Makerere University
Makerere University is one of the oldest and most prestigious Universities in Africa. Our vision is to be a thought leader of knowledge generation for societal transformation and development. We strive towards this goal by providing innovative teaching, learning, research and services that are responsive to Africa's as well as and Global needs <p></p>Computer Science majors at Makerere study an integrated curriculum, partially in areas with an immediate relationship to the computer, such as programming languages, operating systems, and computer architecture, and partially in theoretical computer science and mathematics. A broad range of upper-level courses is available in topics including artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computational complexity and the analysis of algorithms, computer communications, combinatorial methods, computer architecture, computer graphics, data bases, mathematical models for computation, optimization, and programming environments. Through this integrated approach, <mark>students acquire the kind of flexibility needed in a rapidly changing field; they are prepared to engage in both applied and theoretical developments in computer science as they happen.</mark>

Kampala International University
The department assiduously work to instill "I can do it" spirit in both undergraduate and postgraduate students despite the misconception in computer science and software engineering. <p></p> The movement, methods and techniques aimed at making software development more systematic, procedural and cost effective are imbibed. <p></p> The theory of computing, experimentation and approaches that form the basis for the design and use of computers are dealt with. <p></p> To help our research profile we have research group that focus on several domains that will play pivotal role in the attainment of developmental growth for the university, nation and Africa. <p></p>Mission<br> To graduate innovative leaders and advance computing knowledge through excellent education, research and community service to the benefit of the society. To be a strong and outstanding center for the teaching, development and promotion of Science & Technology to support sustainable economic development of society, striving at all times for relevance in teaching and research, and excellence among staffers and students. <p></p>Objectives<br> <mark> <br> 1. To be responsive to national and international computing and ICT related needs <br> 2. To promote technological advancement by providing conducive environment for research, teaching and learning <br> 3. To develop products, artifacts and solution-oriented software that are self-sustaining, relevant to societal need and user-friendly </mark>

Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Power up your future as a software engineer today. Through our program, you will learn to apply engineering principles to computer software. You will gain technical knowledge and skills in how to design, develop, maintain, test and evaluate software. As you move through the program, your courses will include areas such as engineering, business, computing science and project management. <p></p> Software engineer grads do more than programming. <mark>They bring creative solutions to manufacturing, transportation, health care, government and digital media. These sectors rely on computer tools and applications, which our grads manage.</mark>

Kyambogo University
It is our conviction that by deciding to join the Department of Computer Science you will have made the right choice. It is our promise and assurance that you will be grounded firmly not only in the theoretical knowledge, but also in the <mark>practical skills required to address and solve societal problems.</mark> <p></p> You will benefit from the expertise of our qualified staff, the state-of-the-art facilities we have and the services we offer. We promise to help you realize your dream of becoming a Computer Scientist, Information Technologist, Information System Professional or Systems Analyst, Systems Administrator, Database Designer/Administrator, Web and Mobile App Developer, etc. During the course of your study, you will have a chance to be placed in an Industry setting for Industrial Training where <mark>you will have a chance to put to practice what you will have learned in the lectures.</mark> This will give you a chance to address some of the field problems using both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the Labs and Incubation Centers.

Busitema University
We educate the next generation of computer scientists and developers. Students learn how to problem solve and develop solutions that are efficient, effective, and reliable. <p></p> The computing sciences field is rapidly changing. <mark>Our programs are rigorous and thorough, so our students are prepared to meet the demands of the job market.</mark> <p></p> We encourage our student to pursue research experiences, independent studies, internships, and study abroad programs.

Gulu University
The Department of Computer Science was established by the Gulu University Senate in 2003 to educate students in Computing Science disciplines. The Department currently offers two undergraduate programmes: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BCS), and Bachelor of Information and Communications Technology (BICT). Two graduate programmes have been developed and will be mounted after accreditation by National Council for Higher Education. Research in the Department is structured under three research groups: Future Internet, Information Management, and Computer Simulation and Gaming. <p></p> The Vision and Mission of the Faculty of Science is in tandem with that of the University; to play a leading role in post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation of the region through the provision of human resources in the areas of Basic and Applied Sciences, technology, research and other services. It is also in conformity with the Strategic Plan of the University aimed at <mark>producing high level human resource that can effectively participate in solving the social and economic problems of the country.</mark>

Uganda Martyrs University
The B.S. in Computer Science provides an in-depth study of the science of computing, including mathematical/theoretical foundations as well as systems and application software development. Students take electives (4-5 courses) in topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, computer vision, graphics, game programming, bioinformatics, databases, big data, mobile and web application development, cloud computing, high performance computing, wireless and sensor networks, network and information security, and digital forensics. <mark>The program is for students with an interest in the fundamentals of computing, who want to be able to contribute to innovative research and product development.</mark> Our graduates have careers in software development, systems analysis, and consulting; they are also prepared for graduate study and research in Computer and Information Sciences.

