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Enterprise Hubs

Enterprise Hubs owned by Pedestal Africa Limited is an integrated network of online and physical resource centres for emerging enterprises in Nigeria and beyond. A platform for promotion of businesses across Africa, <mark>offering shared workspaces, virtual offices, contemporary business hubs, online B2B marketplace, business support services and a complete suite of enterprise development services.</mark> <p></p> Our Vision <br> Creating an enterprise community for entrepreneurs to innovate, interact and succeed. <p></p>Core Values <br> Community, Convenience, Network/Collaboration, Efficiency. <p></p> Office Space <br> We have state of the art office spaces to cater for your needs <p></p>Virtual Office <br> Take control of your business, by having a business address in the heart of Lagos Nigeria. <p></p>Professional Services <br> <mark>We support entrepreneurs, by offering professional services at a reduced cost</mark> <p></p>Training Programs <br> Get involve, and participate in our training programs.

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Civic Innovation Lab

At Civic Innovation Lab, we are at the front line of supporting indigenous start-ups through technical and business solutions. We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. <p></p>Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> <mark>Our focus this year is providing women entrepreneurs with tools, finance and information to ACCESS MARKETS. </mark> <p></p> We Empower Enterprenuers And Inspire Innovators <p></p> We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> Our role as an impact driven hub is to act as an intermediary, initiating conversation between the government and the start-up/tech ecosystem. The aim of this interaction is to enable government crowd source indigenous solutions among Nigerian start-ups. There exists a huge gulf between the start-up space and the affairs of government in Nigeria. We know that government support for start-ups and tech innovations is the fastest, easiest and most economical route to solving the challenges peculiar to our nation. <p></p> Pitch Sessions <br> In our bid to create the perfect ambience of entrepreneurial support to our local community of social entrepreneurs, the creative in our space decided to design a bridge that connects investors to start-ups <p></p> Government Support <br> <mark>One of our primary roles is the establishment of a Government-start-up relationship. This relationship focuses on getting the Government to look at indigenous SMEs for execution of operations</mark> <p></p>Building Communities <br> Our foremost goal is community and this is what we have at Civic Innovation Lab. We have a rich tightly bonded community of diversified personalities. All coming from different places, races and colors having different strengths and skills, in this diversity lies our strength. <p></p> Dev Talks <br> <mark>DevTalks is a that provides a platform to dialogue and engage civil society on issues that affect their well-being. The aim is to articulate social problems and spark innovative ideas to tackle them. The program brings all relevant stakeholders and industry influencers to the table to discuss topics that affects civil society.</mark>

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Innohub is a Business Accelerator, Management Consulting, and Impact Investment platform, which supports Small and Growing Businesses to become sustainable, scalable and investment ready, and match them to the capital needed for growth. <p></p> <mark>Whether you have an idea, starting out, going through a rebrand, launching in a new market or simply fundraising to expand your business, Innohub offers carefully curated services based on your unique needs to provide a truly excellent experience.</mark> <p></p> In collaboration with our strategic partners, we support high growth and high impact potential start-ups and SGBs to become investment ready, sustainable, and scalable to achieve profitability and social impact. <p></p>Growth Consulting <br> We offer business development and support services to organizations and individuals including Business Strategy Development, Business Model Validation, Growth Strategy Design, Business Plan Documentation, Financial Planning, etc. Our bespoke growth-oriented consulting services have been designed to help Small and Growing Businesses validate/refine their business models and their growth plans. We deploy world class consulting tools and standard practices to support our clients build growth-oriented business models and strategic implementation plans. <p></p> Our approach and tools will help you interrogate the assumptions behind your business and arrive at realistic but audacious growth ambitions. Our strategy is to take a deep dive into markets and help you understand your target or existing markets like no one else does. We help you get into the minds of the customer, as you address the question of “where to play”. <p></p>Capital Raise Support <br> <mark>We support SMEs with high growth potential to access capital from a range of local and international investors. Our satisfied clients have successfully raised funding from both local and international sources.</mrk> In line with our desire to bridge the early and missing middle funding gap for SGBs, Innohub is the sponsor of finance vehicles like Wangara Green Ventures Capital Limited with a $3.2m grant from the World Bank, and the Accra Angels Network. <p></p>Market-Entry Support <br> We help new entrant companies’ projects as well as new products and services successfully launch and establish local market presence. We help provide country overview, industry specific information, market insights, tailored implementation, and entry strategy, etc. For locally present companies who seek to launch new products, our Market-Entry Support service will help you do it the right way.

