Contact Buro - school image
Contact Buro

For short or long periods, we provide a private workspace equipped with the necessary furniture, wifi connection, air conditioning. Contact Buro has been in the landscape for over 20 years and has been recognized as the best copy services down in Ouagadougou. It has developed now into a <mark>co-working space, fully functional with the highest internet speed available.</mark> With a dedicated and skilled team entirely dedicated to make your work easier, we welcome you to come and give it try?

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New Dawn University

The Computer Engineering degree is for students interested in both programming and hardware. The required classes cover software engineering, computer science, and electric and digital circuit designs. <p></p> Goal <p></p> Train senior technicians and computer engineers: <mark> <br> - Frameworks in analysis and programming; <br> - Professionals in software engineering / computer application development; <br> - Agents of information systems management and database operation. </mark> <p></p> Why study Computer Engineering? <br> Computer engineering integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences. Computer engineers design and develop computer systems and components for computation, control, data storage, input/output and networking. Computer engineers integrate these components into computer and network systems. This <mark>requires a good working knowledge of both computer science and electrical engineering.</mark <p></p> Computer engineers work in technology industries involving computer systems design and related services. They may work in research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences, or they may work in environments with computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing, semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing, or in government.

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The mission of BeoogoLAB is to spot, fund and support toward competitiveness any innovative entrepreneurial initiatives based on digital technology in order to positively impact areas including agriculture, food and nutrition, health and wellbeing, education and learning, inclusion and financial empowerment, culture, art and handicraft, security, citizenship and peace. <p></p> What we do for upstart companies <p></p> Hire <br> the best talents at the right time <p></p> Elaborate <br> a marketing and communication plan <p></p> Build <br> on the best practices within their ecosystems <p></p> Articulate <br> their processes and operations <p></p> Arrange <br> networking meetings and events <p></p> <mark>Accelerate <br> the development of their businesses </mark>

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La Fabrique

La Fabrique is an incubator entirely dedicated to supporting social and responsible businesses in West Africa. Accompaniment, co-working, advice, training make it possible to give life to the greatest ambitions! <p></p> Convinced that social entrepreneurship is an effective way of growth and development for Burkina Faso, La Fabrique has given itself the mission of <mark>identifying project leaders and co-constructing with them sustainable companies with a strong impact on the society and/or the environment.</mark> It is now possible to combine social impact and economic performance to develop territories sustainably: this is what La Fabrique and the entrepreneurs it supports demonstrate on a daily basis.

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Joseph KI-ZERBO University

The Computer Science Program prepares students for careers in computer science through learning based on practice and grounded in theory. Students learn how to analyze, design, build, test, and deploy computer-based systems by making technical trade-offs between performance, scalability, availability, reliability, security, maintainability, cost and societal impact. Marshall’s computing facilities are state-of-the-art and readily available to students. <p></p> Supporting the mission of the University to provide innovative undergraduate and graduate education that contributes to the development of society and the individual. The Computer Science Program is committed to our alumni who, within a few years of their graduation, are expected to: <mark><br>1) be employed in fields of Computer Science <br>2) engage in life-long learning and professional development through self-study, continuing education or graduate and professional studies <br> 3) become effective communicators, collaborators and innovators. <br>4) practice professional ethics with social responsibility addressing social, technical and business challenges.</mark> <p></p> The program exposes students to a range of other disciplines, such as the natural sciences, social sciences, economics, and business so they gain an understanding of the real world scenarios. Theoretical courses are supported by rigorous laboratory tasks.