Ndejje University
The computer science degree attracts students who are interested in both the mathematical theory and technical applications of computer science. Most employers look for students who are good computer scientists but also understand the tools and techniques of mathematics, science, and industry, and are able to communicate effectively. <mark>The major is for the mathematically adept student who wishes to become a computing professional with knowledge of relevant applications areas.</mark> <p></p>Our program educational objectives are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years of graduation. They will be able to: <br> - Pursue advanced study in computing or participate in modern software development. <br> - Collaborate successfully with colleagues and clients. <br> - Work as ethical and responsible members of the computing profession and society.

Mountains of the Moon University
We live in exciting times. The dawn of the knowledge age has brought with it an unprecedented opportunity for delivering high quality education in more engaging ways, to a wider audience than ever before. Information and communication Technologies (ICTs) have the potential to act as revolutionary tools, opening doors to any one learning anywhere at any time. <p></p> The School of Informatics and Computing(SOIC) is mandated to provide computing and Informatics academic services to all students of Mountains of the Moon University as well as providing Computer Literacy skills to the community. <p></p>Vision <br> To be a center of excellence in the <mark>transmission and enhancement of new knowledge in Technology & innovations through the use of ICT.</mark> <p></p>Mission <br> To Produce & Disseminate Innovative Knowledge in Computing, Information Technology & Related Fields That Foster Students' intellectual & Professional Development.

Kabale University
The department of Computer Science & Information Technology is passionate about offering industry-focused education aimed at solving the world’s greatest challenges. We are committed to empowering the learners with professional development to make a difference in current and future societal needs through creative and innovative discoveries. <mark>The department also aspires to place its graduates ahead of their competition by initiating and developing more rigorous courses in the area of information and communication technology and to promote agile, digital interactive cutting-edge learning technologies, and methodologies to train entrepreneurial game-changing graduates.</mark> <p></p> We strive for excellence through creativity and innovativeness to help transform students into agents of change while <mark>placing great emphasis not just on instilling academic knowledge and skills but also focusing on instilling values to produce holistic individuals with sound moral standing, reflected in their characters, and actions.</mark> The department is also engaged in high-impact, interdisciplinary research to create novel groundbreaking conceptual and practical innovations aimed at delivering meaningful solutions to current and future global challenges. It also has a mission of promoting strong partnerships and collaboration with government bodies, globally leading universities and the industry to advance research and innovation. We endeavor to create a vibrant, inclusive environment to enable the students and staff to embrace diversity while appreciating differences.

Victoria University
It is one of the world’s largest diverse fields and the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained on a computing course are immediately applicable and in great demand across almost every sector of today’s technology rich universe. At Victoria University, this course is our core program for our innovations Hub, so many opportunities are available in this program. Students who study with us computer science will never look for jobs, but they <mark>graduate with assured skills and knowledge for creating own employment through innovative activities.</mark>

International University of East Africa
The BSc. Software Engineering at IUEA is a four-year course designed to give students skills and knowledge in the latest and emerging trends in software engineering and to be able to apply this in problem solving capacities in real world organisational contexts. At the foundational level, the programme is cross cutting and explores software engineering from the interrelated fields of computer science and information technology. At the advanced level, the programme explores software engineering from an emerging and a global perspective so that students can understand and apply software engineering principles and skills to solve problems for local development and organisational needs to an international standard. In the final year, students will be tasked with identifying a problem and creating durable and functional solutions using their skills in software engineering and so that they are ultimately prepared for working situation. <mark>Students completing this programme shall be equipped with an international standard and knowledge of software engineering and be able to apply for well sort after positions in leading companies and institutions.</mark>

Kampala University
The School of Computer Science and Information(SCSIT) is one of the few schools that were accredited by the National Council of Higher Education(NCHE) when Kampala University opened the gates to its pioneer students in the year 1999.The school which is located at the main campus Ggaba was inaugurated by His Majesty Ronald Mutebi II The Kabaka of Buganda on 15 January, 2005. Other than offering academic programmes SCIT works as a service department/help desk in the university. There are 4-5 fulltime staff members always present to provide technical support to students, other schools, and administration. SCSIT has branches in other campuses within the town Kampala and across the country. In Kampala,CSIT programmes are offered at KU City Campus and KU Mutundwe Campus. Other branches are at Jinja, Luweero and Masaka. SCSIT is fast growing and one of the high performing faculty, recognized by NCHE at each visit. <p></p> This mission is achieved through: <mark><br>(a) Providing market oriented demand driven curriculum that equips students with both the theoretical and practical tools, necessary for analyzing and solving economic, social, cultural anddevelopment problems using IT skills. <br>(b) Providing a broad based knowledge through interdisciplinary curriculum. <br>(c) Maintaining close ties with public and private institutions,banks, and none-profit organizations and stakeholders.</mark>

