Saint Monica Higher Institute
Software engineering is a young profession that has become vital to our society. Industries, services, health care, finance, security, education and the government depend on software assets and services. Relying on computer science, engineering and mathematics, <mark>software engineering provides principles and processes that help developers produce high-quality software that is safe, secure and reliable.</mark> <p></p> BS in software engineering is based on a mathematical foundation that includes calculus, linear algebra and discrete mathematics. The two programs also have the same computer science core, including modern programming methodologies, the analysis of algorithms and data structures, and the study of operating systems. While the computer science program continues with courses in advanced data structures, programming languages and automata theory, the <mark>software engineering program includes courses in engineering, software validation and testing, and software architecture.</mark> There is also a rich choice of application areas, including digital systems design, computer networks, embedded systems, computer imaging, artificial intelligence, machine learning and human-computer interaction.

Cosendai Adventist University
The Faculty of Management and Computer Science is committed to training computer technicians who will be competitive both globally and locally. <p></p> It is a privilege and an honor for the faculty to offer a refined education and excellent training both academically and professionally corresponding to the present and future needs of our society. <p></p> The management program of the Faculty of Management and Computer Science of the UAC <mark>trains qualified and God-fearing management professionals, whose mission is to make a difference in the creation and use of computer tools, and to contribute to the positioning of African countries in this area. We believe that we Africans have a say, we can bring a touch that will make a difference, but it starts with good training, at the grassroots level.</mark> <p></p> Expected job roles: <br> - Web development <br> - Mobile development <br> - System Administration <br> - Computer networks

FOMIC Polytechnic University
Our strong software engineering program, led by highly credentialed faculty committed to undergraduate education, offers a project-based curriculum with a great deal of faculty/student collaboration solving real-world problems. <p></p> FOMIC’s software engineering program - <mark>provides a systems-oriented curriculum that encompasses software requirements, design, construction, testing, maintenance, configuration management, engineering management, engineering process, tools and quality assurance.</mark>

University Institute of the Coast
This specialty trains senior technicians who, with the help of their capability to study the needs of the society, can analyse (MERISE, UML), design and implement computer applications in various fields. <p></p> OBJECTIVES: <mark><br> - Design and develop computer applications; implement and ensure the maintenance of computer programs; <br> - Develop software or systems based on software by following professional standards adequately; <br> - Put in place and customize distributed applications; <br> - Diagnose the main faults affecting the computer system and replace defective parts; plan, monitor and control a computer project. </mark> <p></p>JOB OPPORTUNITIES: <br> - Head of IT project; <br> - Software Consultant; <br> - Developer of applications; <br> - System Administrator.

University of Dschang
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers programs in Mathematics (BA an BS) and Computer Science (BS). The department also offers a minor in mathematics and a minor in computer science. <p></p> The objectives of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science are threefold: <mark> <br> - To prepare students for professional careers in mathematics, and computer science; <br> - To satisfy the mathematical needs of students majoring in other disciplines; and <br> - To help all students develop or review basic mathematical skills and understanding. </mark> <p></p> The Department seeks to achieve these objectives through its course offerings, and a variety of supplemental learning resources. <p></p> The department implements the missions prescribed by the Ministry higher education, namely: <p></p> Teaching <br> Training of middle and senior managers that the country needs. <p></p> The research <br> <mark>Scientific innovation: Studying, researching and proposing innovative solutions to national and international problems.</mark> <p></p> Development support <br> Transfer of advanced technologies, knowledge and know-how, implementation / enhancement of expertise in the service of development. <p></p> Specific objectives<br> Train middle and senior managers capable of participating in the design, build, market, install, manage and maintain large computer or mathematical analysis or security systems, for companies, design offices and individuals. Students trained are scientifically and technically competent <p></p> We have a computer laboratory for practical work and developments, equipped with: <br> - “core-i9” Micro-Computers (PCs and Laptops) <br> - File and database servers, UPS <br> - Biometric Readers, Printer / Scanner <br> - Network equipment (Routers, Switches, AP-Wireless, Modems, etc.) <br> - IoT Sensors and Network Programming Kits Microcomputers are equipped with: <br> - Environments: UNIX-Linux, Windows-Svr_2016/2012/2008, Win_10/8/Vista; <mark><br> - Tools: Java, C++, C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Shell, Fortran, Pascal, Visual studio, Android studio, Eclipse, Oracle, MySQL, PotgreSQL, Access, Dbase, XML, JavaScript, PhP, VHDL, AutoCAD, Scilab, Prolog…</mark> <br> - Others: Mathematica, Scilab, Flash, Adobe suite, Open Office

University of Maroua
A degree in computer science is a gateway into nearly every industry. Technological advances have created a requirement for organisations across all sectors and industries to employ people who are competent, fluent and experienced in multiple areas of computing. <p></p> Our BSc Computer Science is a dynamic and varied programme covering all the key areas, from cybersecurity to machine learning, algorithm design and programming, that you will need to graduate with the knowledge, skills and practical experience ready to start your career. <p></p> <mark>You will learn key programming skills across languages and platforms so you will have the fluency to work on any software development problem. You will understand AI, learning how machine learning works and to employ it. You will be exposed to computational and algorithmic thinking and will learn how to provide data solutions and secure systems. You will be introduced to innovative concepts around algorithmic impact on energy consumption, and discover the social and ethical implications of AI, including considerations of automation.</mark> <p></p> Through problem-based lab learning, you will develop software applicable to the home, web, corporate, and many other fields. You will deliver solutions to people’s problems, be they personal, social, or industrial.

