains that encompass the analysis, design, modelling, production, operation and maintenance of computer applications, architectures of computers, hardware, multimedia applications and networks. <mark>The course seeks to respond to the local and national need for training qualified professionals with basic and advanced skills in the use and manipulation of Communication and Information Technologies (ICT).</mark> <p></p> In terms of career opportunities, while having a degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering, it is possible to develop activities such as: application programmers, technical support professionals, IT system administrators in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises).

Jean Piaget University of Cape Verde
The Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors program provides students with extensive theoretical knowledge in mathematics, statistics, operation and system analysis, system theory and modelling of technical, economical and social systems, information technologies and information engineering. <p></p> The aim of the course is to provide graduates with a balance of knowledge in business and production theory. <p></p> The technical aspects of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course includes: <mark> <br> - discrete mathematics <br> - algorithm theory <br> - formal logic <br> - <br> - functional programming data flow analysis <br> - systems analysis and modelling <br> - statistics</mark> <p></p> Graduates of the Systems Engineering and Informatics Bachelors course are well equipped for subsequent studies in a relevant MSc programme and/or for employment in the IT sector for economists, in information management, national and international trade etc.

University of Mindelo
At the end of the course, the trainee will have to be trained and qualified to professionally build adequate solutions to solve problems of organizations and society, with the use of new technologies and information systems, based on all the accumulated experience and knowledge acquired through solid training in the field of mathematical sciences, administration and computing. <mark>The interdisciplinary nature of the set of curricular units taught enables professionals with a degree in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems to perform a wide variety of functions in companies, ranging from the management of the general functioning of an organization to the problems of application development, planning and management of information systems.</mark> <p></p> The Degree in Computer Engineering and Computational Systems from the University of Mindelo is a natural candidate for positions in IT departments of the most varied types of national and European institutions and bodies. As an example, institutions in the services sector (where banking, insurance, energy, telecommunications, tourism, culture, multimedia, health and technical-professional education stand out), institutions in the sector industrial and commercial, the Public Administration and in general all companies that need systems to extract, store and make available large volumes of information, whether or not they use Internet services. More specifically, the Graduate in Computer Engineering and Computer Systems from the University of Mindelo is competent to act in the market as: <br> - Systems Analyst; <br> - Analyst/Programmer; <br> - Former; <br> - Network Manager; <br> - Technical Director of Information Systems; <br> - Consultancy in Technologies and Information Systems; <br> - Database Administrator; <br> - Programmer of applications distributed on the Internet; <br> - Computer technician; <br> - Computer Security Technician; <br> - Design of hardware and/or software systems; <br> - Design of IT systems infrastructures; <br> - Communication network infrastructure design;