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Norbert Zongo University

The Science and Technology Training and Research Unit of Norbert ZONZO University (UFR-ST/UNZ) was created in 2014. It is a higher general education institution whose objective is to train students in scientific and technological fields. Within the framework of the LMD system, the UFR-ST/UNZ prepares students for Licenses, Masters and Doctorates in the fields of Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry-Computer Science and Life and Earth Sciences. <p></p>The Computer Science program core coursework provide basic coverage of algorithms, data structures, software design, concepts of programming languages, and computer organization and architecture. Theoretical foundations, problem analysis, and solution design are stressed within the program’s core materials. <mark>Students are exposed to a variety of programming languages and systems and become proficient in more than one higher-level language. </mark>

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The Office Ouagadougou

A solution in the heart of Ouagadougou for your shared or temporary workspace needs. The Office provides you with fully equipped offices for flexible rentals, with hourly, daily and monthly packages. Our private offices and our design coworking space offer you a pleasant and operational working environment equipped with the following services: <br> - Emergency electricity <br> - High speed wifi connection <br> - Air conditioner <br> - Meeting room <br> - Prints, scans, photocopies <br> - Receptionist and courier services <br> - Relaxation area and lush garden <br> - Coffee and tea service <p></p> OUR PROPOSAL <p></p> WHY WORK AT THE OFFICE? <p></p> You are an international structure setting up in Ouagadougou <br> <mark>The Office allows you to focus on your core business during the first months of your installation. You won't need to rush into finding premises, hiring security and cleaning staff, buying furniture and equipment, subscribing to internet services, electricity, …. Grab a desk or two and start working right away!</mark> <p></p> You are a small structure looking for economical solutions without compromising the quality of your working environment<br> The Office allows you to share the costs associated with running an office with others while enjoying a safe and quality work environment. You also benefit from a stimulating environment thanks to exchanges with others. Finally, The Office gives you the flexibility to take up only the space you need when you need it. <p></p> You are a consultant, researcher, self-employed <br> The Office allows you to find the calm to be efficient. With the flexible plans on offer, you can take advantage of The Office setting for just a few hours to complete an important report, or The Office can be your permanent place of work. Finally, at The Office you no longer work in isolation and can take advantage of the networking opportunities of coworking.

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Burkina Business Incubator

The Burkina Business Incubator Association (BBI) is an incubation center for SMEs, a framework for the maturation of ideas for innovative projects and for training in business creation, business development, a real common work space whose main purpose is to promote entrepreneurship through the selection of innovative and high-potential projects and their support from the idea to the launch, including the economic model, studies, training of the promoter, mobilization of resources and the creation of the business. BBI prioritizes projects from the following areas: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Agro-industry, Tourism and Hospitality, Renewable Energy and Environment, and crafts. <p></p> The main objective of BBI is to <mark>participate in the economic growth of Burkina Faso and local development through support for the anchoring of the culture of entrepreneurship and self-employment, business creation, strengthening the capacities of existing SMEs, promoting innovation and facilitating access to financial and technical partnerships.</mark> BBI combines a program and a physical space that allow it to offer the following services: <br> - Reception and accommodation of project leaders at low rent; <br> - Shared services: (internet, telephone, offices, equipment, reception, conference rooms, cafeteria, etc.) <br> - Advice and assistance services relating both to daily operations (legal, personnel, banking relations, accounting) and to strategic aspects (advice, development of business plans, marketing advice, financial advice, industrial property, etc.) ; <br> - Training in entrepreneurship and various aspects of business management and individual coaching; <br> - Linking through financial, technological, commercial networks that allow the company to have access to partners, customers, etc. <br> - Assistance in the creation of the company and follow-up in the operation until a certain stage of growth or maturation or autonomy.

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Jokkolabs Ouagadougou

Jokkolabs Ouagadougou is first and foremost a professional shared workspace with a community atmosphere. It is an open space, which welcomes any entrepreneur seeking to develop his network, meet new collaborators, discuss his practices and develop his professional, personal or associative projects. <p></p> Located in Ouaga 2000, in the heart of activities, Jokkolabs Ouagadougou helps start-ups to create, organize and innovate via the internet and new media. <p></p> <mark>It is designed to meet the needs of micro-enterprises, freelancers, home workers, entrepreneurs, start-ups or digital economy workers, writers, designers and other new media or digital arts professionals whose work does not does not fit into a classic office model.</mark>

