Somaliland Innovation Zone - school image
Somaliland Innovation Zone

The government of Somaliland, through the Ministry of ICT, established the Somaliland Innovation Zone (SIZ) in October 2021 with the goal of creating an innovation ecosystem and encouraging entrepreneurship as innovation appears to be the key enabler of development in any sphere of life, including economic growth, educational accessibility, environmental sustainability, communication, better well-being, and youth employment, which the government considers superior. <br><br> SERVES PROVIDE by SIZ <br> - Training <br> - Mentorship <br> - Co-working Space <br> - Seed Funding <br><br> Somaliland Innovation Zone always <mark>emphasizes the development of Tech simple-to-use product and services that are highly marketable to enhance ICT skills,</mark> these have the following goals: <br> - Create innovation ecosystem <br> - Providing sustainable support to national innovators. <br> - Promoting ICT products, services, and solutions to improve both public and private local economies <br> - Reducing youth unemployment through providing highly ICT skills

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Dooritech ICT Training Center

Home for everyone to get trained and prepared using the most and best efficient ways, to make the world of ICT directed towards the needed points in our lives. We also work to make systems for small businesses, companies, education sectors and organizations, to connect their dreams and expectations into a reality they wanted. <p></p> Some of the courses offered: <mark> <br> - Front-end Web Development <br> - Essential Web Development <br> - Essential WordPress Development <br> - Essential Computer Skills </mark>

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Somali Innovation Hub

SiHUB is a social innovation and technology centre that promotes innovation, entrepreneurship, development, and a strong economy by creating a conducive work and study environment for students, fresh graduates, entrepreneurs, and innovators to generate ideas and turn them into viable business models with a positive social impact. <p></p> Mission <br> <mark>To create an innovation ecosystem in which students can participate in innovation and entrepreneurial activities, as well as to assist them in developing transferable knowledge sets and innovative mindsets that will better prepare them for the future.</mark> <p></p> Vision <br> To prepare young innovators and entrepreneurs to explore ideas for social innovation and to provide them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to bring their innovations to market. <p></p> Areas of Focus <p></p> Public Sector Innovation <br> The goal of PSI is to promote public sector and service innovation by training civil servants on how to innovate public institutions and improve social service delivery. <p></p>Inclusive Innovation and entrepreneurship <br> <mark>Our IIE aims to create an inclusive digital innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to identify ICT accessibility challenges, seek solutions, and recognize the opportunity for economic growth.</mark> <p></p>Digital transformation <br> Recognize digital transformation opportunities, build ICT capacity for youth, and create a digital community that can capitalize on the benefits of digitization

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Innovate Ventures

We believe investing at the earliest stage is the greatest asset we can bring to your company Whether it’s finding product market fit, founder disputes, building out your sales and marketing capabilities or introductions to our global network, <mark>we provide you with a carefully curated core team and community of incredible people across the world to help you build your business.</mark> <p></p> The 12-week accelerator programme is structured to help entrepreneurs and startups to succeed and fail faster. Yes, it is far better to fail quickly, and realize your mistakes early in the process and we work with startups on their ideas. <p></p> The programme will help you identify if you’re headed down the wrong path and help iterate quickly from any ambiguity in your business model faster to succeed. <p></p>Access to Capital <br> Make a case for raising investment capital in exchange for equity on the “demo day” - an intensive day of startup pitches to an audience of well-respected investors including access to Innovate Ventures Fund. <mark>Demo day is an entrepreneur’s day to show off what his or her team has accomplished during the 12 week acceleration programme.</mark> <p></p> Demo day allows investors and entrepreneurs the opportunity to connect and explore collaborative opportunities worthy of investment capital and invaluable advice and expertise.

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HarHub Business Incubation is the first incubation in Somaliland/Somalia and is designed to empower entrepreneurs, freelancers, Job seekers and digital nomads with safe, secure, cool, and work-oriented space to foster startups growth and sustainability. HarHub was established in 2018 to support early-stage startups to grow and expand through unique services. <p></p> Harhub Entrepreneurship and Incubation programs aim to help youth to launch their business ideas through providing them appropriate entrepreneurship training, Incubation Services, Mentorship, Coaching, Technical assistance to become self-employed. <p></p> Vision <br> To be a hub for business-and people-driven impact in Somali-speaking regions and beyond. <p></p>Mission <br> <mark>To build an entrepreneurial community, Business Incubation and create solutions for an Ecosystem that works for all</mark> <p></p>Inspiration <br> Why do we feel different? We have a flexible mentality... We embrace creativity.