Muteesa 1 Royal University
The Department of Information Technology at MRU prepares a student for the rigors of the digital age, given that most industries depend on data and software solutions. The adequately equipped computer laboratories and specialised staff at MRU provide our IT students with a lifelong experience that prepares him/her adequately for the IT driven world. Reawakening an imaginative and creative mind is one of the tenets of the programme in Art and Design. Recent studies have unraveled the link between this programme and engineering. <mark>Innovation and problem solving are derivatives of creativity - a highly sought after trait by employers. </mark>

LivingStone International University
The School of Computing and Information (SCI) is using data and systems to solve many of the large-scale problems facing the world today. Through our critical research and academic offerings, we are changing the way society does business, manages health care, provides education, designs infrastructure and more. <p></p> <mark>How do you take a problem and abstract it in ways that the computer can understand it, then put the data structure and algorithms in place? Our programs give students a deep understanding of computational thinking and the necessary research for future applications.</mark>

Kumi University
Our BAS in IT offers a high-tech approach to managing and ensuring the security of advanced information systems. We will instruct you on how to: <br> - Engineer computer software <br> - Administer complex databases <br> - Act as a network systems administrator <p></p> <mark>The students you will be learning with come from all walks of life, some with experience in IT and others just starting out.</mark> <p></p> It takes a certain kind of person to excel in the area of IT. The individuals who have the most success are typically: <br> - Patient <br> - Critical thinkers <br> - Problem solvers

Soroti University
The primary focus of this programme is to produce entrepreneurship-oriented graduates who are capable of propping up new companies, out of the prototypes that they will have developed at the undergraduate level. This demands that the projects should benchmark world class standards, capable of leading to Electronics and Computer Engineering and Information and Communication Technologies incubators. <p></p> Computer Engineering is a hardware-oriented degree whose requirements include courses offered by the School of Computing and/or the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering includes the design, implementation and programming of digital computers and computer-controlled electronic systems. Computer engineers work with and design computers from embedded systems to networks of GPU’s. Of particular importance to computer engineers is the interfacing of computers with other devices and computers. <mark>Computer engineers also design and develop large software systems to analyze and control sophisticated instrumentation.</mark>

ISBAT University
The Bachelor of Computer Science involves the use of the most up-to-date technology and methods and includes major emphasis on software development. The course is oriented towards applications in areas such as defence, aerospace and medicine, where complex software plays a major role: as well as in businesses that require extensive computer support, such as retail, banking and manufacturing. <p></P> This sector is ever growing faster than before, and there are insufficient quality skills in the sector who can take up the demands. The Government of Uganda’s BUBU (Build Uganda Buy Uganda) policy requires many software professionals in the development and support of the software systems and web services locally. <p></P> This program is modeled on our existing bachelor’s degree which boasts an impressive employment record among graduates. Experience has taught us that our graduate profile is actively sought after by recruiters, and it is common tor our final-year students to receive job otters before they graduate. <p></P> The BSc. in Computer Science program enables students to attain, by the time of graduation: <mark> <br>1. An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the program’s student outcomes and to the discipline. <br>2. An ability to analyse a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution required for individuals, organizations and society. <br>3. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or complex program to meet desired needs by applying mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modelling. <br>4. An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal. <br>5. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities. <br>6. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences. <br>7. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development. </mark>

Islamic University in Uganda
This program prepares individuals for a wide range of professional certifications, and offers a number of specializations: software engineering, database management, game design, mobile application development and cybersecurity. <p></p> Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science are able to: <mark> <br> - Apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems. <br> - Analyze problems, identify the computing and informatic requirements to develop appropriate solution. <br> - Design, develop and implement the reliable computing systems based on the logic and mathematical principles and models <br> - Analyze, design, develop, and document secure technical solutions for computing systems and networking infrastructure <br> - Analyze, compare, and contrast algorithms, programming languages, compilers, and operating systems to select or develop solutions to problems. <br> - Understand and follow local, national, and international technical standards, ethics, and intellectual property regulations when developing or updating computer applications and systems <br> - Communicate effectively with a range of audiences. <br> - Initiate and lead teamwork, implement a wide range of teamwork development, manage multicultural communication and possible conflicts. </mark>

