Africa College of Technology - school image
Africa College of Technology

This course introduces intermediate to advanced web design techniques. Topics include customer expectations, advanced markup language, multimedia technologies, usability and accessibility practices, and techniques for the evaluation of web design. Upon completion, students should be able to employ advanced design techniques to create high impact and highly functional websites. <p></p> Upon completing requirements for this course, the student will be able to: <mark><br> A. Create web pages using HTML5 and CSS following industry standard web design techniques. <br>B. Design web sites to meet strategic goals. <br>C. Create accessible and responsive web sites. </mark>

HillCross College of Higher Education - school image
HillCross College of Higher Education

The purpose of this qualification is to build a foundational entry into the field of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, specifically into the field of Systems Development, covering basic knowledge needed for further study in the field of Systems Development at Higher Education Levels. <p></p> A qualifying learner at this level will be a <mark>well-rounded entry-level Computer Systems Developer with a good fundamental knowledge of the Information Technology field, coupled with interpersonal and business skills, preparing for later specialization in Systems Development fields.</mark> <p></p> The qualification is designed to: <br> - Provide learners with an entry level for further study in Information Technology and related fields, as well as for initial employment in the computer industry. <br> - Provide a foundational qualification for people who are pursuing a career in the computer industry, or related fields. <mark>People with this qualification have an introductory level of understanding about computer industry concepts and/or are able to work in areas of Information Technology with little technical complexity, for example entry-level computer programming, as junior project team member.</mark> <br> - Have a flexible structure to allow for changing requirements in the computer industry, and to allow providers to create learning programmes with a predominantly Information Technology component but tailored to meet local, national or international needs. <p></p> Why study with us? <br> We provide high quality academic trainings that will enable you to get qualified in your chosen field; you will also be provided with a solid foundation to help you build your career or business. We’ll help you achieve your ambitions no matter how big they are and at the same time open your mind to possibilities you didn’t even know existed. Our standards are very high yet, we are easily accessible and affordable to everyone irrespective of their socio-economic background.

Varsity College - school image
Varsity College

The IIE Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences in Application Development provides candidates with a thorough theoretical grounding and knowledge base in the key principles of information technology (IT), programming, mobile application development across platforms, web development, database design, troubleshooting, testing, connectivity, customisation and project management. <mark>Graduates will develop meaningful software development acumen grounded in a deep understanding of holistic application programming and development. This qualification has been designed to develop graduates’ abilities to design, code, implement and manage solution-focused by producing systemic thinkers who can develop software solutions for any device or platform.</mark> <p></p> The outcomes for this qualification were identified as critical to drive a successful career in software development providing competent desktop and mobile application developers in the private and the public sectors. By understanding business processes in the context of business rules, graduates will be able to solve business problems and meet business needs through software application development. Graduates will be suitably prepared to demonstrate competencies in application development, and to contribute to the economic well-being of their organisation in a responsible manner.