Pioneer International University - school image
Pioneer International University

The School of Information and Communication Technology is a remarkable educational environment for talented students to gain current academic experience through the accredited Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program and up-to-date courses that are responsive to rapid changes in technology, industry, employer needs and the changes in the national economic priorities. <p></p> Technological innovations are in demand in many different fields and occupations. <mark>New ideas and creative skills are needed to make those fields more effective, efficient, and able to cope with the accelerating changes in society.</mark> This is what you get at Pioneer International University, School of Information and Communication Technology.

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Zetech University

This programme offers skills in use of technology to manage and support business related computer systems. The courses offers <mark>career-based training for the development of business information technology systems using varied programming techniques, and software and hardware configurations.</mark> This course is aimed at bridging the existing knowledge gap in organisational data storage, business continuity, disaster recovery, security, business analytics and optimisation and enterprise architecture. <p></p> Learning Outcomes <br> - Plan and implement computer applications in IT industry. <br>- Use Information Technology effectively in the work environment to analyse, identify and define organisation requirements and opportunities. <br> - Design, install and manage computer networked systems. <br> - Analyse the impact of technology on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal and policy issues.

Technical University of Kenya - school image
Technical University of Kenya

Welcome to the School of Computing and Information Technologies (SCIT) at The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K). The School of Computing offers market driven academic programs from certificate to PhD level with an objective to <mark>transform our students to responsible graduates who are problem solvers in the society.</mark> The school is one of the fastest growing schools in TU-K attracting learners who come either fresh from High schools or those already with a background from other disciplines who have a passion for “ICT”. We are committed to offering our students and stakeholders excellent customer service, excellent teaching using impactful approaches and methodologies such as case based teaching and problem based learning. Moreover, <mark>we expose the learners to the latest technologies. In close collaboration with the industry partners, our students get inducted to the real world of IT projects while still on campus.</mark> True to TU-K’s philosophy of developing holistic graduates with requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for the real world of work, the school of computing has a tradition of focusing on skills development based on sound theoretical underpinnings and exhibited through demonstration of skills in the studied fields.

United States International University Africa - school image
United States International University Africa

The Computing department at USIU-Africa offers a range of academic qualifications and courses to undergraduate and graduate students. The courses are designed to <mark>prepare students for both technical and managerial careers.</mark> The department also offers internationally and industry recognized, professional Certification Programs based on IBM, CISCO, EC-Council, LPI and Microsoft technologies. <p></p> Our programs boast of a small faculty to student ratio and thus students receive personal attention from the faculty and the academic staff. Our programs prepare students to enter the job market having completed extensive practical project work using a variety of system development tools to develop commercial applications. <p></p> The department has a very innovative faculty and technical staff who well updated in their fields. Our faculty is actively involved in interdisciplinary research and collaborations. Currently, the department has research projects funded by the National Research Foundation, USAID, and Internal University Funding. <p></p> The Computing department also provides its students a competitive edge through its apprenticeship program, the AppFactory and Student Clubs. <mark>At the AppFactory the students work with senior software technicians to allow them develop essential workplace skills and the ability to design and implement modern software solutions.</mark> Students are encouraged to join the two professional student clubs in the department: The IT Club and Student Google Developer Student Club.

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Strathmore University

The Strathmore University Bachelor of Science in Informatics and Computer Science degree prepares candidates to become specialists in both Informatics and Computer Science. <mark>They are able to tackle area of informatics such as big data analytics and health informatics at the same time specializing in other areas of Computer science from its theoretical and algorithmic foundations to cutting-edge developments in computer vision, intelligent systems and other emerging areas in computing.</mark> <p></p> The degree has been developed in response to employer demand for people who have deep technical programming and theoretical computer science knowledge for design of complex systems in the current rapidly expanding knowledge-based society. <p></p> Informatics and Computer Science graduates can design and implement software or devise new ways to use computers or develop effective ways to solve computing problems.

Kiriri Women's University of Science and Technology - school image
Kiriri Women's University of Science and Technology

The department is committed to supporting the mission and vision of Kiriri Womens University with an emphasis on enriching the great minds of the ladies and women pursuing a course in technology. Furthermore, to develop and nurture their leadership qualities as we impart knowledge and refine their skills which are essential in the current job market. This is realised through excellent classroom instruction, mentorship as well as directed guidance and counselling. <p></p> In the department, we are currently offering three undergraduate programmes. Students in the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science <mark>acquire fundamental skills that are applicable to organisations in this dynamic market coupled with the technical aspects that support their careers.</mark> The Diploma in ICT develops students’ interest in technology and fosters their information in the IT industry as well as giving them the knowledge that they can apply in the industry. The Certificate in ICT is designed for the students seeking to acquire the fundamental IT knowledge and skills that can be useful in jumpstarting their careers in this diverse field.

Multimedia University of Kenya - school image
Multimedia University of Kenya

Currently, we offer four distinctive undergraduate programmes, that is, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology, Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. In addition as from may 2017, we have launched two masters programmes namely; MSc in Information Technology and MSc in Computer Science. <p></p> In response to our customer demand we run diploma programmes to cater for school leavers namely; Diploma in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), International Diploma in Computer Studies (IDCS), International Advanced Diploma in Computer Studies (IADCS) to prepare them for more advanced training in IT. For the professional track we offer Cisco Academy programme (Level 1-4) and the International Driving License (ICDL). <p></p> <mark>These programmes are taught by highly qualified and experienced academic staff that are very committed to academic excellence. The programmes are constantly reviewed to reflect the rapidly changing demands in the ICT industry.</mark> <p></p> Through the dedicated efforts of the faculty and students, we have continued to produce highly competitive graduates who continue to make exceptional contribution to the ICT industry. It is most likely that you will find our alumni in many credible organizations. <p></p> The faculty is progressing towards becoming an international leader in ICT research and innovation. To achieve this, the faculty has taken measures to create a conducive environment by setting up the state of art training laboratories and the Information Access Centre. <p></p> This publication has been prepared to provide you, our clients, a comprehensive idea of the courses on offer at postgraduate, undergraduate and skill development levels. Finally, I hope that the learning experience that our esteemed clients obtain from the faculty and the university will be one to cherish dearly.