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Kismayo University

The goal of Bachelor Computer Studies BCS Department is to create for students whose major interest is the general study of computer science rather than the focus on a particular application area. These programs provide students with a broad education in traditional computer science concepts including algorithms, software engineering, computer architecture, information processing techniques, programming languages, data structures, operating systems, networks, artificial intelligence, and image processing. <p></p> <mark>Students learn theory as well as the methodologies and techniques used in the development of computer systems. The goal is to prepare our students for employment or for graduate study in a masters or Ph.D. program in computer science.</mark> Graduates may be employed in the software industry, in computer centers, government, industry, or any organization that uses computers for research or production purposes in Somalia or elsewhere.

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Zamzam University

The Faculty of Computer and Information Science is designed to prepare students for advanced careers in the field of computing and Information Technology. Zamzam University of Science & Technology provides four-year degree that will allow an enduring impact as software programmer and developer. <p></p> Throughout this program, <mark>student will learn and experience firsthand practice with innovative real-life solutions using modern technology. </mark> <p></p> The department Information Technology intent deploy high class curriculum with access to business-driven IT product development and research projects including finance, hospitality, manufacturing, healthcare, Agriculture, and livestock.

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Capital University of Somalia

The curriculum gives students the opportunity to study computer science more broadly by sampling from various sub-areas. The curriculum is designed to show students how to apply that knowledge abstractly, how to approach problems from an algorithmic perspective and how to understand the nature. <mark>Students in the program also learn how to approach problems from the systems perspective, understanding layers of computer environment and how to use, extend and solve the problems.</mark>

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East Africa University

The Faculty of Information Science and Technology implements education in the field of information science and technology. Our educational philosophy is to train students to be creative, planners, designers, and software developer. <p></p> In order to train graduates who can contribute to society, <mark>we provide an educational curriculum which fosters the development skills of computer systems and information contents from the foundation of information science and technology to develop modern technology.</mark> <p></p> The Faculty of Information Science and Technology offers a range of internationally accredited bachelors. Within these programs, there is special attention on issues which are related to the modern learning. <p></p> Our education is characterized by clear structure, intensive guidance and enthusiastic teachers, the small scale interdisciplinary offerings and its strong international orientation benchmarked with some of the higher educational institutions in the world <p></p> In the 21st century, it is difficult to imagine life without information technologies, the faculty produces graduates who are capable of facing the technological advancements of the new millennium. <p></p> The faculty the following programs: <br> - BSc Computer Science <br> -BSc Information Systems

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Indian Ocean University

This program has been designed to give the student a solid foundation in information technology to foster success in obtaining a four-year degree. <mark>The student will gain a background in networking, programming, database design, and web site design. This degree program also provides a solid math background required to develop problem solving skills.</mark> <p></p> Typical Information Technology Courses <br> - C++ programming <br> - Computer networking <br> - Computer systems and architecture <br> - Database management systems <br> - Ethical, legal, and social issues in information technology <br> - Introduction to computer science <br> - Professional and technical communications <br> - Systems analysis and design <br> - Web technologies <p></p> Jobs directly related to your information technology degree include: <br> - Software and Application Programmer <br> - ICT Manager <br> - Graphic and Web Designer <br> - ICT Support Technician <br> - Database Administrator <br> - System Administrator <br> - ICT Security Specialist <br> - ICT Business <br> - Systems Analysts <br> - Computer Network Professional <br> - Test Engineer

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Jobkey University

At Jobkey, the Faculty of Computer science and Engineering is the combination of theory, experimentation, and engineering courses that enables us to produce high qualify graduate to compete the market employments. <p></p> The mission Statement <br> <mark>Provide quality undergraduate and graduate education in both the theoretical and applied foundations of computer science , Engineering and train students to effectively apply this education to solve real-world problems thus amplifying their potential for lifelong high-quality careers.</mark> <p></p> Vision <br> To be among the nation’s premier small research and teaching of Computer Science and Engineering.