The ICT University
This program enables students to discover how engineering techniques can be applied in software development and employ their practical experiences in building effective software products. Students are taught how to deliver efficient working products on time. The best practices in software development will <mark>prepare students for work as computing professionals.</mark> <p></p> Students learn to develop their self-sufficient learning skills by taking an array of projects all the way through the course. They will be presented with a variety of scope to localize their area of study with a choice of two from five optional units in Year 3, together with an individual software engineering project. The course focuses on providing students with a combination of computing theory and practice to prepare them for immediate entry into computing profession after graduation. Students can also choose to spend the third year on an industrial placement, returning to complete their degrees in the fourth year. <p></p> This is a three year program for students taking classes in the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters. Regular and part-time students are allowed to go above three years, however, students cannot be allowed in the program after five years. Students are required to complete at least 96 credit hours selected from a list of the core, required and elective courses offered. All students prior to graduation must carry out a scientific research project supervised one-on-one by a faculty member. <p></p> <mark>As a software engineering major, you’ll study the scientific and mathematical basis of computer software. You’ll learn a variety of programming languages and how to design, analyze and maintain software.</mark>

Mountains University Bangangté
A software development degree that encompasses technical issues affecting software architecture, design, and implementation as well as process issues that address project management, planning, quality assurance, and product maintenance. <p></p> As software becomes ever more common in everything from airplanes to appliances, there is an increasing demand for engineering professionals who can develop high-quality, cost-effective software systems. The BS in software engineering combines traditional computer science and engineering with specialized course work in software engineering. This software development degree encompasses technical issues affecting software architecture, design, and implementation as well as process issues that address project management, planning, quality assurance, and product maintenance. Students are prepared for immediate employment and long-term professional growth in a range of software development organizations. <p></p> <mark>Students learn principles, methods, and techniques for the construction of complex and evolving software systems. The major encompasses technical issues affecting software architecture, design, and implementation as well as process issues that address project management, planning, quality assurance, and product maintenance. Upon graduation, students are prepared for immediate employment and long-term professional growth in software development organizations.</mark> <p></p> We offer a challenging undergraduate program that prepares students for the demands and challenges of the software industry. The undergraduate degree consists of both core and elective courses that focus on the software engineering lifecycle.

Protestant University of Central Africa
The educational and professional objectives of the program of the CSEE Department (Computer Science, Electronic & Telecom Engineering - CSEE) of UPAC is to train young women and men capable of being useful (operational) from the end of the first year PREPA. They must be able to: <p></p> More generally, the educational objectives of the programs of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering of UPAC are to bring students to: <mark> <br> - Develop the ability to apply the necessary mathematical tools, basic sciences, and fundamental knowledge in the fields of electronic and computer engineering. <br> - Develop capacities for professional understanding of electronic and computer engineering in order to be immediately operational for the company. </mark> <br> - Understand the importance of the social, business, technical, and human context in which a process or product that is designed will operate. <br> - Students are offered an educational foundation that prepares them for various careers in electronics and computer engineering. <p></p> Expected results <br> The inherent results of this training program are: <br> - Fundamentals: understanding principles and basics of science and engineering and the ability to apply them. <br> - Diversity and versatility: Familiarity with multiple and important technical fields, including fundamental elements of Electronic and Computer Engineering. <br> - Intensity and detail: ability to apply detailed knowledge of one or more areas of electronic, computer specializations. <br> - Management and direction: appreciation of projects (of various dimensions) designed in the fields of electronics and IT with a view to meeting major development challenges. <mark><br> - Design: Ability to participate in creative, synthetic, integrative design activities of electronics and computer science. <br> - Curiosity: desire and ability to observe, interpret, exploit life as a universal school. <br> - Communication Skills: Ability to express ideas persuasively in written and oral form.</mark> <br> - Social skills: ability to work with others in professional and social settings. <br> - Global view: appreciation of the diversities in the world and in intellectual fields. <br> - Professional ethics: ability to develop, recognize and appreciate the importance of ethical standards in professional work .