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2iE Incubator

2iE incubator is the first technological and social incubator in Burkina. Based in an engineering school and backed by 3 research laboratories, 2iE Incubator has been operational since 2012 and supports innovative projects and companies with a strong social and/or environmental impact. It facilitates the maturation of projects and offers managerial, technical, scientific and financial support. More specifically, the incubated project leader can access many services offered by the incubator, and its network of scientific, private and institutional partners. <p></p> Today, according to the needs of the project leader, 2iE incubator adapts the support formula offered, on site or remotely, according to an incubation collaboration contract drawn up with the entrepreneur supported. ). <p></p> 2iE incubator is also an accelerator and an incubator for companies already created wishing to quickly scale up and/or set up and domicile their activities on 2iE sites in order to benefit from preferential conditions. <mark>The objective is to help them scale up by accessing the financing vehicles best suited to their growth needs.</mark>

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Leadpreneur Academy

Leadership Entrepreneur Academy "LEADPRENEUR ACADEMY" An academia designed to help you earn mastery skills. We in Leadpreneur Academy understand the deeper reason for being an entrepreneur/Leader or starting your business or becoming skillful. We in Leadpreneur Academy understand the deeper reason for being an entrepreneur/Leader or starting your business or becoming skillful and having an online degree. <p></p> This program has been reviewed with the intention of making the program competitive while maintaining the high standard of the program. With the Courses offered, the graduates will become highly competitive in the job market and at the same time prepare them in becoming independent in making choices of career and self employment. Students are trained not only in the technical areas of specialization but also in personal development, communication skills and entrepreneurship. <p></p> The primary aim of the Computer Science Department is to provide a sound training leading to a M.Sc. degree in computer science. It is also the aim of the department to provide general computer science Courses required in other disciplines. It is intended that upon completion of the programme the graduate should: <mark><br> - be able to identify and apply software engineering and hardware engineering tools effectively; <br> - have acquired adequate skills to be able to design and implement suitable computer applications, both software and hardware, and advice on such applications; <br> - be fully equipped to take on postgraduate studies in computer science; and <br> - have attained a level of academic competence in computer science to be able to function as a productive member of his/her profession.</mark>

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Sèmè City

Sèmè City is a space where all resources are brought together so that together entrepreneurs, researchers, students and professionals rethink the Africa of tomorrow. The economic, social and cultural challenges of the African continent require us to innovate beyond existing frameworks. Benin hopes to develop a unique venue that will train a new generation of talent, equip them for the future and foster an inclusive and sustainable growth model based on “Made in Africa” ​​innovation. <p></p> Training<br> Innovative training programs; skill acquisition in line with the changing needs of the Beninese and sub-regional economy. <p></p> <mark>Entrepreneurship<br> Programs to strengthen the capacities of Beninese entrepreneurs to stimulate the emergence of innovative start-ups and create a real boost to job creation and growth.</mark> <p></p> Research<br> Test sustainable solutions to the major problems of Benin and the subregion.

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Aréolis Business Center

No matter the location in the world, businesses failure rates are impressive. And strangely enough, the main causes are recurrently the same everywhere : <br> - Solitude of the entrepreneurs <br> - Lack of investments <br> - Lack of certain capabilities <br> - Failure to innovate <p></p> SMEs accelerator AREOLIS is a member of RDE Senegal Group. Our objectives are to offer African SMEs new ways of organizing their production tool and structuring their business model. <p></p> <mark>The value proposition of AREOLIS revolves around pragmatic solutions, well adapted to local business ecosystems, while remaining perfectly aligned with international standards.</mark> <p></p> Our services consist of: <br> - Dedicated experts for 12months <br> - Scheduled and periodical support adapted to SME needs <br> - Training and technical skill transfer <br> - Access to local and international Areolis network <br> - Priority access to Areolis Knowledge center and Business Center Services

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EtriLabs, an ecosystem of entrepreneurs creating innovative solutions. An innovation ecosystem that educates young entrepreneurs and promotes excellence in Africa. EtriLabs is a project of Educational Technology and Research International (ETRI), a non-governmental organization 501 (c) (3) dedicated to the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD). <mark>EtriLabs helps developers, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, businesses and governments to create and / or use of innovative technological solutions.</mark>