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Kosmos Innovation Center

Each Kosmos Innovation Center program is driven by local staff and private sector experts, resulting in a distinctive focus on commercial solutions and local knowledge. Our customized, best-in-class <mark>business support programs feature a mix of skills training, mentorship and seed funding.</mark> <p></p> Our Kosmos Innovation Center programs are structured to allow young entrepreneurs to create opportunities for themselves, by <mark>fine-tuning their ideas into a business focused on solving key problems in the agricultural sector.</mark>

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GHATBI provides an incubator services platform exclusively in the agro-processing and technology sector that identifies, invests, nurtures and grows micro and SMEs in high-growth, high-impact, business-to-consumer (B2C) opportunities. It is the first incubator group of its kind in the Western Region of Ghana and currently has active portfolio companies under management in the health, wellness, beauty and organic fruit juice processing industries. <p></p> <mark>GHATBI invests in and supports agro businesses that meet at least one or more of the below highlighted criteria: <br> - Women-led and/or women-owned <br> - Value-add to raw materials for domestic consumption <br> - Alleviates youth unemployment, spurs job creation <br> - Skills development, skills transfer </mark> <p></p> GHATBI purchases equity stakes in all portfolio businesses in exchange for investing seed capital and providing management support. While the incubator has an initial “Made in Takoradi” theme with the city’s 500,000+ population, selective opportunities in the Greater Accra region and northern city of Tamale will also be considered for investment and support. Priority will be given to Accra and Tamale ventures that help portfolio companies integrate into other parts of their respective value chains.

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Ghana Tech Lab

We are taking simple ideas and turning them into big startups. Our goal is to become the platform for digital innovations in Africa and beyond. Our unique programs and curriculum are designed to make your idea a product/solution that addresses a situation in the society. We inspire innovation, creativity and ideation. We inspire exceptional stories. <p></p> We are committed to equipping individuals and organisations with the necessary skills they require to increase their productivity. Our skills training sessions are based on well developed curriculums. We are not just about talking, we are about doing.<mark> Our programs take you through the fundamentals that you need to become a successful startup. From technical incubation to entrepreneurship programs, we are expanding knowledge and creating new startups.</mark> <p></p> Base Program <br> The base program is our flagship program, which prepares individuals to think and create new innovations. Trainees are enrolled in the base program, which includes one month of training and two months of intensive incubation. Our model is different because it is adopts a bottom approach to innovation.The one-month training phase focuses on equipping individuals with digital skills. In implementing the base program, we connect and work with the grassroots and ecosystem partners. <p></p>Training Program <br> Our three-months base program begins with an intensive digital skills training program. Trainees are equipped with the top-notch skills that prepare them to develop their ideas. <p></p>Incubation<br> <mark>After the one-month training program, some trainees are selected to enter our flagship incubation program, which combines technical skills with business skills training. At this stage trainees build companies with proven business models.</mark> <p></p>Seed Funding <br> During and post-incubation, startups are formed. These startups are given grants to build their ideas into world class startups. Our startups are focused on solving the problems of the society. <p></p>Internship <br> Applicants are also put on internship programs with our various partners to help hone their skills. The skills our students learn from us are put to good use during their internship periods when these skills are challenged as on the job market.

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BIC Ethiopia

BIC Ethiopia, funded by the EU, aims at capacitating business incubators in supporting agri-tech and agri-business start-ups and MSMEs to improve market access, generate higher income and create jobs. <p></p> BIC Ethiopia will <mark>enable existing and new incubators supporting high potential start-ups with an innovative business model addressing market needs and potential in terms of job creation and income generation, and enhance business incubators’ ability to unlock the potential of agri-tech and agri-business by delivering the necessary tools to enable business growth along different stages of maturity.</mark> <p></p> The BIC Ethiopia project will be implemented by sequa gGmbH (lead), Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations, adelphi gGmbH, Growth Africa, ice Hawassa and Stiftung Menschen für Menschen. The project will run until January 2026. <p></p> BIC Ethiopia is part of BIC Africa. BIC Africa is a regional network that aims to support selected business incubators (BIs). It facilitates capacity building, helps BIs benefit from the exchanges and cooperation with other initiatives, improves the connection between European and African innovation hubs to develop international collaboration, explores business opportunities with European companies, and ensures the quality standards are respected in all supported incubators. <p></p> BIC Africa is commissioned by the European Union and implemented by EBN. The project will run from 2021 to 2025. <p></p> Our objectives <br>– Set up a Europe-Africa Coordination Office & Regional Network <br>– Better connection and synergies between actors of the regional ecosystem <br>– Build the capacity of local Business Incubators and their client companies <br>– Improved understanding of the state-of-the-art of the business incubation <br>– Establishing and reinforcing a quality label for African business support organisations <br>– Build a committee of experts overseeing the creation of a certification system <br>– Communication, dissemination and outreach activities to create a strong brand for the Regional Network <p></p> Our mission <br> Successful start-ups and small companies, need equally strong business support actors to achieve their goals. EACO facilitates the activities of BIC Africa in Angola, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Somalia. <mark>We work to stimulate knowledge sharing among the wider incubation ecosystem for business incubators to benefit from cooperation with other initiatives, collaborations between innovation hubs, and shared business opportunities in Europe and Africa.</mark> <p></p> Our Services <p></p> Facilitation<br> Facilitate capacity-building. <p></p> Make a better connection<br> Make a better connection between European and African innovation hubs to develop intercontinental collaboration. <p></p> Awareness Rising<br> Raise awareness about the needs and challenges faced by incubators and advise decision-makers. <p></p> Quality Certification Label<br> Establish or reinforce a quality label for African incubators and ensure that quality standards are respected in all supported incubators. <p></p> Explore Business Opportunities<br> Explore business and public/private investment opportunities with local and European initiatives and companies. <p></p> Exchanges and Cooperation<br> Help you to benefit from exchanges and cooperation with other initiatives.