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Barkulan innovation Hub provides coworking space and is the leading space in Somaliland for creating organic collaborations to face the challenging new world. We are here to shape the future of work and how it is done in Somaliland and beyond. <p></P> Barkulan is the best alternative to usual traditional way of working as there is more room to roam freely and do what you do best without a restrictive environment. Barkulan is also prepped with fun perks such as free coffee, drop-in workstations with chess boards and much more. You can also have access to Barkulan events where you will be having fun connecting with other members of the community. <p></P> A professional yet relaxed environment enables you to focus on your work while connecting with the community in your own time. <p></P> <mark>There are diverse individuals who make up the community at Barkulan. From start-ups, designer to developers and independent mobile operators, these individualslearn to grow with one another and thrive as a collective community. Receive valuable feedback from community members, share skills, and brainstorm ideas in order to spark collaborations between one another.</mark> <p></P> Enjoy the Barkulan furnished space with membership options readily available in various options.

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University of Burao

Faculty of ICT was Established Sep-2010. it is Bachelor of Science in Information and Communication Technology program of the University of Burao is an eight-semester program designed to produce world-class ICT professionals that is not only nationally competitive but also globally competitive and who will be professionally competent, morally upright, and socially responsible contributors to national development.<br> <br> Objectives of the program include: <br> - To enable students to obtain a comprehensive knowledge and deep understanding of latest technology in information and communications. <br> - To <mark>prepare students to be well versed on application, installation, operation, development, maintenance and administration of computer systems and databases and familiar with hardware installation, operation and maintenance of Networks.</mark> <br> - To enable students to acquire the theoretical and practical skills needed to be globally competitive computer scientists. <br> - To enable students to get a broad education in the arts and humanities, management, natural science and mathematics <br> - To enable students to develop ethical responsibility, and social consciousness needed to perform in business, industry and society.

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University College of Technology

Computer science is a fast-moving field that brings together many disciplines, including mathematics, programming, engineering and linguistics. Our course provides you with a skill set that’s highly prized in industry and for academic research. <p></p> Computer Science is about understanding computer systems and networks at a deep level. Computers and the programs they run are among the most complex products ever created; designing and using them effectively presents immense challenges. Facing these challenges is the aim of Computer Science as a practical discipline, and this leads to some fundamental solutions. <p></p> Computer Science at UCT <br> Computer Science can be studied for four (Bsc degree). The fourth year allows the study of advanced topics and an in-depth research project. Everyone applies for the four-year course and chooses their exit point at the beginning of the third year. <p></p> <mark>The course concentrates on creating links between theory and practice. It covers a wide variety of software and hardware technologies and their applications. We are looking for students with a real flair for mathematics, which you will develop into skills that can be used both for applications such as scientific computing, and more importantly for reasoning rigorously about the specific behaviour of programs and computer systems. You will also gain practical problem-solving and program design skills; the majority of subjects within the course are linked with practical work in our well-equipped laboratory.</mark> <p></p> Careers <br> Our graduates’ knowledge and skills embody principles which will outlast today’s technology, making them highly sought after by industry and commerce alike. For example, companies at our annual recruitment fair collectively seek to recruit more than our entire annual number of graduates. <p></p> About half of our students go on to work in the computer industry, while a fifth pursue further study and careers in teaching and research. Many graduates have founded successful companies while others have easily found employment in banking, consultancy and business.

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Bigil Hub

Bigil Hub Coworking Space and Innovation Center locates in the center of Hargeisa City, Omar Hashi Building, opposite of Premiere Bank. it makes your office experience exceptional. <mark>We have created a workspace that supports collaboration, sustains focus, and sparks inspiration. We offer convenience and efficiency space with high speed Internet Connections, so that you can focus on your business.</mark>

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Puntland State University

The Faculty of Computer Science and Information technology is primarily focused on subjects such as software, databases, and networking. In general computer science faculties tend to focus on the mathematical and theoretical foundations of computing rather than emphasizing specific technologies. The Faculty is conferring degrees in the fields of information technology and related fields where the student will gain knowledge about software development, software testing, software engineering, web design, databases, programming, computer networking and computer system. <p></p> The Faculty will prepare students for jobs in the marketplace demanding systems and technology interfaces with business tasks in every function and department. <p></p> The overarching goal of the Faculty is to prepare students with broad, integrated IT knowledge including communications, computer networking, computer-based systems, database management, software development, website development, digital media and electronic publishing. <mark>Students learn how to evaluate current and emerging technologies; identify user needs; design user-friendly interfaces; apply, configure and manage technologies; and assess the impact of technologies on individuals, organizations and society.</mark>

Jamhuriya University of Science & Technology - school image
Jamhuriya University of Science & Technology

