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WAN-Hive Ghana

WAN-Hive Ghana is a Community of Enterprising Female Entrepreneurs and Innovators in Ghana. We Discover, Develop and Deploy vibrant and forward-thinking females to create sustainable solutions. <br><br> Women in Business Accelerator program (WiBA)<br> The Women in Business Acceleration Program is specifically crafted to empower and uplift women-led businesses, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by female entrepreneurs. <mark>This program aims to equip our entrepreneurs with essential resources such as access to investment opportunities, funding support for their businesses, and valuable guidance through mentorship with industry experts.</mark> By providing these resources, we strive to facilitate the growth and success of women entrepreneurs on their entrepreneurial journey. <br><br> Digital Skills Training for Girls<br> The Digital Skills Training for Girls is an initiative by WAN-Hive Ghana to equip young ladies between the ages of 15 to 20 with practical training in Basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills to aid them in their academic and professional journey. This is a Bi-annual training program to support girls in both Junior and Senior High Schools with basic computer skills. <br><br> This program seeks to break the gender parity in the digital space by equipping high school girls with basic ICT skills in Microsoft office, surfing the internet, social media engagement, and other digital skills.

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ACity Technology and Entrepreneurship Center

ACity Technology and Entrepreneurship Center is the driver of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst students, faculty and industry partners with tailored <mark>offerings targeted at developing, growing and sustaining profitable and impact projects by leveraging partnerships and technology.</mark> The center has a makerspace, a climate lab and other offerings. <br><br> Whether you are running your own startup, business, or an idea development journey, looking to network with others in the tech and entrepreneurship ecosystem participate in an innovations challenge, receive business start- up support, technical assistance and capacity building training, the Academic City University College Technology & Entrepreneurship Center is <mark>equipped to support you on your journey as you change the world.</mark>

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Mobile Web Ghana

Mobile Web Ghana is a technology & entrepreneurship hub that is dedicated to empowering the youth to develop mobile and web applications and also come up with open data solutions to solve local problems. <br><br> Our Mission<br> To create a community of mobile technology entrepreneurs in Ghana. <br> <br> Our Vision<br> To create a generation of technology change agents and leaders who will use their skills to solve local problems in our communities. <br><br>Path to start-up creation<br> <mark> Mobile Web Ghana endeavors to enhance the skills and broaden the technological knowledge of people to be great leaders, achievers and innovators. <br><br> This comes with capitalizing on their strengths and passions and driving them to excel in their businesses. We execute this through training, boot camps, mentorship and incubation.</mark>

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Ghana Climate Innovation Center

The Ghana Climate Innovation Center (GCIC) is a cutting-edge national business incubator located in Ghana. The Centre is an institute of Ashesi University, one of the country’s premier tertiary institutions. The Centre was established in 2016 to support Ghanaian entrepreneurs and new ventures involved in developing profitable and locally appropriate solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation. <p></p> <mark>GCIC’s focus is on developing and growing green, profitable, and sustainable businesses, led by ethical leaders with critical thinking skills and a deep commitment to gender equality and social responsibility. </mark>GCIC is a disruptive force leading the efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change while driving Ghana’s economic growth. Our passionate, courageous, and dedicated team members and entrepreneurs are committed to the transition to a prosperous, inclusive low-carbon economy. Our commitment to our entrepreneurs is to develop and provide: <p></p> Holistic business and leadership training programs; Tailored portfolio management and support services, including financial grants; Access to global industry and financial experts in the following five sectors: climate smart agriculture, energy efficiency, solar power, water management, domestic waste management; and Influence the government policy sector to advance climate-smart policies and statutes. GCIC challenges the mindset of its entrepreneurs, cultivating and strengthening their focus on sustainable commercial success, but also their contribution to long-term implications of their activity in Ghana, Africa, and the world. We seek to drive inclusive interventions not only around the green economy but especially concerning women’s economic empowerment and financial inclusion. We see this focus as essential to building an economic powerhouse and a sustainable society in Ghana. <p></p>Our Vision <br> A centre of excellence, growing Ghana’s green economy through sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, and climate policy advocacy. <p></p>Our Mission <br> Our mission is to develop and support an exceptional set of transformational ventures and entrepreneurs who are pioneering adaptive and mitigating solutions for climate change issues in Ghana. <p></p>Our Values <br> - Curiosity: Persistently seeking knowledge by understanding ourselves and our environment. <br> - <mark>Innovation: GCIC was established to build and support local capacity among climate-smart SMEs to produce and manufacture locally adaptive innovative solutions to climate change mitigation and adaption. Innovation is at the core of what we do.</mark> <br> - Leadership: GCIC is part of Ashesi University whose mission is to raise ethical entrepreneurial leaders in Africa, leaders with critical thinking skills, concern for others, and the courage needed to transform the continent. We deemed that it was even more important to not only support enterprises with business tools and services, but also to support their leadership to be lateral and critical thinkers that have the capacity to lead enterprises that are solutions-based and transformational.