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Microsoft African Development Centre - Kenya

Developer Communities are an essential part of Microsoft's mission to enable people across the world to achieve more through tech. They are the de-facto homes of passionate developers and are an anchor for great ideas, innovation, and learning. ADC's presence not only acts as an anchor for developers but also provides a source of skill and talent to enable developers everywhere. <p></p> <mark>The African Development Centre provides a great source of speakers and mentors to African developer communities. The developers have experience working for Microsoft that they can seed into the communities they work with.</mark> <p></p> The Microsoft 4Afrika Volunteer Programme (My Skills) has also played a great role in bringing in expertise from across the globe to local communities.

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Kofisi Ikoyi

Kofisi’s agile office space on Ikoyi is an excellent choice for any business needing reliable and secure serviced offices in the Nigerian capital. Known for its smart residential streets and high-end retail stores, the iconic Heritage Towers is a fitting addition to the area. Using recycled water systems, automatic presence detectors and high- efficiency lighting, it is the city’s first environmentally certified commercial building. Sitting at the crossroads of Lugard Avenue and Kingsway Road, this futuristic flexible workspace is within easy reach of Lagos’s international airport and main shopping amenities. <p></p> PRIVATE OFFICE IN IKOYI <br> Kofisi’s Private Offices and Office Suites in Lagos are located in Heritage Place – one of the capitals most iconic and modern buildings. These secure and reliable enclosed offices are suitable for companies of any size who want to work in their own area, but who want to use the amenities Kofisi agile areas offer. <p></p> COWORKING IN IKOYI <br> <mark>The agile office space in this Centre has been designed with pieces sourced from local artisans. It is suitable for clients renting flexible desks or who need a work location while in Lagos. Other state of the art facilities include a phone/Skype Booth, a Breakout Lounge, private Booths and Huddle Rooms for impromptu meetings, a communal Kitchen Parlour, a Book Nook, CoffeeCopy and a Coffee Station.</mark> <p></p> MEETING ROOMS IN IKOYI <br> Kofisi Meeting Rooms are for four to six people and can be rented for an hour or more. Knowledge Rooms, taken for a minimum half day, are designed for team strategy or team training sessions and can hold a large meeting. These rooms have been designed to create a working atmosphere which is at once studious and inspiring, and our staff members have been trained to ensure you have everything for a productive and smooth-running meeting.

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Le Wagon Cape Town

Learn Software Engineering and Data Science with us on campus or online - Join a community of career changers, tech creators, and entrepreneurs who changed their lives with us. <p></p> Join our immersive bootcamps in Cape Town. You will learn the most in-demand skills in weeks and land your dream job in tech! <p></p> Master the fundamental skills of a web developer in just a few weeks <p></p> Learn software fundamentals and databases.<br> Grasp programming foundations, write robust code with object-oriented programming and build MVC software from scratch. Master relational databases and SQL. <br> - Terminal <br> - VS Code <br> - Ruby <br> - SQL <p></p> <mark>Master front-end development & web design.<br> Develop responsive web pages with HTML and CSS. Master modern JavaScript and all the tools and environment like Webpack and Node.js.</mark> <br> - HTML <br> - CSS <br> - JavaScript <br> - Webpack <p></p> <mark>Deploy your app from scratch.<br> Build complete web applications and deploy them online on real domain that everyone can access. You're not a real developer until you've pushed something in production!</mark> <br> - Heroku <br> - Ruby on Rails <p></p> Adopt best-in-class development workflow.<br> Understand product development tools & workflow. Validate your UX on Figma, organise team work and collaborate on GitHub. Cover your code with automated testing and continuous integration.

