Victoria Falls University of Technology
Our programmes are properly curated and will enable students to familiarize themselves with the latest trends in technology and meet the business needs of their employers. Information technology – often shortened to just IT – is a buzz phrase you’ve probably heard ad nauseum if you happen to work with IT personnel or went to school for anything related to computers. IT workers are highly specialized in their field, which is probably why they’re often just called “IT nerds.” <mark> Our ICT students engage themselves in a number of inspiring and brilliant projects each year. Thanks to our highly specialized lecturers and lab equipment, our students get all their hands on training they need.</mark>

Mukuba University
The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2016 with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science. The Department has modern facilities for teaching, learning and research. The Department embarked on a wide array of research opportunities and programs of study at undergraduate and postgraduate level. A basic level of Computer science is not required by anyone who wishes to study in any computer programme as the Department embarked on 2- year certificate programme, 3- year Diploma programme and currently running a 4 year undergraduate programme jointly with school of education. <mark>With rapidly evolving technology and the continuous need for innovation there is high demand of skilled computer scientists and to bridge this gap, the department of Computer Science under the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has proposed a coordinated suite of programs that shall provide the greatest number of pathways to prepare our students for becoming computer science engineers and be part of great asset to the institution and the nation at large.</mark>

Eden University
Learning at Eden university is more than a Course or a Certificate. Our vision is to Nurture Possibility and Stir Change. We do this by caring for our students individual needs and keeping our classes small and friendly. Our tutors value your individual experience, and students learn from one another. In this atmosphere of respect and encouragement, new possibilities and life-changing learning thrive. Eden University is a thriving hub in lusaka where you can <mark>learn new skills, meet new, interesting people and change the direction of your life. If you are looking for a Certificate that opens employment opportunities, a Short Course that offers new skills, or a Lifestyle Course to add fun and sparkle, we welcome you!</mark> <p></p> What you will learn<br> - All PHP Fundamentals and Building Blocks with practical implementation in Projects <br> - Form Validation with most Secure way using Regular Expressions <br> - Making web pages dynamic with the variety of PHP Techniques <br> - Employee Management System CRUD Application in PHP From Scartch <br> - Complete CMS ( Content Management System) with Admin-Panel <br> - Getting Started with Bootstrap 4 FrameWork from scratch without using any Bootstrap Template <br> - Using PHP Sessions in a more sophisticated way and pass information easily on different modules of Project <br> - Powerful Web Forms which will be Free of Hack <br> - Build Professional CRUD

Mansfield University Lusaka
In the Information Technology, B.S., you’ll learn to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based systems and programs to solve an organization’s challenges. You can also tailor your degree to build skills in business, telecommunications, digital media, and database management to suit your goals and interests. <mark>Information Technology and Computing is an excellent choice to help advance your career. It covers a wide range of topics but some themes include software applications, hardware, programming, security, business applications, design, artificial intelligence, databases, medical records, and others. </mark>

DMI St Eugene University
The Department of Computer Science offers programs of study related to computing, information technology, software design and application. The Computer Science Department’s aim is to <mark>present our students with up-to-date curricula and pedagogy in the computer science and information systems disciplines, to ensure that they have a solid foundation in the core concepts, equip them with problem solving and decision-making skills, and prepare them for lifelong learning in the discipline.</mark> The department provides for and encourages collegial, intellectual, and academic growth of its faculty. The department supports and encourages local and regional technology initiatives contributing to educational and economic advances. Students may pursue full-time or part-time study leading to a Certificate in Diploma in Computer Science or to B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees.The students of undergraduate programme spend 8 weeks for Industrial Practical trainings (IPTR).

The Zambia Catholic University
The Bachelor of Information Technology Degree is a four year programme designed to equip students with Information Technology skills that are in demand in industry. Students are not only given technology skills but will also learn how to morally and ethically apply their knowledge in the workplace. The programme aims to <mark>give students industry skills that are required in the rapidly changing world of computing technology.</mark> Students can take on various IT roles such as positions in web development, database administration and network administration.

Rusangu University
Prepare yourself for a rewarding business information systems career. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Computer Information Systems at Rusangu University provides a foundation in critical thinking and analysis of systems development, including training to prepare for diverse business information technology careers. <p></p> <mark>As a BBA Computer Information Systems student, you will build a well-rounded, business-savvy skill set that combines analysis, design, development, and management of information systems. This business-focused degree will enrich your problem-solving skills, data communications capabilities, and your ability to analyze, design, and build systems.</mark> <p></p> Talk with an advisor to find out how you can pursue a micro-credential (9 credit hours) while pursuing this degree. Micro-credential options: Business Analytics & Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Financial Management & Analysis, Project Management, and Supply Chain Management.