The faculty of computer and information technology are committed to lifelong learning, the integration of research and teaching, and professional computer developers who work in multidisciplinary teams. Our graduates are highly hunted by major corporations in Somalia because of the strength of innovation and entrepreneurship implanted in them by their instructors. <p></p> <mark>Our mission is to provide a quality education for our students, partner with the professional communities of engineering and computer science, and provide a strong connection between students’ education and professional practice. And our vision is to be a faculty of choice in the Somalia region and beyond, widely recognized for both its high-quality education programs and innovative research programs.</mark> <p></p> Keeping the curriculum for the Faculty of Computer and IT unique, up-to-date, and futuristic by a periodic revision to enable students to have a global edge will be our primary aim. It would enhance the contents of future trends, unique interdisciplinary subjects combining science, technology, and research in advanced and cutting-edge areas of global demand, and intensive practical training with the integration of external experts and industries/business enterprises. <p></p> Our students also play a significant role in making our program successful through hard work and determination in finding solutions to challenging issues. What we offer our students is a highly educational program that is designed to guide them to ask the right questions and to master the use of scientific tools provided by faculty for objective, critical and logical analyses of socio-economic observations. With a solid curriculum accompanied by rigorous training that is unique to the CIT, the dedicated faculty members all look forward to welcoming new students. <p></p> Currently the faculty provides the following: <br> - Bachelor of Science in Computer Applications - 4 Years <br> -Diploma in Information Technologies - 1 Year <br> -Diploma in Computer Networking - 1 Year

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University of Hargeisa

The college aims to offer high-quality education to the students who will successfully qualify to fill many positions in the field of computer science and information technology (IT) in the local, regional, and international arena. <p></p> Currently the college offers two undergraduate programs: <br> - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (IT) which was started along with the start of the college. <br> - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (CS) started from cohort 2017. <p></p> The Information Technology (IT) program will prepare students for positions as information technology professionals providing operational and infrastructure support for computer and information systems in business, public, and institutional organizations. <p></p> The Computer Science (CS) program aims to prepare a highly competent workforce in the field of computer science to serve as Programmer, Computer Security Officer, Applications Developer, Information Security Officer, Database Designer and Database Administrator. <p></p> The Curricula of our degree programs was designed to be flexible so that it can fit the students’ needs and responds to the work market. <p></p> <mark>To be successful students should focus on practical skills and applied approach to learning. Students should explore further on their own what is being learned in class and go beyond. Understanding how to work effectively on a team is also critical during your study.</mark>

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SIMAD University

The Faculty of Computing (FC) is staffed by teaching professionals with an extensive variety of IT expertise and equipped with state of the art learning and teaching aides & equipment. <p></p> Innovation and creativity form the hallmark of the culture of the FC, as the information technology market demands innovators and creative problem solvers. We aspire to be the leading ICT training center in the Horn of Africa region. <p></p> The FC has a variety of labs operating with the latest software and hardware systems. <mark>The need for computer and technology graduates with a broad range of skills such as internet related technologies, e-commerce technologies, business data communication, software engineering, consultancy of information science and programming knowledge is continuously rising across the globe. Somalia is no exception to these trends.</mark> The graduates of the Faculty of Computing enter into a wide variety of both private and public sectors of the economy.<p></p> In our Faculty of Computing, you can find a broad range of multidisciplinary departments to choose from. Welcome to Faculty of Faculty of Computing. for further keep in touch with visit our website. <p></p> Programs <br> The Faculty of Computing provides degree programs in the following areas: <br> - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Four Years). <br> - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Four Years). <br> - Bachelor of Science in Graphics and Multimedia (Four years).