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Work and Connect

Work and Connect is a hybrid model enterprise support organisation that holistically builds capacity, support the growth of youth-led businesses, innovation-driven entrepreneurs, accelerating MSMEs and innovates for good. The organisation offers a variety of support to entrepreneurs through its two arms; Connect Lab (An Innovation Lab) and Connect Space (A co-working space). <p></p> Connect Lab, the start up incubation arm of the company is focused on developing the next generation of youth-led ventures, and impact-driven social enterprises in Africa through implementation of entrepreneurship development support programmes learning and design thinking projects and policy advocacy workshops. <p></p> Connect space is the biggest co-working facility in Nigeria situated in the heart of FCT, Abuja. <mark>The space is focused on building a vibrant community while making room to accommodate everyone irrespective of their budget or working style. Our space is exclusively furnished and designed with leading IT facilities to support and meet the needs of modern-day workers.</mark>

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Upschool Africa

Programming School - Designed for you to move from zero skill in coding to a confident level to be able to build a website all by yourself and able to replicate same for clients or your employer. <p></p> Courses available in Upschool Africa programming school <p></p> Upschool Africa offers variety of in-demand tech skills taught by industry experts and professional instructors <p></p> Become a Front-end Developer <br> Learn how to build and code websites user interfaces with responsiveness with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. <p></p> Become a Back-end Developer <br> Learn how to build and code engines and databases that powers web applications using different best practices and programming languages like Javascript, PHP and Python with Databases using SQL <p></p> <mark>Become a Full Stack Developer <br> Learn how to build and code both interfaces, engines and databases that powers web applications using different best practices and programming languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript or PHP or Python with Databases using SQL</mark>

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Somali Innovation Hub

SiHUB is a social innovation and technology centre that promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, development, and a strong economy by creating a conducive work and study environment for students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs, and innovators to generate ideas and turn them into viable business models with a positive social impact. <p></p> Mission <br> <mark>To create an innovation ecosystem in which students can participate in innovation and entrepreneurial activities, as well as to assist them in developing transferable knowledge sets and innovative mindsets that will better prepare them for the future.</mark> <p></p> Vision <br> To prepare young innovators and entrepreneurs to explore ideas for social innovation and to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to bring their innovations to market. <p></p> Areas of Focus <p></p> Public Sector Innovation <br> The goal of PSI is to promote public sector and service innovation by training civil servants on how to innovate public institutions and improve social service delivery. <p></p>Inclusive Innovation and entrepreneurship <br> <mark>Our IIE aims to create an inclusive digital innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to identify ICT accessibility challenges, seek solutions, and recognize the opportunity for economic growth.</mark> <p></p>Digital transformation <br> Recognize digital transformation opportunities, build ICT capacity for youth, and create a digital community that can capitalize on the benefits of digitization

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We have a broad experience in African startup ecosystem, developing award winning innovative solutions and an added advantage of managing clients' projects through our Digital Innovation and Advertising Agency. We know what it takes to develop and create successful startups that can flourish in Africa. A centre to nurture and support startups, university students, and university staff with innovative solutions to scale their businesses. <p></p> Technical Assistance <br> <mark>Smart Lab provides services at startup’s disposal, ranging from cloud hosting, website development and other tech related assistance depending on the specific needs of your startup.</mark> <p></p> Creative Support <br> Smart Lab gives access to our in-house creative assets when it comes to creating a strategy, media planning and execution. <p></p> Management <br> Smart Lab assist startups in managing their startups to ensure sustainable growth and offer access to mentorship from industry experts within and outside Africa. <p></p> Partners <br> Smart Lab will connect startups with our reliable customer network and partners to create strategic business relationships.

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Twende is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering local community members to improve their quality of life through the innovation and implementation of low-cost technologies. As an innovation center of Tanzanian students and instructors, <mark>Twende aims to merge local experience and technical knowledge into affordable innovations.</mark> Technologies built at Twende are affordable, comprised of locally available materials, and address a specific social need. Through school and community workshops, Twende supports aspiring entrepreneurs in the creation of their own solutions to community problems. Led by Tanzanian inventor Bernard Kiwia, Twende aims to be a beacon of social innovation and technological empowerment in Arusha, Tanzania and around the globe. <p></p> Very few technologies currently address the needs of rural Tanzanian communities. And those that do, often fail to substantially improve quality of life in villages for following reasons. <br>1. Rural technologies often are designed and manufactured abroad, leaving Tanzanian villagers unable to repair their devices, especially when materials are not locally available. <br>2. These technologies are not developed with a rich understanding of local needs and resources, often making them irrelevant or impractical. For example, technologies that require electricity are useless for most Tanzanian villagers who do not have access to or cannot afford electricity. <br>3. Most rural technologies are too expensive for the average villager. These problems have left an estimated 30 million villagers without access to technology to charge phones, see at night, and harvest their crops. Not only would these villagers stand to benefit from more productive technologies, but so would the Tanzanian economy as a whole. <p></p> <mark>Twende technologies address the aforementioned problems through the development of intermediate technologies that <br>1. utilize locally available materials, <br>2. are designed WITH rather than FOR village communities, <br>3. derive out of village needs and imperative, <br>4. are inexpensive and affordable for villagers, <br>5. are able to be repaired locally. </mark> <p></p> Twende is able to develop these technologies by engaging communities through community workshops and providing vital technical support and tools through its innovation center platform. Following the teachings of Amy Smith and her colleagues at MIT’s D-Lab, Twende has adopted a new model of community-based innovation called creative capacity building (CCB). Through technology workshops, Twende engages students and villagers in creating their own technologies to improve health and safety, save labor and time, and increase their incomes. Through an interactive, hands-on curriculum, people of all education levels are able to become active creators of technology, not just passive recipients. <p></p> A key component of the follow-up to the CCB training is a space where people can come together, apply what they have learned to design, and build technologies that can positively affect their lives. <mark>The Twende workshop ideally serves as this nexus of creativity, where aspiring inventors can learn about new technologies, develop their mechanics and design skills, prototype their ideas, create technology products, incubate micro-enterprises and obtain guidance on how to market the technologies that they create.</mark> Workshop tools are available to all participating community members and maintained through a small fee.