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Btech Space

Btech Space is a coworking space, business incubator and Start-up accelerator. Coworking, shared workspace, incubator and business services <p></p> Incubator<br> Need help organizing your ideas and making your dream come true? Take advantage of a rich and varied accompaniment. to grow your projects <p></p> FabLab<br> Learn to how to strengthen your business, secure your development and move quickly to the industrialization and commercialization stages <p></p> <mark>Accelerator<br> Structure your growth strengthen your strategic analysis, strengthen your expertise on the subjects marketing, sales, finance and fundraising at; the international</mark>

Irgib Africa University - school image
Irgib Africa University

We live in an ICT age: computers, smartphones and networks are used by everyone, everywhere, as an enabler and driver of innovation. There is great demand for graduates who understand computing technology and create innovative solutions to help people and benefit organisations. <p></p> In this program you will: <mark><br> - Develop vital skills in problem solving, designing artificial worlds and making ideas come to life while working on cutting-edge technology</mark> <br> - Study the foundations of computing and business, along with courses in cyber security, programming and project management <br> - Develop specialist skills in data management, and in developing and using information systems to solve business problems <br> - Build hands-on experience through a professional work integrated learning course <br> - Complete placements designed to get you job-ready <br> - Gain industry certification (Microsoft, ITS, Cisco and more) at no extra cost as you complete courses

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African University of Technology and Management Gasa

Computer science is a field of scientific, technical, and industrial activity concerning the automatic processing of digital information by the execution of computer programs hosted by electrical-electronic devices: embedded systems, computers, robots, automatons, etc. <mark>This program leads the student to develop computer applications of all types (web, mobile: Android, video games, databases, systems: Linux, etc.), and to manage artificial intelligence and big data computer projects.</mark> <p></p> Examples of Merise subjects, Web programming (HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, etc.), Mobile programming, UML, Languages: C/C++, JAVA, etc., Databases: SQL SERVER, Oracle, etc., Software engineering, Teleinformatics and networks, object-oriented algorithms, etc. <p></p> Pedagogical Material <br>– An online server to host student applications <br>– A computer room with more than 50 PCs <br>– Free Internet access on campus 24/7 <p></p> Opportunities : <br>– Database administrator <br>– Web developer <br>– Mobile developer <br>– System developer

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University of Parakou

The Software Engineering program trains individuals to successfully design, develop, implement, integrate, and maintain software and software related products. <p></p> We give students the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and manage large-scale software systems with a primary focus on quality, reliability, and maintainability. <p></p> <mark>This program emphasizes skills in managing development processes, organizational structures, analysis and modeling techniques, design methodologies, documentation standards, and quality controls.</mark> <p></p> Course highlights include: <br> - Software Quality Assurance <br> - User Interface Design <br> - Software Security <br> - Maintenance, Evolution and Reengineering <br> - Software Project Planning and Management <br> - Software Quality Assurance

PIGIER School Benin - school image
PIGIER School Benin

To train executives capable of mastering engineering techniques related to the design of software systems, as well as the design, deployment and administration of a local corporate computer network. You'll gain experience with many platforms and environments. Using cutting-edge computer systems technologies (such as Android, iOS and Unity) and industry standards (such as Java, Oracle, C, C# and .NET), you'll learn to <mark>create solutions to real-world problems.</mark>

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African School of Economics

The bilingual Statistics and Computer Science undergraduate program prepares students for high-level data analysis and work in tech. Students master the theoretical and practical tools that are necessary for today’s digital economy. Key subject areas include Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and other related fields. <p></p>Learning Outcomes <p></p> Students completing the major in Statistics & Computer Science will have: <mark><br> - In-depth knowledge in the mathematical, probabilistic, and statistical foundations. <br> - Programming software engineering skills. <br> - Ability to apply statistical analysis and modeling to reason from data in a principled manner. <br> - Combined theoretical and technical skills to use for real-world applications.</mark>