Uganda Christian University
The mission of the program is to provide a broad-based, sophisticated understanding of information and its technology, preparing you to enter the workforce ready to add immediate benefit to your chosen organization. Graduates of our computer science and information technology program are ready for jobs in the information and technology industry, business, public service and other professions. <mark>Possible job titles include security and performance analyst, web developer, information management specialist, network administrator, business analyst, usability engineer and database administrator.</mark>

Bishop Stuart University
In the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students will learn the general synthesis of mathematics and statistics as well as computational and coding skills within a global context. They will acquire intercultural speaking and effective multicultural communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and leadership and global citizenship to lead the change towards an ethical and sustainable world. <p></p> Graduates of this Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences will be able to: <mark> <br> - Analyze a problem and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution. <br> - Design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs. </mark> <br> - Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing based solutions. <br> - Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. <br> - Recognize the social, legal, ethical, and cultural issues inherent in the discipline of computing and understand that the social, legal, and ethical standards vary internationally. <br> - Demonstrate the integration of transferrable skills in oral and written communication, problem-solving, guided learning and independent study. <br> - Foster scholarship and research in Computer Science.

Nkumba University
We aim to produce technically competent professionals with a high degree of credibility, integrity and ethical standards. We are cognisant of the necessity to respect and nurture the creative potential of both students and staff. <p></p> The school offers and coordinates academic programmes at post graduate, undergraduate and professional levels. Three new programmes are in the pipeline, these will be advertised at an appropriate time. The development of these new programmes is clearly informed by the need to produce graduates capable of working in a modern computing economy driven by cutting edge technologies in various disciplines such as big data and data science, cloud computing, web services development, multimedia authoring, machine learning, gaming, AI, distributed computing, Blockchain, animation, Networks inter alia. <mark>Our aim is to produce professionals that competently satisfy the new job market requirements.</mark>

Clarke International University
Bachelor of Applied Technologies is an offering that is responsive to the current and future needs of our economies in the Sub-Saharan Africa. The industry continues to seek to hire graduates that are relevant and can be agile in aligning themselves to the different sectors in our economies. <p></p> The three major streams that are essential based on the consultative process with different industry players include; Enterprise Solutions, ICT Infrastructure Management and Business support for IT businesses. The Bachelor of Applied Technologies responds to these demands and <mark>seeks to avail learners with the Mindset; Skill-set and Tool-set to enable them become the exception to the norm.</mark> <p></p> Program Objective <br> - Deliver a holistic program that addresses the short-falls in the current programs. <br> - Graduate industry responsive students aligned to needs of the marketplace.<mark> <br> - Contribute to the ICT Sector growth through the provision of skilled and relevant human resource.</mark>

Muni University
The information technology industry is central to the way we work, learn, play, communicate and socialise. Build a strong foundation for your future career with core IT skills you can apply to multiple industries anywhere in the world. During Muni's Bachelor of Information Technology <mark>you will gain the essential skills and experience required to embark on a career in IT, while developing specialist knowledge in an industry-relevant major study area of your choosing.</mark> <p></p> This course will give you the opportunity to explore and experiment in areas like programming, networking, entrepreneurship and user-centred design. You will undertake a specialised capstone project and access co-working spaces, enabling you to collaborate with like-minded peers and kickstart your own professional network. An honours year is available for high-achieving students interested in undertaking a focused research project.

Uganda Technology And Management University
The BS in software engineering is based on a mathematical foundation that includes calculus, linear algebra and discrete mathematics. The two programs also have the same computer science core, including modern programming methodologies, the analysis of algorithms and data structures, and the study of operating systems. While the computer science program continues with courses in advanced data structures, programming languages and automata theory, the software engineering program includes courses in engineering, software validation and testing, and software architecture. There is also a rich choice of application areas, including digital systems design, computer networks, embedded systems, computer imaging, artificial intelligence, machine learning and human-computer interaction. <p></p> Careers in Software Engineering<br> Virtually all major companies and corporations need software-related core competencies. Software engineers are central in developing and making use of these competencies. They work in teams that interface extensively with clients, company executives, IT managers, data scientists, and security and domain experts. <mark>Software engineering professionals are creative, highly collaborative, well paid and in very high demand with employers. Software engineering graduates embark on career paths that may lead to positions as chief strategy officer, project manager, chief technology officer, software architect, senior manager of software development, risk management officer and security analyst.</mark>