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Kiota Hub

Kiota Hub is an open space for idea nurturing, mindset transformation, networking and co-creation for community empowerment. It operates under the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the University of Iringa. The space was opened in November 2016. <mark>Our primary focus is to work with youths in Sothern Highlands who are Entrepreneurs or aspiring to be Entrepreneurs ,with ideas, prototypes or start-ups with Minimum Viable Product (MVP).</mark> We also work closely with other innovation stakeholders like the Government, NGOs, and innovators from inside and outside the county.

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UNDP - Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone

Growth Accelerator is a 12 month business acceleration programme that supports early stage innovative and impactful entrepreneurs with investment, technical assistance and mentorship. <p></p> Growth Accelerator Sierra Leone is an accelerator programme looking to support youthful entrepreneurs that run innovative and impactful businesses.  <br>  <mark>The Accelerator is offering: <br> - Up-to USD40,000 Co-Financing <br> - Technical Support. <br> - Mentorship <br> - Business development Support. </mark> The overall goal of the project is to accelerate the economic and social growth of 55 innovative, viable and ambitious MSMEs, with a specific focus on women and youth-led enterprises. This will be achieved by increasing access to finance, technical and business development support to selected MSMEs while also focusing on job creation and the development of innovative products and services to address social challenges for consumers. <p></p> The initiative will focus on supporting MSMEs through tailored coaching, mentorship and linkages to business development services to strengthen skills, capacity and planning for innovation, growth, and investment. <p></p>Innovation Challenge MSMEs are to apply and present their innovative ideas and business models addressing social and development challenges in their communities relating to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Applicants will be required to present their Innovation, Growth and Investment plans to an independent committee of business experts who will score each applicant based on innovativeness, capacity, feasibility, marketability and potential for growth and scale. <mark>Successful MSMEs will be contracted and provided investment funding to support their business ventures directly through UNDP.</mark> <p></p> Services <br> - Improved access to finance focusing on blended financing package (Grants, Loans and Guarantees) <br> - Technical assistance, and business development services <br> - Delivering social impact by creating new jobs  <br> - Addressing social and economic challenges through innovative business models and <br> - Providing low-income consumers with new or improved products and services.

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KOFISI Westlands

KOFISI Westlands has over 30,000 sqft of state of the art and newly renovated office facilities for multinational and local enterprise in Africa. The recent addition of a new floor to the KOFISI Westlands office portfolio has created ample room to deliver the most engaging workspace in Nairobi, with new Board Rooms and Meeting Rooms, fitted with the latest intelligent technology, including 360 degree cameras to host hybrid meetings and virtual seminars. <p></p> CO-WORKING IN WESTLANDS <br> <mark>Over 10,000 sq ft of space is dedicated to co-working for businesses in Nairobi with daily passes and weekly Memberships available. This shared workspace includes break out lounges, communal kitchens and specialist strategy rooms with high-speed wifi and the latest technology fitted throughout. KOFISI’s co-working membership are truly flexible giving you access to all our Communal workspaces and Meeting Rooms within the Centre, as well as to our other Centres in Nairobi and across Africa.</mark> <p></p> PRIVATE OFFICES IN WESTLANDS <br> KOFISI’s Private Offices in Westlands are fully furnished offering modern, spacious, turn-key desk space for teams of 4 to 20 people. With a Private Office membership, your team will be able to use over 2,000 sq ft of professional on-site business facilities and hospitality services in Westlands as well as access to our other Centres in Nairobi and across Africa – all within our simple flexible monthly contracts. Customised Offices are available for larger teams who want to tailor workspace to a specialist brief or to help their brand stand out. <p></p> MEETINGS IN WESTLANDS <br> KOFISI Westlands has a variety of spaces to hold technology-led and productive meetings from large and small rooms around the Centre. On the fifth floor our new Knowledge Room can be used as a viewing room or to host a hybrid meeting or presentation featuring all the latest interactive technology with full hospitality services. On the seventh floor, our large Board Room opens out onto the Rooftop Cafe to create a unique space for unforgettable events, overlooking the Nairobi skyline.

