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TECHFARM Hub is a Pan-African Enterprenurship, Innovation and Business Development Hub driven by Change Makers who are passionate promoting disruptive knowledge, skills, technologies, and resources to support next generation savvy Entrepreneurs, Agripreneurs, Innovators and Startups to upscale life changing innovative solutions for productivity and profitability. <p></p> <mark>We promote decent work and economic development to end poverty, accelerate technological tools and innovation for productivity in Agri-Tech, Agribusiness and Smart Agriculture across Ghana and Africa. We provide our youth-oriented member-based change makers with essential business development, Eureka Maker Space, SINI Creative Space, Co-working and training space, vibrant events and networking space. </mark> <p></p> Our Vision<br> Building a dynamic market-driven entrepreneurship and innovative tech savvy ecosystem of change makers for productivity and profitability across Ghana and Africa. Our Mission Statement <br>1. To apply innovative programs towards building a strong entrepreneurship eco-system to enable young entrepreneurs, techies and change makers enhance their entrepreneurship and agripreneurship skills, and access relevant information to generate, develop and up-scale innovative solutions for profitability. <br>2. To connect young entrepreneurs, agripreneurs, startups and change makers to seed funding and investment matchmaking resources. <br>3. To become a supportive change makers platform where innovative tech minds can produce solutions and tools useful to promote Agri-Tech, Smart Agriculture and Agribusiness growth in Ghana and Africa. <br>4. To promote and accelerate technology driven life–long learning and digital literacy training opportunities for young change makers and innovators to acquire hands-on skills and satisfy the increasing market demand for techies and tech savvy professionals. <br>5. To partner key ecosystem stakeholders using interactive and vibrant advocacy and professional networking events.

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UWAT (Unlocking Women and Technology)

An initiative of Ispace, Ghana to equip women with Coding, Business Management, Professional Networking, and Pitching Skills and access to Funding to kick start their businesses. <p></p> What we do <br> <mark>Tech development <br> This course has been designed to help participants transform their business ideas into viable products such as websites and apps. Students at the end of this class will <br> - Gain Programming skill <br> - Website design skill </mark> <p></p> Business Development <br> This course has been designed to help participants transform their passion and ideas into a viable business. The course will explore and apply relevant business models and concepts intended to help students “think outside the box”. Students will be challenged to explore different activities as a starting point for entrepreneurial success.

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Dansyn Innovation Social Organization (Dansyn ISO) is one of Dansyn’s line of businesses with the objective of providing business development support to the youth who want to grow their businesses but cannot procure professional services from profit-oriented organizations. Dansyn ISO is an NPO (non-profit organization) which is aimed at supporting youth entrepreneurship and IT capabilities in the Upper East Region and beyond. <p></p> The company sprang out of Dansyn Ghana Ltd which is also into business development support and consultancy but operates as a company limited by shares. Dansyn ISO operates as a company limited by guarantee—non-profit organization. <p></p> Dansyn ISO is a business hub located in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region that <mark>specializes in training and skill development in information technology (IT) and entrepreneurship with the objective of making impact on the community in which we operate while enhancing the economic and social status of the people.</mark> <p></p> Dansyn ISO being an NPO is aimed at providing growth support initiatives through training, business incubation and acceleration. Our main focus is the youth and women start-ups and SMEs

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Ghana Tech Lab

We are taking simple ideas and turning them into big startups. Our goal is to become the platform for digital innovations in Africa and beyond. Our unique programs and curriculum are designed to make your idea a product/solution that addresses a situation in the society. We inspire innovation, creativity and ideation. We inspire exceptional stories. <p></p> We are committed to equipping individuals and organisations with the necessary skills they require to increase their productivity. Our skills training sessions are based on well developed curriculums. We are not just about talking, we are about doing.<mark> Our programs take you through the fundamentals that you need to become a successful startup. From technical incubation to entrepreneurship programs, we are expanding knowledge and creating new startups.</mark> <p></p> Base Program <br> The base program is our flagship program, which prepares individuals to think and create new innovations. Trainees are enrolled in the base program, which includes one month of training and two months of intensive incubation. Our model is different because it is adopts a bottom approach to innovation.The one-month training phase focuses on equipping individuals with digital skills. In implementing the base program, we connect and work with the grassroots and ecosystem partners. <p></p>Training Program <br> Our three-months base program begins with an intensive digital skills training program. Trainees are equipped with the top-notch skills that prepare them to develop their ideas. <p></p>Incubation<br> <mark>After the one-month training program, some trainees are selected to enter our flagship incubation program, which combines technical skills with business skills training. At this stage trainees build companies with proven business models.</mark> <p></p>Seed Funding <br> During and post-incubation, startups are formed. These startups are given grants to build their ideas into world class startups. Our startups are focused on solving the problems of the society. <p></p>Internship <br> Applicants are also put on internship programs with our various partners to help hone their skills. The skills our students learn from us are put to good use during their internship periods when these skills are challenged as on the job market.

