HiLCoE - school image

HiLCoE is there for the purpose of transferring knowledge of IT with the help of ER&D to realize your dreams of becoming partner and contributor to the development of the country. Your choice to join this pioneer and center of excellence is the most valuable decision you ever made for your career as an IT professional. Thus you are becoming not only a part with a group of dynamic people with leading edge ideas in the world of computing education but also to the industry where you practice hands on action what you learn theoretically. Opportunities are tremendous with attractive reward for every effort you put to know and implement the science and technology you learn. Based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, HiLCoE is <mark>a specialized computer science and technology college, placing great emphasis on delivering high quality education and producing graduates with a good practical knowledge of computing in a wide variety of areas.</mark> Established in January 1997, HiLCoE started operation in Addis Ababa with the launch of tertiary-level academic programmes and offering tailor-made advanced courses together with a cutting-edge consultancy in ICT.

Micro Link Information Technology College - school image
Micro Link Information Technology College

Software Engineering is an exciting, challenging and dynamic discipline. Software Applications form an integral part of every aspect of society and modern life. New computing technologies are introduced at an enormous rate and the Software Engineering field develops and changes continually and rapidly. Consequently Software Engineering has evolved into a dynamic and challenging field of study. <p></p>A graduate from this program is expected to have a wide range of abilities and skills as described below. <p></p>Knowledge and Understanding <br> - Understanding essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science; <br> - In depth understanding of the appropriate theory, practices, languages and tools that may be deployed for the specification, design, implementation and evaluation of software systems. <br> - Recognize the professional moral and ethical issues involved in the exploitation of computer technology and be guided by the adoption of appropriate professional, ethical and legal practice. <br> - Understand the basic research methods, and ways to write technical report and/or research paper in the appropriate scientific style. <br> <br> <mark>Practical Skill <br> - Ability to analyze, synthesizes, evaluate and assess a range of options together with the capacity to apply ideas and knowledge to solving problems in industry, business and the public sector. <br> - Demonstrate intellectual competency and transferable knowledge and skills and articulate them effectively. <br> - Design, develop and maintain enterprise level application programs <br> - Design, develop and administer enterprise level databases. <br> - Design and Develop Websites. <br> - Install networks and perform simple maintenance and troubleshooting.</mark> <br> <br> Transferable Skill <br> - Ability to provide computer science consultancy services <br> - Ability to use, present and evaluate probabilistic and statistical information in a variety of ways. <br> - Ability to work in groups as a participant who contributes effectively to the group’s task and possess interpersonal skills of effective listening, negotiating, persuasion and presentation <br> - Ability to develop entrepreneur skill