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Impact Lab

We support start-ups, companies and public institutions to enable them to respond in an innovative way to their growth and transformation challenges in Morocco and Africa. <p></p> Today, it is becoming increasingly critical to reconcile economic development on the one hand, and inclusion and sustainability on the other. <p></p> At IMPACT Lab, our mission is to accelerate the deployment of innovative African models to meet the socio-economic challenges of the continent. <p></p> AN AFRICAN VISION <p></p> Capitalize on synergies in Africa<br> Today Africa not only represents the last economic frontier of our planet, but also a unique opportunity to build innovative, sustainable and inclusive socio-economic models. This opportunity comes first and foremost through the ability to create synergies between African innovation ecosystems. <p></p> <mark>Based on this conviction, IMPACT Lab is positioned as a privileged innovation partner to support the growth of startups and private and public institutions in the main hubs of Africa and to deploy concrete projects and solutions, carrying these new models.</mark>

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212 Founders

212 Founders, is a support and funding program in Seed and Series A, to accelerate the development of its startup in Morocco and internationally. The first support and funding program aimed at bringing out world-class startups linked to Morocco and Africa. <p></p> CDG Invest is the investment branch of the CDG Group. Through its minority investment strategy in sectors and companies with high development potential, CDG Invest participates in the structural transformation of the Moroccan economy. <p></p><mark>212Founders is free and open to all business sectors and targets all high-potential entrepreneurs.</mark> A program structured in two stages and offering a Seed and Series A investment of up to €700k (~7m MAD) at the end of the support.

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The HAP Abidjan

We provide entrepreneurs with a comfortable space to work, easy access to business resources and networking. The HAP is your 100% African space for creative and ambitious people. The HAP, a place open to all, offers you a space adapted to your rhythm and your budget. <mark>Whether you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer or a creative, you can come and work in our coworking space.</mark> At The HAP, you can also exchange ideas, share your resources, or take advantage of an atypical and intimate space for your events in our event space.

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WorkCentral Nigeria

WorkCentral Nigeria offers a great co-working space with a variety of different options. From Dedicated Desks to Team Desks to Private Offices, we have built a creative fun place to work around other people with similar goals and passions. <p></p> <mark>Our space is specially designed for freelancers, SMEs, and budding entrepreneurs who need a location to work with a professional outlay.</mark> <p></p> We offer packages designed to provide scalability to businesses at ultra-affordable costs. <p></p> Our growing community sets us apart from other places. A key feature is our Monthly events focused on start-ups, marketing, coding, and other important topics. You even get free software to drive your business! <br> - Serviced / Private Offices <br> - TeamDesk <br> - Dedicated Desk <br> - Virtual Office Service

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Proximity Space

At proximity space, we are committed to providing an environment that is serene, conducive and technology capable to allow our residents achieve their optimal performance and ability. <p></p> Proximity space is a place for startups, SME's entrepreneurs and freelancers in and around Lagos. Even if you are just visiting Lagos or Nigeria, you will be able to find solace in Proximity Space. <p></p> <mark>We offer a solution to the problem of isolation entrepreneurs' face working from home and at the same time gives them an escape from distractions. Together as a community, we can change succeed!</mark> <p></p> We love to: <br> - Think - Proximity space isolates you from the hustle and bustle of Lagos enabling creative juices to flow and allow ideas to come to fruition. <br> - Create - We provide an environment to allow our residents bring their ideas to life. We ensure all the necessary technology and ancillary services are provided to support our community grow and create a conducive environment where coworkers can exchange ideas and create solutions. <br> - Collaborate - We are more than just a beautiful space. Proximity space gives an opportunity to meet a diversity of skills/professions and people who share values. <p></p> Advantages with Proximity Space <p></p> High speed internet (75MBPS) <br>We use Fibre from source to our offices. Pure Internet joy. <p></p> 24/7 Security and access control <br> Access to the offices is available 24 hours a day with Access Control to the main building. <p></p>Constant uninterrupted power <br> Proximity Space provides a 2 standby generators and an inverter which ensures you remain connected at all times. <p></p> Dedicated front desk <br> We provide a dedicated receptionist support service to help our clients in order to meet the needs of their business. No need to hire a receptionist. <p></p>Meeting room with flipchart and projector <br> Our dedicated meeting room is equipped with a state of the art projector and flip charts to cater to any presentation