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University of Abomey-Calavi

This training aims to train specialists capable of developing various types of computer applications for different platforms (classic, web, mobile). <p></p> <mark>Skills <br> - Analyze (model) a real situation from a computer point of view <br> - Administer a database <br> - Develop an application in line with the real situation modeled <br> - Deploy an app</mark> <p></p> Output profile <p></p> Graduates of this license can exercise the following professional mandates: <br> - Design analyst <br> - Technical support <br> - Software architect <br> - Graphic designer <br> - Application developer (classic, web and mobile) <br> - Application developer <br> - Software architect <br> - Database Manager <p></p> Opportunities <br> - Freelance <br> - Banks <br> - Decentralized Financial Systems (DFS) <br> - International organizations <br> - Mobile phone agencies <br> - ICT office <br> - Ministries <br> - Benin Telecom SA <br> - Ministry of Digital Economy <br> - Companies specializing in software development <br> - Everywhere

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School Of Higher Technicians Of Benin

Computer Science programs at School Of Higher Technicians Of Benin have the advantage of a software engineering focus. That, along with thorough computer science theory, provide a basis for fundamental technology innovation and long–term career success. <p></p><mark>The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science focuses on the concepts and techniques used in designing and developing advanced software systems. Explore the conceptual underpinnings of computer science, including its fundamental algorithms, programming languages, operating systems, and software engineering techniques.</mark>

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Business Offices Lome

Our workspaces allow you to work where you need to, in a productive business environment. Create a workspace that fits your business, today and tomorrow, and grow within our professional community. <p></p> <mark>Fully equipped, our private offices provide an inspiring environment and help ensure that your team, whatever its size, can concentrate, collaborate and perform at their best.</mark> <p></p> Benefits: <br> - high-speed Internet <br> - Meeting facilities <br> - Secretariat <br> - Private phone booth <br> - Friendly staff <br> - Terrace lounge bar <br> - modern kitchen <br> - Video conference

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Djanta Tech Hub

The technology campus designed to promote and enhance entrepreneurship, creativity and economic development through digital, technology, innovation and research. <p></p> Do you have a startup? Check it out with Djanta Tech Hub! <p></p> <mark>The Djanta Tech Hub technological campus, initiated by the Togolese government in collaboration with private partners, is designed to promote and value entrepreneurship, creativity and economic development through digital. technology, innovation and research.</mark> <p></p> As part of its approach to accompanying technology entrepreneurship and supporting innovation, Djanta Tech Hub is starting a process to identify startups in order to: <br> - Inviting you to become a member of Djanta Tech Hub and benefit from the various opportunities offered: Incubation, participation in events, getting in touch with potential partners, sharing useful and practical information to grow your business, etc. <br> - To establish statistics on the state of startups in Togo.

Minodoo - school image

Minodoo community are a gathering of dynamic young people around the values ​​of collaborative work, knowledge sharing, and citizen engagement through ICTs, but also youth entrepreneurship. In fact, it is a social innovation factory and a space for the appropriation of the computer tool. Within the Minodoo community, we advocate a horizontal and transparent way of working, while involving citizens in solving their daily problems. <mark>Minodoo’s primary asset is its multidisciplinary team. Coming from various backgrounds far from technology, they are all self-taught geeks and passionate about what they’re doing.</mark>

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Open to all, the WoeLab, with its 1300m² of space, is an network of social incubators based in Lomé, Togo, where new approaches of productive collaboration and inclusive entrepreneurship in an African context. <p></p> <mark>WoeLab aims to welcome and accompany young people and unpack their potential by introducing them to the startup culture.</mark> <p></p> It includes various programs and startup initiatives within a radius of 1 km around WoeLab, addressing different urban issues; waste management (SCoPE), food and energy resources (Urbanattic), digital currency (Sys’Woe), etc. All of the projects are managed and owned collectively, making it possible to foreshadow pioneering digital collectivism in the critique of digital capitalism

