North Africa /
Algeria / Algiers - Accelerators

Algeria Venture
We are a group of passionate individuals who encourage startups and innovative projects to provide innovative solutions to the challenges the country faces through entrepreneurship; thus creating employment opportunities, promoting environmental protection, creating a cultural movement, and integrating minorities into development processes. Algeria Venture’s program <mark>targets passionate innovative project bearers and startups in particular. who, being able to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, see challenges as opportunities and opportunities to be seized.</mark> <p></p> Our Vision ? <br> Be the pioneer of business development in the country. Our vision is a better society, a society governed by individual actions for a common benefit. Through the promotion of social entrepreneurship (or other field), the center aims to create an endless chain of reactions that generate positive change and and economic development in Algeria. <p></p> Our mission ? <br> We aim to accelerate the country's aspirations (for industrialization, entrepreneurship, digital, etc.). <mark>Bridging the gap between ideas and results Vision</mark>. Our mission is to create a network of startups across Algeria, to train them, to support them and to accompany them in the management of their businesses and projects.

UNDP Algeria Accelerator Lab
UNDP Accelerator Lab teams are helping UNDP and partners close the gap between the current practices of international development and an accelerated pace of change. To do this, the Labs are creating new service lines in development that are open‑ended and safe to fail. The Lab network does this by iterating in a cycle of sensing, exploring, testing and growing. <br> - SENSE is about understanding what are emerging challenges and opportunities in the local context and determining where we need to focus our attention. <mark> <br> - EXPLORE is about better understanding the challenge and looking for solutions, particularly by looking at how citizens are already addressing these challenges and opportunities. </mark> <br> - TEST is about designing a portfolio of potential solutions to intervene at multiple points in the system and continuously testing them until we are confident they can work. <br> - GROW is about handing over the portfolio of solutions, advocacy for policy change or spinning solutions off as private ventures.