Focus Lab Ouaga
Focus Lab is a center for incubating start-ups and promoting innovative projects, bringing together several sectors of activity. Focus Lab has set itself the task of supporting start-ups in Burkina Faso in their <mark>creation and development so that they are sustainable businesses with a strong socio-economic impact for the country.</mark>

Sira Labs
Incubator of innovative projects; Growth accelerator for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector; Training Center in ICT and Business Management. In addition, Sira Labs offers a creative co-working place in the heart of Ouagadougou's business center. Our fully equipped offices are located on UEMOA avenue, in a ten minutes walk from the international airport. <mark>Sira Labs will allow you to extend your business network in Burkina Faso by sharing your workplace with others coworkers. </mark>

La Fabrique
La Fabrique is an incubator entirely dedicated to supporting social and responsible businesses in West Africa. Accompaniment, co-working, advice, training make it possible to give life to the greatest ambitions! <p></p> Convinced that social entrepreneurship is an effective way of growth and development for Burkina Faso, La Fabrique has given itself the mission of <mark>identifying project leaders and co-constructing with them sustainable companies with a strong impact on the society and/or the environment.</mark> It is now possible to combine social impact and economic performance to develop territories sustainably: this is what La Fabrique and the entrepreneurs it supports demonstrate on a daily basis.

Burkina Business Incubator
The Burkina Business Incubator Association (BBI) is an incubation center for SMEs, a framework for the maturation of ideas for innovative projects and for training in business creation, business development, a real common work space whose main purpose is to promote entrepreneurship through the selection of innovative and high-potential projects and their support from the idea to the launch, including the economic model, studies, training of the promoter, mobilization of resources and the creation of the business. BBI prioritizes projects from the following areas: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Agro-industry, Tourism and Hospitality, Renewable Energy and Environment, and crafts. <p></p> The main objective of BBI is to <mark>participate in the economic growth of Burkina Faso and local development through support for the anchoring of the culture of entrepreneurship and self-employment, business creation, strengthening the capacities of existing SMEs, promoting innovation and facilitating access to financial and technical partnerships.</mark> BBI combines a program and a physical space that allow it to offer the following services: <br> - Reception and accommodation of project leaders at low rent; <br> - Shared services: (internet, telephone, offices, equipment, reception, conference rooms, cafeteria, etc.) <br> - Advice and assistance services relating both to daily operations (legal, personnel, banking relations, accounting) and to strategic aspects (advice, development of business plans, marketing advice, financial advice, industrial property, etc.) ; <br> - Training in entrepreneurship and various aspects of business management and individual coaching; <br> - Linking through financial, technological, commercial networks that allow the company to have access to partners, customers, etc. <br> - Assistance in the creation of the company and follow-up in the operation until a certain stage of growth or maturation or autonomy.

2iE Incubator
2iE incubator is the first technological and social incubator in Burkina. Based in an engineering school and backed by 3 research laboratories, 2iE Incubator has been operational since 2012 and supports innovative projects and companies with a strong social and/or environmental impact. It facilitates the maturation of projects and offers managerial, technical, scientific and financial support. More specifically, the incubated project leader can access many services offered by the incubator, and its network of scientific, private and institutional partners. <p></p> Today, according to the needs of the project leader, 2iE incubator adapts the support formula offered, on site or remotely, according to an incubation collaboration contract drawn up with the entrepreneur supported. ). <p></p> 2iE incubator is also an accelerator and an incubator for companies already created wishing to quickly scale up and/or set up and domicile their activities on 2iE sites in order to benefit from preferential conditions. <mark>The objective is to help them scale up by accessing the financing vehicles best suited to their growth needs.</mark>