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IOKA Works

Whether you are a large, established company or a growing start-up, you can no longer no longer have to choose between flexibility, prestigious and optimal management of your workspace. Choose for IOKA Works. <p></p> <mark>IOKA Works is on a mission to develop modern and inspiring work environments for organizations of all sizes. A Single Point of Contact for Business Development. IOKA Works is a Great place to work.</mark>

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Tempo Coworking

Tempo Coworking is a collaborative space intended to accommodate all types of professionals in a functional, comfortable and friendly environment in a spirit of professionalism and benevolence. For a few hours or a few months, work at your own pace by opting for the formula of your choice and organize your team meetings, workshops, launches, press conferences or training in our fully equipped spaces offering optimal comfort. <p></p> Our mission <br> <mark>Offer inspiring professional spaces and services offering an innovative approach to work and modes of collaboration mainly focused on the sharing of experiences and personal achievement.</mark> <p></p>Our vision <br> Foster the creation of a creative and trusting environment to generate synergies between members of the Tempo community.

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La Bulle - Coworking Space

La Bulle Coworking Space is a workspace designed for anyone wishing to work in a pleasant and friendly environment far from isolation. <p></p> Need to have a co-worker meeting outside of your work environment? The Co-working Space Bubble provides its boardroom for your meetings. <p></p> <mark>Would you like to house your company or start-up at La Bulle Co-Working Space? Locating your business with us: <br> - we receive and store your packages* <br> - you will use our address as the address of your company's head office. <br> - you will get access to the boardroom at preferential rates.</mark> <p></p> You don't need your computer to work at La Bulle Co-Working Space. Our living space has computer hardware for your needs. From 50,000 francs a month, access it and benefit: <br> - of an hour/week in the boardroom, <br> - High speed Internet access <br> - from the reprogram credit <br> - Refreshing.

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L'Atelier Coworking

The workshop is a modern coworking space offering an inspiring work environment and fully equipped with amenities and tools to help you be more productive. <p></p> If you are passing by #Lateliercoworking, you will no doubt notice the beautiful canvases that dress our walls! <p></p> They are the work of the very talented Togolese painter thierry tomety We wish you a pleasant weekend with some of them <p></p> Do not hesitate to ask for the price catalogue at reception when your next visit to us because yes, they are indeed on sale! <p></p> <mark>This is also the Workshop! A showcase for all.</mark>

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Univeristy of Lome

The Science and Technology (ST) field offers training in scientific disciplines both in their fundamental aspect (Mathematics, Biology, Geology, etc.) and in their technological and professional applications (Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Mechanics, etc.) <mark>These trainings play an important role in the development that cannot be done without expertise in these sectors.</mark> <p></p> The software engineering concentration of the BS program in computer science is appropriate for computer science students seeking careers as software engineers. Students learn advanced processes, methodologies and tools for developing and testing large and small software applications in emerging areas such as: <br> - databases <br> - enterprise systems <br> - interoperable systems <br> - mobile computing <br> - service-orientated computing <p></p> They also learn cybersecurity concepts and techniques and principles of human-computer interaction and methods for developing these applications. The curriculum <mark>prepares students to assume leadership roles in software development organizations and to practice professional standards and emerging software technology to the software engineering life-cycle activities.</mark>

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Catholic University of West Africa

ISTIN contributes to better support for students towards more specialized and job-creating training. Digital technology is at the heart of technological innovations today and is helping to profoundly transform our lifestyles tomorrow. All business sectors have a growing need for digital skills. The considerable evolution of technologies contributes to significant progress in many areas with high stakes for the future such as health, the environment, transport, etc. <mark>ISTIN wants to contribute to placing student training at the crossroads of technologies, their fields of application and societal challenges.</mark> Such a choice now offers good job prospects and can represent a significant advantage. <p></p> Professional license day course <br>- Application development <br>- Computer networks and telecommunications <br>- Mathematics and computer science <br>- Engineering course <br>- Big Data <br>- Cybersecurity