Cavendish University Uganda
Do you have a mathematical mind that can rival calculators? Are you interested in the intricacies of binary and software development? Do you reach for your keyboard with new algorithms that could solve the world’s problems? A computer science degree will grant you the credentials to transfer your inbuilt skills to a whole new generation. <p></p> Computer Science is one of the areas of computing that includes Information Technology, Information Systems, Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. <mark>This Programme is designed to give students a strong background in the fundamentals of mathematics and computer science, thus preparing them for proficiency in designing, writing and developing computer programs.</mark>

Uganda Pentecostal University
Offers a Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT), a three (3) years full-time degree program and a two (2) years Diploma in Information Technology & Certificate Information Technology open to all prospective students. The program is concerned with the application of existing computing technologies to the information needs of organizations and individual computer users. <p></p>The current curriculum was designed with emphasis on having the student acquire the business, media, computing and communication skills necessary for employment and career opportunities in today’s ICT industries and business organizations. <mark>Students on this Programme develop conceptual and practical IT skills in integrating financial, organizational, marketing and production/service function with an overall business strategy.</mark> <p></p>Most students will take up administrative positions in Information and Communication Technology sectors, Systems Analysts, Web-Designers, Web Programmers, Information Technology Planners, IT Company Secretaries and IT Project Managers.

Metropolitan International University
The Computing Department at Metropolitan International University aims to equip students with knowledge of the foundations of their chosen subject area and the skills necessary to apply their discipline to real-world problems. Our teaching regularly achieves high satisfaction scores and you will find many of our courses provide a diverse and engaging approach to teaching and learning, including project-based activities in all years, invited speakers and access to leading edge technologies in a range of dedicated labs throughout the campus. <p></p> We have particular strengths in Networks, Foundations of Computing, Software Systems Engineering, Computational Simulation, Intelligent Networks, and HCI. Research is integrated with our teaching and students have an opportunity to be introduced to emerging technology in these areas at undergraduate level of study. <p></p> Mission <p></p> To advance learning and knowledge through teaching and research, particularly: <br> - in science, technology, mathematics and agricultural studies; and <br> - at the postgraduate level; <p></p> To assist in the economic and social development of Uganda <p></p> Vision <br> <mark>To unlock the potential of our staff, students and communities, in an environment conducive to learning, through teaching and research, and the pursuit of strategic partnerships.</mark> <p></p> To be a leading university with significant international impact and strong local commitment

University of Kisubi
The Faculty of Business and ICT grew out of from the Faculty of Education where its programs were housed since its inception in 2009. We are committed to continue providing our students and the general public with relevant skills required not only for the competitive job market but also skills necessary. <p></p> VISION: <br> <mark>To be a leading faculty of Management and ICT that prepares competent Professionals, persons of Integrity who think Critically and Analytically, and are empowered by Gospel values to uphold human Dignity.</mark> <p></p> MISSION: <br> To provide a holistic business, management and ICT training for lifelong learning that enhances skills- oriented, faith-based leaders capable of being transformative agents of society. <p></p> CORE VALUES: <br> - Time Management <br> - Respect <br> - Integrity <br> - Openness

Valley University of Science and Technology
Our Bachelor of Science Information Technology degree program was designed, and is regularly updated, with input from the experts on our College of Information Technology Program Council, ensuring you learn best practices in systems and services, networking and security, scripting and programming, data management, and the business of IT. <p></p> Earning a degree designed by industry experts adds theoretical depth to the practical knowledge you already have. <mark>Our programs are designed to meet you where you are - and then boost your knowledge and skills from there.</mark> The experts who make up our College of IT Program Council know exactly what it takes for a graduate to be successful in the fast-paced, ever-changing world of information technology.

Avance International University
The demand for computer scientists in the workplace remains strong. Computer scientists can make a difference in the world by helping to solve problems in areas as diverse as global communications, health care, public policy, scientific discovery and exploration, and climate change. <mark>Students who major in Computer Science develop and adapt new methods for solving highly technical problems at the forefront of technology.</mark> They are problem solvers first and foremost, and learn to think critically, logically, and abstractly. They gain both an understanding of the underlying theory and concepts of computing and the facility to integrate theory with practice. Students take both foundational courses and advanced technology courses that focus on systems and technology development. Our graduates are well prepared for a diverse range of careers in programming, web development, system support, network administration, database design, computer and network security, applications development, and software engineering. The program also provides academically outstanding and highly motivated majors with the opportunity to produce a rigorous thesis as the culmination of a two-semester project, beginning with a preparatory semester of related independent research.