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33B Flexible Offices

33B Flexible Offices was created with the following people in mind: small to medium-sized professional teams and individual professionals who have short-term business in Lagos and are looking for a fully equipped, conducive, accessible and affordable workspace in the Lekki area. <p></p> Do well to have a feel of the place through our Virtual Tour tool on the website and book a viewing of the space and we would get in touch with you. <p></p> 33b Flexible Offices is more than just an office space, we are a community of like minded professionals in an innovative environment- collaborating, connecting and creating. As a member of 33b Flexible Offices, you have access to a variety of facilities such as: <mark> <br> - Fully furnished Private Offices. <br> - Sizable Conference room. <br> - Virtual Office. <br> - High Speed WiFi. <br> - Dedicated front desk. <br> - Printing, Photocopying and other facilities. </mark> <p></p> Workspace Key Features <br> - Private offices with dedicated Front Desk <br> - Conference room with state-of-the-art presentation facilities <br> - Built to foster productivity <br> - Fast & Reliable Internet <br> - Virtual Office <br> - Printing and Photocopying services

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Foteino Talento

Foteino Talento is a dynamic establishment located at Victoria Island, Lagos. We understand how flexibility and agility are two keywords featured in the new normal and have therefore created a space that caters to individual workers, freelancers, and as well as organisations - start-ups, SMEs and large organisations who have grasped the concept of the world of work. <p></p> <mark>FT Workspace is designed to enable an environment conducive to productivity, creating pleasant and comfortable conditions for you to thrive in. Paying close attention to subtle details, such as knowing what colours, sounds and smells will induce calmness and implementing these methods, is what we pride ourselves in.</mark> <p></p> Benefits <p></p> <br> - Official Working Hours <br> - Conference Room​ <br> - Prestigious Location <br> - High Speed Internet​ <br> - Wireless TV Projection <br> - Printing/Scanning <br> - Flexible Work Space​ <br> - Mail & call Handling​ <br> - Pet Friendly​

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WakeMan Heights

At Wakeman Heights we believe in giving businesses the choice, flexibility and access to office space. We create bright, inspiring workspaces that can be customised to individual needs, within consistently professional environments. <p></p> When choosing which co working space proximity is right for your office space, we provide you the best space in the heart of Lagos, our office is close to Lagos State Rail Terminal in Alagomeji, Yaba. Our service will give your business flexible options with open plan desks and offices to rent by the month or hour. <p></p> <mark>Our office space, coworking environments, business lounges and meeting rooms come with everything taken care of. Our experienced, friendly teams sort all the details and services you need for your business to thrive, so your business can be more productive and stay focused on what’s important.</mark>

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Institute of ICT Professionals Ghana

The Institute of ICT Professionals, Ghana (IIPGH) is a professional association which is made up of professionals in various domains of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) practice. The Institute is a connector of ICT professionals from Government MDAs, educational institutions, corporate organizations, start-ups, investors and the civil society organizations to create a vibrant ICT ecosystem. The organization aims at using its platform to equip professionals and students with skills in emerging technologies needed for entrepreneurship and employment in today’s fast moving technological world. In addition, use the expertise at its disposal to advice government and other stakeholders on best practices and public policies that would enable the use of ICT in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). <p></p> The Institute has four divisions namely; Academy, Professionals Services, Foundation and professional Membership. <p></p> Our mission is “to mobilize all ICT professionals under one professional body to positively influence the development, standardization and delivery of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) across Ghana”. <p></p> Our vision is “to become the most reliable partner in ICT development in Ghana and beyond”. <p></p> Membership & Benefits<br> Members stand to benefit from the following; <mark> <br> - 2 Major Types of Membership for Professionals: o General Membership, o Specialist Membership <br> - Access job opportunities posted on IIPGH portal <br> - Receive training, certifications & Continuing Professional Development <br> - IIPGH assists qualified members to win consultancy contracts. <br> - Members are marketed indirectly when the Institute publishes list of members <br> - Receive technical support on Projects <br> - Access documents from portal to aid work </mark>

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YIT Ghana

YIT Ghana is a registered NGO promoting the acquisition of information technology skills and igniting a passion for information technology through training, guidance, and mentorship. <p></p> YIT GHANA believes that Information Technology is a tool for creativity, communication and problem-solving. <p></p> YIT Ghana aims to provide a platform that ensures the youth are equipped with in-demand practical digital skills enabling them take advantage of opportunities in the digital economy. <p></p> Our mission is to empower the youth through skill acquisition in IT to shape their future. We are raising the youth to acquire practical and employable skills, imparting IT literacy that equips the youth in Africa to shape the future and impact their communities positively. <p></p> What We Do<br> <mark>We empower the youth in Africa by helping shape their future through IT skills training. Information Technology has become an important career path that’s ever-expanding and impacting the world. We Train and Mentor youth with the requisite knowledge and skills to pursue future IT educational programs and careers.</mark> <p></p> Our Program<br> Code Boot Camps <br> - Training in modern software technologies <br> - Digital Skill Accelerator Program -DSAP <br> - Practical training in in-demand graphic and digital skills <br> - Mentorship and Practical Internships