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Women in Tech Across Africa

Supporting Women in Tech Across Africa(WITA) to Positively to Impact their Communities Positively. WITA believes that women are equally capable of being at the forefront of technological development and advancement in Africa and the world at large. <p></p> Women in Tech Africa mission is 3 fold: <mark> <br> - Promoting the capabilities of an African woman achiever ( career/entrepreneurship) <br> - Raising today’s female leaders and role models for the next generation <br> - Ensure African growth through technology by bridging the digital divide </mark> <p></p> Women in Tech Africa is the largest group on the continent with membership across 30 countries globally with 12 Physical chapter in Ghana, Nigeria, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Germany, Ireland, Britain, Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritius, and Cape Verde <p></p> Women in Tech Africa is also the 2018 recipient if the United Nations Equals Award for Leadership in the Women and Technology Space

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Kosmos Innovation Center

Each Kosmos Innovation Center program is driven by local staff and private sector experts, resulting in a distinctive focus on commercial solutions and local knowledge. Our customized, best-in-class <mark>business support programs feature a mix of skills training, mentorship and seed funding.</mark> <p></p> Our Kosmos Innovation Center programs are structured to allow young entrepreneurs to create opportunities for themselves, by <mark>fine-tuning their ideas into a business focused on solving key problems in the agricultural sector.</mark>

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GHATBI provides an incubator services platform exclusively in the agro-processing and technology sector that identifies, invests, nurtures and grows micro and SMEs in high-growth, high-impact, business-to-consumer (B2C) opportunities. It is the first incubator group of its kind in the Western Region of Ghana and currently has active portfolio companies under management in the health, wellness, beauty and organic fruit juice processing industries. <p></p> <mark>GHATBI invests in and supports agro businesses that meet at least one or more of the below highlighted criteria: <br> - Women-led and/or women-owned <br> - Value-add to raw materials for domestic consumption <br> - Alleviates youth unemployment, spurs job creation <br> - Skills development, skills transfer </mark> <p></p> GHATBI purchases equity stakes in all portfolio businesses in exchange for investing seed capital and providing management support. While the incubator has an initial “Made in Takoradi” theme with the city’s 500,000+ population, selective opportunities in the Greater Accra region and northern city of Tamale will also be considered for investment and support. Priority will be given to Accra and Tamale ventures that help portfolio companies integrate into other parts of their respective value chains.

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Recycle Up! Ghana

The Recycle Up! Hub is a safe space for young Ghanaians to develop their professional skills, explore, collaborate and develop entrepreneurial ideas that promote the circular economy. We provide entrepreneurship education, mentoring and support services to young industrious Ghanaians to start businesses that help solve pressing societal challenges. <p></p> The Recycle Up! Incubator seeks to contribute to the creation of a robust circular economy in Ghana where all resources are effectively used to maximize impact thereby avoiding waste. We develop social entrepreneurs who create opportunities out of local challenges and share their knowledge and experiences with other youth. <mark>We will develop young entrepreneurs who are relentless in their pursuit of innovative entrepreneurial solutions and large-scale societal impact which contributes towards the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). </mark>We are running a 6-month non-residential incubator program to foster innovative ideas and to coach social startups that tackle environmental, economic and societal problems in Ghana.

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ZongoVation Hub

The ZongoVation Hub is a community technology innovation hub dedicated to the development and growth of young entrepreneurs and startups in the Zongo communities across Ghana. We support young people with ideas to become entrepreneurs by providing them with all the necessary tools and networks. <p></p> ZongoVation Hub’s approach is different – we don’t directly take equity, invest in or impose success metrics or membership time limits on our startups. However, we connect them with venture capital funds and investors. <p></p> <mark>We work exclusively with young entrepreneurs, not least tech entrepreneurs, by understanding the process they go through and the needs they have at each stage of their entrepreneurial journey. We support startups across all stages of their development – from ideation to exit.</mark> <p></p> Our members benefit from the flexibility and freedom to build their businesses and develop their products how and when they want, with the consistent support of our dedicated teams and a community of like-minded peers. <p></p> The ZongoVation Hub will provide new perspectives. Whether working in the co-working space, attending event or training workshops, or receiving in house consulting services, the Hub will create an environment that fosters innovation and ideation. The Hub will spark the entrepreneurial culture of the Zongo communities in Ghana. It will help members and young people to develop creative habits that will place them ahead of the current, ensuring they are leading the competition.

