Wollega University - school image
Wollega University

Computer science is one of the most core elements of information and communication technology. It is among the most challenging exciting areas of research and development. Computer and communication technologies are the most rapidly changing technologies in their advancement over times as a result of which these areas as fields of study needs continuous revisions and modifications in the method and content. <p></p> Computers play a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn't afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. The most important step is to be able to use them properly. <p></p> <mark>This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, who will administer the computer systems and who will decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general.</mark> <p></p> Institutions, enterprises, organizations and companies in all sectors, public and private, are directly or indirectly being affected by the overwhelming information flow around the world. The effect goes down to small businesses and even to individuals. Every such unit should be equipped with tools that enable it to survive in such a dynamic world. Ethiopia is no exception and we must get ready to cope up with the influence of the knowledge age in our day-to-day life.

Wollo University - school image
Wollo University

Computer science is a discipline that utilizes theories on how computers work to design, test and analyze concepts. It requires strong mathematical foundation than scientific one. <p></p> <mark>Computer science resonates as being vital for any industry to succeed in this day and age with technology in the fast lane. Many companies will be in the wake of the technological revolution. But our country, Ethiopia, is infant in technology revolution so it strongly demanded skilled and professional man power.</mark> <p></p> Because of such realism, Computer Science department was established in 2008 belongs to college of Informatics. It is the oldest and famous department in the KIoT at large. Currently, the department is running Undergraduate (Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in regular and extension program) and MSc Program (Master of Science Degree in Computer Networks and Communications). <p></p> Besides teaching, the department has been involving in various research, short-term trainings and consultancy activities in the areas of computing. <p></p> Its Mission statement, values statement are in line with the Wollo University and always strives for quality education that deliver knowledgeable, skilled nations for careers of design of computer systems and developing application software to any sector.

Wolkite University - school image
Wolkite University

Mission Statement of the department is to produce highly qualified graduates in the world of Computer Science. Produce competitive and effective experts who can successfully apply his/her knowledge to solve computer related problems. <p></p> Vision of the Department <br> The vision of the Department is to serve students and the community through excellent learning programs, by conducting relevant and effective research and community engagement projects. <p></p> The Department commits itself to the achievement of academic excellence in the field of computer science. To this end, it offers various program ranging from undergraduate to doctoral level for the feature plan. <p></p> Our graduates will be in demand from industry and from higher education institutions all over Ethiopia and the world. It will be well recognized all over the world due to its many publications and due to the works of its centers of excellence. In line with its expansion procedures the college will strive to succeed the delivery of quality education, problem solving research undertakings and its community services. <p></p> Whatever your stage of education, we have the expertise to take you to the top. We are well established in the higher education market and have gained the reputation as a leader in computing. <p></p> Objectives <br> - Produce qualified and competent man power in the field of computer science. <br> - Enable students under take demand oriented and problem solving research and development activities. <br> - Develop managerial and entrepreneurship skill of students to start their own computing business. <br> - Equip students to organize and provide in-service and society training program related with computing <br> - To equip students with necessary knowledge and skill of writing, reporting and communicating for scientific paper <br> - Inspire students to have a positive attitude towards their profession to have the sense of cooperation, honesty and loyalty <br> - Provide consultancy and advisory service, skill up-grading trainings and community development services. <br> - Produce socially accountable personnel who would give alternative solutions to socio-economic problems. <br> - To promote the concept of comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approach in tackling computer related problems. <p></p> Careers <br> - <mark>Computer science deals with the theoretical foundations of information and computation. It is about using computers to solve problems effectively. Our graduates have a firm grasp of software, networks, computer architecture, formal methods, algorithms and data structures, databases, distributed services, virtualization, mobile computing and artificial intelligence. Skills learnt can be used in varied fields such as; business and finance, engineering, communications and the biological, physical and earth </mark>

University of Gondar - school image
University of Gondar

The Faculty of Informatics was established with the aim to educate students in the most important skills needed today in the global workforce. We are living in the information age. Computer has become an integral part of our daily life. The fields of computing and information technology are growing at an exponential rate, and our unique, highly interdisciplinary faculty is mirroring that growth in students, research, and innovation. Our programs are enriched by the variety of cultural, economic, and educational backgrounds of our students, faculty, and staff. <p></p> The Faculty of Informatics is committed to <mark>cultivating highly talented individuals with broad perspective and insight through the pursuit of pioneering and creative interdisciplinary research and constructive contributions to the field of informatics.</mark> The breadth and depth of our areas of study allow students to apply their knowledge in a vast array of subjects.