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9jacodekids Academy

9jacodekids Academy is Nigeria’s leading STEM education institute providing coding and robotics programs for kids aged 4 to 16 years old. Our classes include weekend coding courses, holiday coding camps and STEM workshops <p></p> Since 2016 our team has taught over 5000+ students within and outside Nigeria to develop core coding skills in Web Design, Mobile App design, Game design, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence <p></p> Our Approach<br> <mark>We believe that it is not enough to learn how to code. Our students should be able to use their coding skills to innovate and create value. Our model is anchored on a three pronged approach of Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship</mark> <p></p> Technology<br> Our first step is giving kids the tech skills required to be up to date in a fast changing world <p></p> Innovation<br> We instill in our students the ability to harness their skills and use them to solve societal problems <p></p> Entrepreneurship<br> We train them to develop the entrepreneurial skill-set and mindset that will enable them launch their innovation into profitable business. <p></p>Our Core Programs<br> 9jacodekids Academy offers various programs that will help your child develop their vision; and more importantly the substance for achieving it. <p></p> Coding<br> <mark>Coding is at the core of what we do. The ability to give instructions to computers and robots teaches your kids to not just solve problems but to also foresee them.</mark> <p></p> Robotics<br> We enable kids with the concepts of how robots and similar machineries work. This gives them an edge over their peers in a world becoming ever reliant on machines. <p></p> Artificial Intelligence<br> We teach kids to design intelligent computer programs. This ability puts your child at the top of the demand hierarchy, globally.

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Launch Lab

We are transforming Africa's biggest challenges into its greatest opportunities by serving as a confident, commercial co-builder for world-shaping startups. <p></p> What we build<br> Entrepreneurial Mindset + World-Shaping Startups <p></p>Community<br> We create and foster an entrepreneurial environment in a safe, empathetic manner focused on co-working, events & business support. Our aim is for our community members to learn something new, meet someone interesting and have fun in the process. <p></p> Innovation<br> <mark>We help teach a new problem solving method and the mentality that goes along with it to universities, corporate partners and anyone interested in viewing the world in a new way. This effort is made possible through various bootcamps, pitch competitions, experiential learning workshops and teaching support.</mark> <p></p>Business Building<br> We transform startups from across Africa into high impact, sustainable organisations through standardised content, bespoke support and access to a deep network of mentors, experts and investors. We have two business builder programs: University Startup Lab and Climate Lab. Five day Builder Sprints allow us to work with non-university or climate startups in a focused, high impact manner potentially leading to consulting mandates and brand recognition.

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Savant is a commercially-focused hardware technology incubator that provides bespoke business development support. Savant partners with highly skilled science and technology inventors for their start-up growth journey. <p></p> Value Proposition<br> Savant brings unrivalled technology commercialisation know-how and experience to the South African start-up landscape. Savant offers bespoke commercialisation support to hardware technology inventors through long term, risk-based partnerships. Inventors stand to gain a streamlined journey from minimum viable product development to early market traction, both locally and internationally. Investors stand to gain early access to a pipeline of professionally de-risked technology companies to invest in. <p></p> Our Approach<br> <mark>Savant typically partners with early stage ventures if it sees the value in the venture’s prospects, inventor capabilities and potential commercial product offering.</mark> While Savant may have multiple stages to its approach, some may inventors partner with Savant further along the business life cycle than others. Savant systematically de-risks these partnered ventures and gets them ready for commercialisation and investment.

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Akro Accelerate

Akro is a company dedicated to helping entrepreneurs turn ideas into businesses. We offer events, venture funding and consulting services, and we have a painfully practical attitude towards entrepreneurship. <p></p> HOW WE DO ACCELERATION <br> In partnership with Imvelo ventures<br> We build rather than just support startups. We work alongside companies to write code, make sales calls and close commercial contracts. As a venture-builder that’s been in the business for more than four years, we know what founders need to build and scale their businesses. We’ve taken all our learnings and knowledge and packaged it into a 20-week programme. We aim to get companies investment-ready and funded within five months of starting our programme. <p></p> 2 PHASES <br> <mark>We begin the 8-week Core Phase with a 1-week period of workshopping and mentorship, after which the final 10 startups are chosen to have a high touch rapid building, and scaling period, provided digitally. The other 20 startups continue with mentoring and coaching.</mark> <p></p> This is followed by the Extended Phase, a 12-week period of continued mentorship and accountability for the top 10 startups. <p></p> STARTUPS GET <br> Dedicated time and active business-building with our experts and advisors, including time with software architects, designers and other product-builders. <br> Post-programme mentorship with our advisors. <br> R100,000 in digital infrastructure services. <br> Access to potential partner and client networks, valuable startup-specific resources, and investors. <br> Access to our co-working spaces.