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GrassRoots Hub

GrassRoots Hub is an eco-entrepreneurship and SDGs Innovation Lab with global community of grassrooters making impact and social good. We educate, innovate and incubate start-ups and connect accelerators to leading companies, research institutions, foundations, non-profits, and investors. <p></p> MISSION <br> <mark>To accelerate grassroots innovations through co-creation. Collaboration and provision of support to build new thriving and passionate communities.</mark> <p></p> VISION <br> To strengthen brand integrity and reputation in the Bono, Bono-east and Ahafo region of Ghana as the leader in scaling-up grassroots ideas, start-ups and innovation. <p></p> CORE VALUES <br> The ABCD’s of GrassRoots Hub <br> - We Attract <br> - We Build <br> - We Connect <br> - We Deploy <p></p> Start-Ups<br> The Hub has four years of experience in incubating and supporting innovations within the scope of the SDGs vis-a-vis eco-entrepreneurship for social good <p></p> We have an established community of coaches, mentors and facilitators who provide start-ups under our programs with supports during their business development stage. <p></p> Part of our incubation support is to provide these start-ups with training to get them familarised with the market segment and assist them to access market opportunities in the Bono Region and beyond.

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HOPin Academy

We are an innovation hub providing goal-oriented, practice-oriented learning for young people harnessing technology. Our programs cover entrepreneurship, digital communication, Information Technology, video production, and business consultancy. As a social enterprise, we reinvest profits made through business consultancy and collaborative projects in empowering young people to realize their potential by providing a space for learning, idea generation and development of a startup entrepreneurial Eco-system as means of contributing to sustainable development. We are also engaged in educational innovation to ensure that entrepreneurship becomes part of the core subjects within Basic Schools in Ghana. <p></p> We are a team of idealists, strategists, developers, perfectionists & realists all thrown together. <mark>We come together to design the best services with a first-class user experience. We offer a comfortable space for events and training programs. We provide you with every resource to make your events and training fun and successful, a well-tooled maker space, and comfortable co-working spaces. </mark>

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ICODE is a business and technology incubator which trains people on entrepreneurship and technology and provides co-working offices and private working space that comes with 24/7 4G internet WiFi access for early stage star-ups and individual change makers and dreamers who need such resources to pilot their ideas from table top to the market in the Western Region of Ghana. <p></p> ICODE established in the year 2016, has trained over 240 startup founders / entrepreneurs with 15% getting direct funding from the government to expand their businesses and create more employment opportunities the unemployed graduates, 85% of them getting funding and business support through contributions made from companies we partnered, directly built on the capacity of 900 young people in a remote town in Western Region called Dixcove <p></p> Services Offered at ICODE: <mark> <br> - Co-working space <br> - Private office <br> - Meeting room <br> - Event space <br> - Networking to Ecosystem Players / Investors </mark> <p></p> Over the years since it establishment, it has grown from the start of 50 registered community members to 800 officially registered community members with diverse background ranging from entrepreneurship, mobile application development, web application development to photography, arts, desktop application development, IoT, and socio-economic development. <p></p> Program Offered at ICODE HUB. <p></p> Code Project ( IoT, Mobile Development, Web Development, Digital skills, Entrepreneurship) <br> Code project is a four month skill incubation project which <mark>trains unskilled and unemployed people on computer programming in languages such as HTML AND CSS, JAVA, PYTHON, ARDUINO , ROBOTICS and other programming languages to equip them with the ability to build software and develop system applications such as mobile and web applications for a period of two months.</mark> The next two months in this project is used to train these beneficiaries on perfecting their skills for job recruitment and self establishment as self employed business people

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Kumasi Hive

Kumasi Hive exists to support entrepreneurs and innovators of all types, particularly to encourage social impact businesses to develop innovative physical products and processing methods. Also, we provide access to the local entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem including access to government, relevant industry players, start-up/businesses, CSOs, and other stakeholders. <p></p> <mark>The Hive focuses on bridging the existing Digital and tech skills gap in the African digital entrepreneurship ecosystem and seeks to address it through integrated innovation. </mark>As the world enters into the 4th Industry age, there is a shift from traditional jobs to digital and tech skills-based jobs, Kumasi Hive is therefore committed to helping build the future work with skills in emerging technologies and create jobs and solution through accelerated adoption of these emerging technologies <p></p> We incubate selected promising hardware tech startups through our Hardware incubator and maker space, helping them move from the idea stage through prototyping to the product-for-market stage with both technical and business development support.