Wolaita Sodo University - school image
Wolaita Sodo University

Our students have standard computer laboratory to practice what they learned in lecturing class. In addition to that teaching and learning in Computer Laboratory is further extended with the diversity of Informatics (Computer Sciences, Information System ,Information Technology and software Engineering), mathematical and statistical software packages available in the computer lab. <mark>Central to the success of our students and over 1,800 school of Informatics alumni, has been the long run of problem solving and experience-based knowledge that our school bring into the classroom. As thought leaders in their industry, the knowledge and research contributions of our faculty continue to drive change both at the university and across the globe.</mark>

Arba Minch University - school image
Arba Minch University

Computers are playing a major role in shaping the information or the knowledge age. They are also becoming essential in almost all activities of human life. Furthermore, with the decline in the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations and individuals that couldn't afford to have computers some years back can now afford to acquire them. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerization. <mark>The most important step is to be able to use them properly.</mark> This necessitates for a high number of skilled computer scientists who will develop the necessary applications for the computers, administer the computer systems and decide on computer system acquisitions of the organizations and all automation processes in general. Institutions, enterprises, organizations and companies in all sectors, public and private, are directly or indirectly being affected by the overwhelming information flow around the world. The effect goes down to small businesses and even to individuals. Every such unit must be equipped with tools that enable it to survive in such a dynamic world. Ethiopia is no exception and we must get ready to cope up with the influence of the knowledge age in our day to day life. Currently, the country has no sufficient number of competent computer professionals in the various fields of Computer Science and IT. Various Governmental and other organizations have the desire to use modern information technology. However, there is an acute shortage of technical staff. <mark>The failure of many projects in IT in terms of implementation and sustainability is largely attributed to shortage of qualified professionals.</mark>

Bahir Dar University - school image
Bahir Dar University

The core values of the faculty of computing includes: Academic freedom: a strong commitment to a free and democratic academic environment whereby all the institute communities exercise the right to free expression of ideas; inquire, investigate and engage in relevant academic practices; and development to pursuit for freedom of truth. <br>- Continuous learning: BiT recognizes the importance of different tools for continuous improvement and believes in the principle of systematically seeking to achieve incremental changes to improve the efficiency and quality and strive to develop lifelong learners which help for reputability based on the successful execution of the mission. <br>- Quality: the institute upholds quality as the ruling standard in teaching, research and community engagement, and commits to attain highest standards. <br>- <mark>Innovation: develop a culture for generating new ideas, processes, services, technologies and entrepreneurial skills in line with competitiveness and cooperation to integrate diverse perspectives into new knowledge and novel solutions to problems.</mark> <br>- Social responsibility: BiT recognizes the obligation to act and behave ethically with sensitivity towards social, cultural, environmental and economic issues of the nation. All endeavors of the institute should be environmentally friendly so as to benefit the society at large and maintaining the health and integrity of ecosystem. <br>- Recognition of merit: BiT has a strong belief on the importance of giving public and institutional recognition to the person who makes significant contribution to the socio-economic development and environmental sustainability.

Haramaya University - school image
Haramaya University

Department of Software Engineering was started during the year 2008 with a target of admitting students from the year 2010, under the Faculty of Computing and Informatics. The young and new department has started functioning with the prime most task of preparing a four year degree curriculum. <mark>The national level demand for skilled man power in the field of Software Development has initiated the faculty to start the department immediately.</mark> The department is further strengthened by the Departments of Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Science and Statistics in the faculty.

Ambo University - school image
Ambo University

Students in the course of their degree are exposed to the theoretical foundations in all areas of the field, gain an understanding of the principles that underlie development of systems, apply their knowledge on real life projects and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to cope with the astonishing rate of change of the specific discipline. <mark>The curriculum is in compliance with the already established standards proposed by international Computer Societies.</mark> Graduates are well equipped to successfully follow fulfilling career paths in many diverse areas of business and academia.

Jimma University - school image
Jimma University

Faculty of computing aspires to be the leading academic unit in provision of quality of education and research in computer stream aiming to become preeminent in Ethiopia, renowned in Africa and recognized in the world. <p></p> Goal <br> - To provide excellent quality education in computing streams <br> - To produce a high quality graduate with an entrepreneurial and problem-solving mindset <br> - Educating and training students for the very dynamic and rapidly changing science and technology market. <br> - <mark>Motivating students to become innovators who can respond very positively to the challenges and opportunities presented by new ideas and technologies.</mark> <br> - To provide computing related services and consultancy for the community <br> - To conduct problem solving researches in computing, focusing on knowledge and technology transfer consists with national priority needs

Addis Ababa University - school image
Addis Ababa University

Nowadays, growth opportunities in the IT sector are enormous. While in the developed countries IT professionals are as numerous as all types of engineers combined, in Ethiopia they are only a small fraction of the total number of engineers. We are convinced that a very good way of kick starting the IT market in Ethiopia is via getting engaged in outsourcing. <p></p>That is why AAiT is attempting to provide three new curricula in the UG and five in PG programs that aim at qualifying students who can be engaged in outsourcing activities. Many developing countries have shown that this is not only a profitable route, but it is a very important seed contributing significantly to the industrialization of the country. A very good example of such countries is Vietnam <p></p> <mark>The AAiT is currently planning to produce graduates who are competent and productive in the current dynamic information technology world. Taking into consideration the local and global demands for IT professionals, the Institute has initiated this new program in a new department.</mark>