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At SIMAD iLab, we help make a positive impact on Somalia and the world through entrepreneurship and our extensive startup ecosystem. Our “A” team is proactively engaged in startups’ journey from inception to exit, to empower and enable founders to contribute to a better Somalia. <p></p> We reach our goals by working together, sharing success and failures, and inspiring a culture driven by unlimited ambition. We’re an impact-driven innovation hub from the Pearl of the Indian Ocean. <p></p> Mentorship<br> SIMAD iLab hosts regular workshops on business idea ideation & teamwork (a business idea or team not required!). Come and get: <br> - Introduction and sneak peek into SIMAD iLab’s services, programs and office spaces. <br> - Friday afternoon drinks with SIMAD iLab network including fellow entrepreneurs, our startup,s and the SIMAD iLab “A” team. <br> - The tools, knowledge, and connections to find your co-founder or newest team member. <br> - Free participation, but registration is necessary as we will select participants based on best potential matches. <p></p> Incubation<br> We admit idea-stage startups and help them grow with us. <br><br> <mark>You have a clear business idea and technology, now it’s time to validate and find your market! At the end of the program, you found your problem-solution fit and started building your team. You will acquire the right skills, receive an extensive toolset, validate your business idea, and talk to many customers, whilst learning about different aspects of your business, e.g. legal, funding, and team. We offer custom Validation Labs per focus area, with each its own ecosystem of mentors and partners to help you maximize your success.</mark> <p></p> Acceleration <br> We help micro-businesses get scaled up. <br><br> Strengthen the foundation of your startup and accelerate traction in the market. You have founded a tech startup, built a prototype or MVP and have some initial traction in the marketNow it’s time to strengthen the foundation and accelerate traction. We’ll help you to focus on the essential next steps to build a company with a scalable, profitable, and repeatable business model. After the kick-off weeks, you can join tailored workshops, masterclasses, and 1-on-1 expert sessions on topics such as personal & team development, strategy, marketing & sales, finance & funding, legal & IP, and HR. As an SIMAD ILab startup, you will have regular check-ins with experienced serial entrepreneurs and ongoing access to our services.

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Nugaal University

The Faculty of Computer Science of Nugaal University was established in 2006 The Faculty provides degree program leading to a Bachelors of Computer Sciences (BCS).The BCS Department also offers a variety of service courses for Summer time, including a number of programming language courses as an introductory computing course and a computer technology and math course. These programs are constantly being updated in order to reflect current research in the field, to satisfy curriculum recommendations by the NU and to remain up to date with changes in technology. <p></p> <mark>All programs emphasize a combination of theory and practice. The curriculum enables students to gain the knowledge and background needed to further their professional and academic growth and to develop skills which will allow them to contribute meaningfully as computer scientist and information science professionals.</mark>

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University of Somalia

College of engineering and computer science is growing over the years and now has over 1500 students. Change must be there and development is the surest sign of life. The fact is that engineering and computer science is the elastic bond that binds together all the professions from various fields of study its becoming very competitive with high demand. Today the college produces graduates that are more sought after than those from competing universities in the job market according to research done by other bodies. <mark>The dream of the college is to attract best students and change them to transformational leaders though great research and production of innovations that will positively impact our society. The programmes of study in these engineering and computer science will prepare our students for a full career that will equip them with the necessary technology through both practical and theoretical.</mark> Bachelor of Computer Science attracts intelligent students with highest points when it comes to admission. In addition to training in tune with global sustainable agenda the college has enabled the expansion of access to engineering education training and technology, as well as availed cutting edge engineering and technological community based solutions to Somalia and beyond.

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iRise is the first innovation and technology hub that is launched in Mogadishu with the aim of unlocking the potential of Somalia’s talents and accelerating changes and economic development. Since its inception in 2017, iRise has become a thriving community, a launching pad for new ideas, a place for civic and social entrepreneurs – and a home for digital doers. In fact, our founders envisioned <mark>space and enabling environment where techies, innovators, digital-doers, and investors can connect and co-create a sustainable ecosystem for Somalia and beyond.</mark> Our founding vision was to help social entrepreneurs to hack innovative solutions to Somali’s challenges. <p></p>iRise has a vibrant, dynamic and dedicated team that has deep passion and drive for thinking outside-the-box and believes in technology and innovation. <p></p><mark>We believe Somalia is at cusp of major transformation. That transformation will come from, in part, how we address our interconnected challenges and, in other part, how we drive innovation and technology to translate these challenges into opportunity.</mak>

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Mogadishu University

The Faculty seeks to achieve a superior level of excellence in academic research and teaching. It continuously improves and evolves the academic programs it offers to students in order to keep up with the high pace of technological changes Programs within the Faculty <mark>prepare professionals, like the new graduates, empowered with the knowledge, skills, values and confidence to take a leadership role in the development of the Society in the fields of science, engineering and business. These programs allow our students to enter the world of professionalism in industry, government, and education sectors.</mak> <p></p> The Faculty, which is committed to improving educational quality studies, offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Information Technology and is engaged in a long – standing tradition of excellent teaching. <p></p> At the FCS & IT, there is highly qualified and competent academic, administrative, and technical staff, with state of the art laboratories, including latest updated CCIE level Network labs. Both public and private sectors in the country have proponed the ultimate test of the Faculty’s achievement, as they hired its graduates to fulfill their needs and contributed to the realization of their goals.