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Women Haven Africa

Women Haven Africa is an innovative entrepreneurial female hub creating a friendly and productive environment for the growth and development of women led businesses, projects, and initiatives. <mark>Women Haven Africa provides business support services, connects innovative young women, startups, women-led organizations and women leaders with the business support, tools, and resources to thrive.</mark> <p></p> Women Haven Africa seeks to produce an empowered and influential community of female innovators who provide viable and sustainable solutions for various challenges faced in the world and is focused on increasing the participation of women in Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Technology. <p></p> What We Offer. <p></p> COWORKING SPACE<br> Join our Vibrant and dynamic co-working community of Female startup founders, freelancers, entrepreneurs and small teams who are working to build their ideas and co-create innovations. <p></p>COACHING AND MENTORSHIP<br> We have a pool of coaches and mentors ready to provide tailored coaching and mentorship to startups and the hub community <p></p>NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES<br> We provide an enabling environment and platform for networking through community events and external programs that facilitates networking.These events allow members to build networks and cocreate innovative solutions. <p></p>CAPACITY PROGRAMS<br> We design and run capacity building programs for our members and the startup community. From experienced facilitators, mentors and top-notch speakers and experts, we curate opportunities tailored to startup needs <p></p>COMMUNITY AND START UP SUPPORT<br> We provide tailored support to our community members to grow and scale up. We provide a supportive and dynamic community for entrepreneurs, freelancers, start-ups, early-stage businesses, social enterprises and business professionals in Kumasi. With over 500+ community members, we provide a large network of professionals to network and collaborate and thrive. We provide the needed resources, tools and platforms for our community to thrive and scale up.

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We provide a supportive and dynamic community for entrepreneurs, freelancers, start-ups, early-stage businesses, social enterprises and business professionals in Kumasi. Regular events allow members to build networks, work together on projects and learn from experienced tech and business practitioners. HapaSpace offers a social entrepreneurship programme, demo nights, startup events and training sessions. In addition to office desks & office space, we have a bevvy of amenities and perks for members and the general public. <p></p> Our Services <p></p><mark> StartUp Support<br> We provide incubation, acceleration and other programmes that are key to transforming ideas and prototypes into viable products and services</mark> <p></p>Funding Database<br> We provide a comprehensive database of funding, ranging from grants, equity, debt, venture capital competitions to sponsorships. <p></p>Community<br> With over 600 members in our communities, we provide a large network of professionals to network collaborate and thrive. <p></p>Training Room<br> Our 24 sitting capacity training room is available for hire. It is ideal for hands-on training, presentations, discussions and small events. <p></p><mark>Co-working Space<br> We have comfortable office space for different team sizes and individuals. We provided furniture, Wi-fi Internet, printing and scanning.</mark> <p></p>Events space<br> Our 60 seat event space is available for hire and is ideal for presentations, demo nights etc. It comes with two projectors for double presentation.

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TANOEHub is an entrepreneurship and skills development centre in Dansoman Ghana that offers a variety of initiatives, projects and support services designed to inspire enterprise innovation and enable business startups to flourish. <p></p> <mark> TANOEHub provides co-working spaces, business support services, training, events, accelerator and incubation programs for a wide range of entrepreneurs and corporate professionals.</mark> <p></p> Our impact focus areas are Business Development Services, Capacity Building & Training, Networks & Database, Recognition & Exposure, Research & Publication and Acceleration & Incubation. <p></p> TANOEHub's operational objectives are to Enhance the entrepreneurial skills & capacities of entrepreneurs, to Promote an entrepreneurial culture through advocacies and forums, to provide business development support and capacity building resources to Startups, Small and Growing Businesses, to alleviate poverty through entrepreneurship development and to provide accounting and managerial support to Startups, Small and Growing Businesses.

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Ghana Innovation Hub

At the Ghana Innovation Hub we believe in the power of businesses and the power of technology to improve business operations. In order to help develop innovative businesses, we work to improve the quality and availability of support services and access to finance in the Ghanaian ecosystem. The hub offers physical working space, as well as business development services, investment matchmaking and ecosystem support. <p></p> We offer support in the ideation, incubation and acceleration stages; working towards business growth with the entrepreneurs we support. <p></p> Ideation<br> You are developing your idea or looking for inspiration for new product or service development for your existing business. You can join one of our workshops, networking events, or short courses to develop the right idea The goal is to develop your idea or a first business model. <p></p> Incubation<br> <mark>You are developing your idea into a business model and/or testing the assumptions in your business model in the market. You can join one of our incubation programs or apply for coaching to further build your product, service, team and business model. The goal is to find product market fit.</mark> <p></p> Acceleration<br> You have developed your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and are generating substantial revenues through your customers. You can join one of our accelerator programs to equipt your business for growth and investment The goal is to grow and scale the business

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Impact Hub Accra

A locally rooted, globally connected and inclusive home for innovators. Our inspirational plug and play spaces are a hive for co-working, private office space, conference room rental, vibrant networking events, incubation and acceleration programs. We look forward to seeing you soon. <p></p> At Impact Hub Accra, <mark> we believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. We need to work together. That’s why we set out to create a thriving innovation ecosystem where people collaborate across organizations, cultures and generations to solve the grand challenges of our time.</mark>