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MEST is an Africa-wide technology entrepreneur training program, internal seed fund, and network of hubs offering incubation for technology startups in Africa. <p></p> For young aspiring and established African entrepreneurs, MEST Africa provides the skills, mindset, and experiences to build a globally successful tech company. Beyond tech and entrepreneurial skills training, MEST Africa provides a real-world advantage to entrepreneurs through funding, business incubation, and access to a global tech network. <p></p> <mark>We provide skills in Tech Entrepreneurship. <br> Prepare yourself for the rigors of entrepreneurship with our fully sponsored, graduate-level program in Software Development and Business.</mark> <p></p> We support early-stage startups to take off. <br> Get the opportunity to launch your technology business with seed funding between $50k-$250k, incubation, and access to a global tech community. <p></p> We bring the tech & startup community together. <br> Our Hubs provide startups with business support & networking across the startup lifecycle and also serve as ecosystem centers for the tech community.

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Tentmaker Hub

Tentmaker Ghana is an entrepreneurial and industry incubator business that turns ideas into economic viable ventures and build businesses for the global market whiles raising entrepreneurs. <p></p>We provide business friendly co-working offices with internet access, in-house catering, and many more on a pay as you go basis.<p></p><mark>We provide startups the supporting platform to scale up. Don’t struggle to grow, we got your back in your elevation plan; mentorship, model validation, financial structuring; we hold you to climb.</mark>

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Ho Node Hub

Ho Node Hub is an incubator and accelerator that are focused on skill acquisition, job creation and innovation. Their mission is to shape the local tech conversation, support digital innovations by equipping the youth with the right skill set and attitude for Africa’s digital economy, they get most of their funding from Africa. <p></p> <mark>We provide all the ingredients young innovators need to build successful ventures and be ready for the future of work: digital skills, entrepreneurship programs, funding, affordable working space, and an inclusive community. </mark>

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The Enterprise Village

The Enterprise Village Hub (EV) is committed to identifying, training, connecting, funding early and growth-stage entrepreneurs while developing thriving talent for entrepreneurs and businesses. Designed to uplift innovation and facilitate entrepreneurial processes. We offer a curated array of co-working, office, and meeting space at an affordable price. <p></p> We are a community of makers and doers for the common cause of innovation, creativity, collaboration, and change. Our world is composed of entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators, thinkers, and changemakers. We’re all in this together and growing as a united global village. We would love to have you in our virtual community where we share, network and help each other grow. <p></p> Our Mission <br> To provide business development services, co-working space and accelerator programs to the startup community in Ghana <p></p>Our Vision <br> To provide managerial, technical and financial support as a turn-key solution to improve the success rate of young businesses.

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iSpace Foundation is an Innovation and Technology hub in Accra, Ghana founded in February 2013. iSpace is known to offer a conducive environment for growth in the Startup Ecosystem by providing a working space, Training and Mentoring, access to Funding and other facilities for Entrepreneurs and Start-ups to launch and manage their business ideas. ​<p></p> Our diverse community showcases inclusion in the Startup Ecosystem, we welcome talent, ideas and also champion the use of Business and Technology for Social Impact. ​<p></p> Key Support Areas ​<p></p> Access to Funding <br> <mark>Leading and guiding startups to understand different funding options and introducing them to relevant investors.</mark> ​<p></p> Business Support Program <br> Designing and providing capacity building and leadership programs for members and the startup community from experienced facilitators, mentors, and experts. ​<p></p> Network <br> Linking stakeholders, startups, partners, mentors & investors sharing the same vision in the ecosystem across local and global communities. ​<p></p> Exposure <br> <mark>Assisting startups to define their business ideas to suit their business model, fine-tune their pitch through series of internal demo pitching, generate media coverage, and get their business in front of investors who need to know about it.</mark>