This specialty aims to train specialists capable of developing computer applications in various fields, using their skills in needs study, analysis (Merise, UML, etc.) and coding. <p></p> Required Skills (Generic and specific) <mark><br> - Participate in / lead an IT project management process <br> - Know and use the professional and institutional networks of the IT sectors <br> - Design, develop and upgrade IT applications intended for business information systems. </mark> <p></p> Opportunities <br> - IT Project Manager ; <br> - IT project analyst; <br> - Software consultant; <br> - Application developer; <br> - System administrator

ESCM Pigier
Design and implement the economic intelligence strategy of the organization (company, institution or territory). Support digital uses in the organization: information collection, online communication, cyber security, analysis and visualization of “Big Data”. <p></p> This degree will present you the opportunity to: <mark> <br> - Select a concentration in healthcare, finance, human resources, or business ventures, which are a direct reflection of the AI value potential in these industries. <br> - Graduate with a portfolio of work samples that demonstrates your range and depth of competencies and skills with machine learning and artificial intelligence. <br> - Gain exposure to our experiential AI courses, which includes an introductory course, as well as an advanced course with an end-to-end AI education that thoughtfully prepares students for evolving technology and the challenges it presents. </mark>

ESIAC is a private school, which prepares students for higher education diplomas, among others (Engineers, Masters and professional license, Higher technician certificate, HND). <p></p> Software Engineering<br> TRAINING OBJECTIVE<br> <mark>This specialty aims to train specialists capable of developing computer applications in various fields, using their skills in needs study, analysis (Merise, UML, etc.) and coding.</mark> <p></p> BIG DATA or Artificial Intelligence<br> TRAINING OBJECTIVE<br> In order to effectively use their data, companies and organizations need professionals capable of mastering all the analysis tools used to process this information for decision-making or predictive purposes. <p></p> CYBERSECURITY<br> TRAINING OBJECTIVE<br> In an interconnected global economy where digital is at the heart of our system, companies are increasingly interested in cybersecurity. <p></p> PRODUCT OWNER<br> TRAINING OBJECTIVE<br> The Product Owner is a conductor in charge of the creation, management, and improvement of websites, applications or IT infrastructures. He must ensure that the different teams work together to meet the client's needs. <p></p>Computer Systems Maintenance<br> TRAINING OBJECTIVE<br> Also called Help Desk Technician, the Computer Systems Maintenance Support Technician is most often called upon for diagnostic tasks, preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and repair of computer hardware and software.

Douala Institute Of Technology
The main function of specialists in the IT sector ( Software engineering, Design and maintenance of computer systems and networks, Computer management ) is to design and build complex systems for processing information on the one hand, and on the other part to ensure their maintenance. This includes in its entirety the organization of Man-Machine-System work where the organization of the unfolding of the regulation processes and that of the construction of interdependencies are fundamentally to be considered and structured. <p></p> <mark>At the end of the training, students must be able to develop hardware systems and software “ Software ” in their various fields of application. They then have the capacity to be able to simulate practical problems, to state possible solutions and to transform these into programs. They can analyze and assess alternative solutions, choose and adapt existing programs to solve specific problems.</mark> <p></p>For their specialization, students in this course have the following options. <br> Specialization options: <br> - Software engineering; <br> - Industrial Computing & Automation; <br> - Maintenance of computer systems; <br> - Computer graphics & Web-design; <br> - E-Commerce & Digital Marketing;

University Institute of the Gulf of Guinea
This specialty trains senior technicians who, with the help of their capability to study the needs of the society, can analyse (MERISE, UML), design and implement computer applications in various fields. Through GG's courses, students will develop strong communication skills and learn to work collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team environment. Leadership capabilities will also be explored by collaborating effectively with others, recognizing various leadership styles and examining the consequences of choice. <p></p> Expected Skills <mark> <br> - Design and develop computer applications; <br> - implement and ensure the maintenance of computer programs; <br> - Develop software or systems based on software by following professional standards adequately; <br> - Put in place and customize distributed applications; <br> - Diagnose the main faults affecting the computer system and replace defective parts; plan, monitor and control a computer project. </mark>

The Ucac-Icam Institute
Scientific and technical branch of the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC). Created in 2002 in Pointe Noire (Congo) for the 1st cycle; and in 2004 (Douala) for the 2nd cycle. Courses: General Engineers by work-study program, Bachelor's degree in Sustainable Development, Professional Bachelor's degree in Petroleum, Master's in Process Engineering and Sustainable Development (new) and Manager of Information Systems (Computer Engineer). <p></p> The IT department of the Ucac-Icam Institute is made for you. <p></p> Why? <br> - Pedagogy is completely innovative in Cameroon. You will be placed in real business situations in order to develop the skills you will need in your professional life; <br> - Based on the PBL learning method (problem based learning), you are taught to learn and acquire the techniques, methods and professional behaviors of a good computer scientist; <br> - You are accompanied individually to help you define your professional project and progress at your own pace. Personalized follow-up interviews guide you in the development of this project; <mark><br> - The school's equipped laboratory immerses you in a high-tech environment allowing you to progress and prepare for your professional career in the best possible conditions</mark>; <br> - Finally, certifications that will help you improve in your field are included in the cost of training.

University of Buea
The undergraduate courses lay emphasis on the teaching of basic Engineering principles and on the applications of various Engineering concepts, enhanced by practical sessions. The department also offers a professional Higher National Diploma (HND) programme in two years. <p></p> The specific objectives for the Software Engineering are: <br>– To produce graduates who are well-educated in the fundamental concepts of Software Engineering; <br>– <mark>To produce graduates who are capable of continuing their professional development throughout their career by combining theory with its application in Computer Engineering practice;</mark> <br>– To build human resource capacity in the Software Engineering discipline in both the public and private sectors to students who wish to become proficient in Software development in a variety of platforms using a methodical approach;