Africa Nazarene University - school image
Africa Nazarene University

The CIT department focuses on creating an environment of Innovation, where students and faculty get a platform to practice and demonstrate incredible problem solving abilities for various issues within our society. The department has highly skilled faculty members on various areas in ICT, who provide one on one attention to students within the class rooms, practical lab work and in the implementation of real life solutions using ICT. <mark>The department aims to produce highly competent and disciplined students, who are skilled in specific areas of ICT such as Computer Programming, Mobile Programming, Web Development, Databases, Systems Architecture, Network Engineers</mark>, among others. This is achieved by providing areas of concentrations that address the specific areas in our programs. Besides the normal course curriculum, the department organizes short courses in the form of Bootcamps to train students on new technologies and trends in ICT. Most of these short courses are sponsored by our partners and therefore availed for free to the students. <p></p> Every year, the department runs an annual Design Thinking workshop themed ‘Impact Week’ in collaboration with our partners from Kirche in Aktion – Germany. The focus is to develops practical solutions for sustainable development through innovation. Through this event, leading Design Thinking coaches from SAP, Lufthansa, Volvo, among other leading organizations in Germany, Australia, and Switzerland. </p></p> The CIT department has formed strong partnerships with local and international companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Dell EMC, Seven Seas, among others to ensure that students are exposed to global technologies, enabling them to experience a world-class ICT training, and have access to global career opportunities. Our alumni have excelled as entrepreneurs in the business and IT sector, as well as in the corporate sector, both locally and internationally. <p></p? The Innovation Center hosted by the CIT department <mark>enables students to develop innovations in a guided and professional way. The students are given local and international mentors for their ideas and support in marketing their ideas and selling them to the local and international markets.</mark>

Kenyatta University - school image
Kenyatta University

Our clients are the students, our faculty recognise that they exist because of this clientele; we are therefore in the business of mentoring this great asset in any country the world over and to release its potential. We recognise that in any country the world’s biggest innovators are the youth. <mark>Universities deal with the young and the ICT department recognises the great potential these people have. We also recognise that given the opportunity and resources, our students’ creativity has no limit.</mark> In order to help our students realise their potential, our greatest asset remains a motivated faculty and support staff. <p></p> The department will therefore endeavour to develop this human asset, that most times is greatly ignored, so as to achieve its mission. Like a cook whose success is measured by appreciation of what he cooks, our success will be measured in terms of the success of our graduates. The success of our graduates will attest to the success of our faculty. To achieve this, the department will strive to recognise department staff for any outstanding service and everyone's contribution to our success. <p></p> Vision <br>To be a competitive centre of excellence in ICT <p></p> Mission <br>To produce competitive graduates who meet ICT market demands. <p></p> Core Values <br>1. Excellence <br>2. Academic Freedom <br>3. Professionalism <br>4. Creativity <br>5. Innovation <br>6. Truth <br>7. Equal Opportunity <br>8. Dynamism <br>9. Integrity <br>10. Teamwork

University of Nairobi - school image
University of Nairobi

The Department of Computer Science (DCS) was originally formed in 1969 as the Computing Centre, a Department in the Faculty of Engineering. In 1976, the Computing Centre moved to the Chiromo Campus where it occupied the purpose-built premises used by the School today. It was formally established in 1977 as the Institute of Computer Science whose mandate included academic as well as university ICT services. In the year 2002, and in the interest of realizing more focused management and efficiency of the two functions, ICS was split into two units i.e. ICTC and SCI now department of Computer Science (DCS). <p></p> <mark>The department takes its name from the core competencies that it seeks to nurture: Computing, to cover the theory and science of computation and Informatics to exemplify the practical outworking of this theory in technology and application. The department is a regional leader in research, research and development (R&D) and advanced education in computing. It was the first to offer Bachelors and Postgraduate degrees in Computer Science in the region.</mark> <p></p> Department of Computer Science is located at the picturesque Chiromo Campus off Riverside Drive within the College of Biological and Physical Science of the University of Nairobi. The department is housed in a two storey building with office facilities for over 50 members of staff, a computer room, several computer labs with a fully networked modern computer infrastructure, a library and several classrooms. <p></p> It is charged with teaching and research activities. It has eleven on-going and very competitive programmes: Diploma (Computer Science), BSc. (Computer Science), M.Sc. in Computer Science with specialization in Computational intelligence and Distributed Computing Technology, M.Sc. in Information Systems with specialization in IT Management, ICT4D and Applied Computing. PhD (Information Systems) and PhD (Computer Science). <p></p> The research mandate of the Department of Computer Science consists of seven research groups in the following thematic areas:<br> <br>1. E-governance <br>2. Mobile Financial Services <br>3. ICT for development (ICT4D) <br>4. Human Language Technology (HLT) <br>5. Technology Supported Learning <br>6. Distributed systems and networks <br>7. E-science