Northrise University
The BIT Web and Software Development program emphasizes the acquisition of software design and development skills. Students pursing this program will <mark>learn how to develop innovative and usable software, describe key processes for software acquisition, development and maintenance, select the most appropriate life cycle for a given development as well as estimate the effort, resources and time required to execute a project.</mark> The course will explore software development from a managerial perspective putting emphasis on the selection of appropriate development life-cycle for the problem at hand, estimating effort and development times, in understanding the unintended consequences of common project management actions within and across projects and challenges of outsourcing and working with distributed teams. <p></p> Program Objectives <br> This understanding means that after the course, students should be able to: <br> - Perform background research and a feasibility study prior to embarking on a development project. <br> - Develop and customize quality software solutions applicable to Zambia and the international market. <br> - Understand software development methods and practices, and their appropriate application in Zambia. <br> - Demonstrate basic competency in Web development, programming and deployment. <br> - Collect and analyze user requirements using a formalism such as UML, including business process modeling. Explain and apply Web design and usability principles applicable to a Zambian context.

ZCAS University
In order to develop, maintain systems in operation, and evolve software systems that are of high quality, it is imperative that the Computing professionals must understand software development and its evolution as an engineering discipline. <mark>This program will facilitate an understanding of the theoretical foundations of software engineering and demonstrated critical application of software engineering theory to real world problems.</mark> <p></p> The overall aim of the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSE) degree programme is to provide learners a thorough understanding of the relationship between the processes used in the engineering of software systems, the software products produced, and the theory, laws, and models that provide a rational basis for the practice of software engineering.

Cavendish University Zambia
This is a 4-year programme designed to prepare students to apply the skills, knowledge and competencies in the computing domain thus allowing them to contribute to the computing and Information technology professions. <mark>It trains students in current technologies such as databases, operating systems, network systems, mobile and web development, artificial and business intelligence and data security.</mark>

Zambian Open University
What you'll learn, Core PHP and Fundamentals of MySQL Databases for PHP Web Applications. Object Oriented Programming Concept in PHP. Creating Web Applications using PHP and MySQL. Bootstrap Framework for creating responsive web designs. Basics HTML, CSS for Web Page Designing. PHP

Mulungushi University
The objectives of the Bachelor of Computer Science include: To provide an academic, research and training environment whose standards match those of recognised institutions of computer studies elsewhere. <mark>To furnish Zambia with the computer skills and professional expertise necessary for national development. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science and software applications. They must have an understanding of the elements of computational thinking.</mark> <br> - To produce graduates who are able to deploy appropriate theory, practices, and tools for the specification, design, implementation, and maintenance as well as the evaluation of computer-based systems. <br> - To ensure that graduates are guided by the social, professional, legal and ethical as well as cultural issues involved in the use of computer technology. <br> - To produce graduates with practical capabilities and skills to specify, design, and implement computer-based systems. They must be able to apply the principles of effective information management and human computer interaction while taking into account security issues. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to effectively use and deploy tools for the construction and documentation of software or system development and implementation. <br> - To produce graduates who are able to communicate and work effectively as members of software development and/or implementation team while at the same time able to manage themselves.

Copperbelt University
The BSc. degree in the Computer Science department started in the 1996 academic year and has been operating continuously since then. This programme is in line with contemporary programs offered in many countries and follows Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) best practices and curriculum recommendations. <p></p> The key learning outcomes of this programme are to produce graduates: <br> - <mark>Who can design and develop computer software systems, and maintain those as necessary; <br> - Who have the knowledge of the principles and practice of information technology;</mark> <br> - Who have knowledge and understanding of computer hardware and software; <br> - Who have the ability to organize and manage material and human resources; <br> - Who are well equipped to initiate, maintain and enhance a computer installation in different organisations; <br> - Who can contribute to programmes of applied research in commercial and industrial problems; <br> - Who can readily work with people in other disciplines; and <br> - Who can continue their studies in post-graduate programs in Zambia and abroad.

University of Zambia
The objective of the department is to provide an academic, research and training environment whose standards match those of recognized institutions of computer studies elsewhere. <mark>To furnish this country with the computer skills and professional expertise necessary for national development.</mark> The department is currently offering programs to both undergraduate and postgraduate level. At undergraduate level, the main program offered is Bachelor of Science in Computer Science while at Postgraduate level, the department is currently offering the Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science. Plans are under way to introduce Master programs. The department is also a CISCO Networking Academy and offers short courses in CCNA and IT Essentials.