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Algorithmics Rabat

Algorithmics Rabat uses a 2.0 learning platform that introduces children aged 6 to 18 to science and computer science in a fun and interactive way. No need for books, notebooks or pens! Everything is done on our platform, on any device connected to the Internet. <p></p> Children learn at their own pace, with modern and varied tools: <mark><br> -I.T training courses, more than 20 educational tools, a video platform, a global social network and a project laboratory. <br> - Parents can follow their children's progress, tasks and projects in real time on the platform. </mark> <p></p> And the best: all the lessons are in English, the language of the future! Children immerse themselves in the language while developing essential soft skills like communication, creativity, collaboration and problem solving. <p></p> It's a unique method that allows them to learn three subjects at the same time, faster and better than with traditional lessons. Algorithmics Rabat is education 2.0, which stimulates children's critical thinking, logic and creativity while preparing them for the world of tomorrow. <p></p> Enroll your child today at Algorithmics Rabat and give them a chance at a futuristic education <p></p> How much of what a child learns at school will they manage to apply to real life? To make sure our students not only build their knowledge but also achieve results, we’ve developed our own teaching methodology <p></p> Our key principles are:<br> <mark>1. Exciting topics<br> Whether it's launching a spaceship to Mars, going undercover as a special agent, or a career in an IT company, every course at Algorithmics is an adventure with a captivating story</mark> <p></p> 2. Sparking passion<br> We focus on solving concrete problems, not abstract tasks. How do you make a cartoon character move? Say hello to degree angles! <p></p> 3. No overloading<br> We switch topics regularly so that our students don't get bored. A single class might include a comic on a new topic, physical activities, and discussing the latest IT news. <p></p> Learn, Create, Communicate<br> All our classes take place on our online learning platform. You don't need to download new software, buy textbooks or check homework because the Algorithmics platform does all three: <p></p> Smart school book<br> Your kid will learn at their own pace — our platform analyzes their progress and suggests tasks with the right difficulty level <p></p> <mark>Laboratory of projects<br> Here students apply their knowledge in practice right from the start: build games in Scratch or develop apps in Python</mark> <p></p> Community of interest<br> Children share their projects right in the platform: like, comment and find friends among Algorithmics students all around the world

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Developers Institute Morocco

Developers.Institute is a selective and intensive coding bootcamp dedicated to nurturing the next generation of tech talent. We offer cutting-edge courses in web development, with coaching from the best professionals in the industry, allowing you to learn the softskills and technical languages ​​to go from being a beginner to being a ready-to-go developer. job in just 3 months. <p></p> Become a Full Stack Web Developer and learn the most in-demand skills in web development! <p></p> This is the bootcamp you need to become a modern web developer. It covers everything you need to know to be ready for employment at the end of the training, go from beginner to professional with a rich and complete CV that will allow you to land the job of your dreams. <p></p>You will learn everything you need to build a website from scratch. Indeed our trainings cover programming, third party services and iterative design for development sprints. During this program, you will follow intensive courses, online videos and exercises. At the end of the training, you will be able to: <mark> <br> - Design real applications and complex websites. <br> - Design, as a group, an image recognition application that you could add to your portfolio. <br> - Go to a job interview knowing that you understand the fundamentals of web development. <br> - To be able to improve your skills as a web developer by having a solid foundation. <br> - Discover how the front-end works, how servers and databases communicate and how they fit into a complex environment.</mark>

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3W Academy

Today more than ever, the African continent is developing at high speed in the IT sector. Many young people now find an opportunity to create a career in the field, but in order to keep up with it, accelerated training is required. Our programs, designed to integrate you into the market, are focused on field issues, to give you every chance of succeeding in your professional life. <p></p> <mark>3W Academy is the specialist in accelerated training in web development with the objective of rapid integration into the market. </mark> <p></p> Face-to-face or online, in day or evening classes, 250+ young people have already passed the challenge. <p></p> If you too want to realize your ambitions and take charge of your future – Marhba bik !

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YouCode… It's not just a name. It's a whole philosophy. YouCode is an inclusive school that opens up opportunities for everyone. You… like… you. YouCode places the individual at the center of its pedagogy at the same time as it helps him to develop a working synergy with others. Code… as code. From the website to the algorithms via the apps. Located in cities like Youssoufia or Safi, cities conducive to studying the code, far from the effervescence of the big cities. <p></p> <mark>Learning with YouCode is, in a way, changing universes. Not only will YouCode transport you to a world of code and new technologies, but the way to enter it will also be different. YouCode is self-learning projects. An active pedagogy where you are confronted, individually or in groups, with concrete situations.</mark>

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GOMYCODE Casablanca

We empower people by upskilling and reskilling them on digital skills through instructor-assisted, affordable and quality trainings. We provide trainings for the future of work on a wide selection of digital skills. <p></P> Our available programs <BR> - Digital Marketing <mark> <BR> - Full-Stack Development <BR> - Intro. To Web Development</mark> <BR> - Artificial Intelligence <BR> - Data science <BR> - Deep Learning <BR> - Intro. to Game Development <BR> - Kids track <BR> - DevOps <BR> - UX/UI Design

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SOLICODE is a solidarity and inclusive training center, open to motivated young people interested in Web and Mobile Development professions. The learner at SOLICODE considers himself as the main actor throughout his learning process. It is he who builds his knowledge through the realization of projects, individual or in groups, inspired by the professional environment in order to promote better integration into the labor market. Training within SOLICODE focuses on different aspects: technical, soft-skills, entrepreneurship and project management. At the end of this training, learners will benefit from a double certification issued by SIMPLON and OFPPT. <p></p> OUR VALUES <p></p> INCLUSIVE TRAINING<br> Whatever your level of study, a passion for technology and a desire to learn are the only criteria for joining us. <p></p> INNOVATIVE METHODOLOGY<br> <mark>The SOLICODE center is equipped with innovative educational and technical means that promote the learning and practice of knowledge in the best conditions. The training offered at SOLICODE focuses on the digital technologies most in demand in the labor market.</mark> <p></p> ACTIVE PEDAGOGY<br> SOLICODE adopts an active pedagogy and by projects where the learner finds himself in real situations which guarantees professional integration. The learner is accompanied by expert referent trainers throughout the training period.

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Play & Code Academy

Play & Code Academy, is a Moroccan robotics center supported by a young start-up operating in technological integration in the field of education. Armed with a young team and justifying 7 years of experience in the field of educational robotics, the start-up has supported a hundred schools and centers in Morocco to <mark>immerse young people in the world of robotics and new technologies.</mark> <p></p> Robotics<br> Transversal learning of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics through scenarios and projects <p></p> Coding<br> <mark>Develop programming skills, one of the most demanded skills in the job market.</mark> <p></p> Maker<br> An opportunity to experiment and learn how to use a multitude of tools and machines to complete personal projects

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Le Wagon Casablanca

Casablanca is an African hub for technological innovation! Global giants have settled in Casablanca to make it a gateway to Africa.​ <p></p> <mark>Learn to code and develop great web applications in Casablanca while discovering the dynamism of Moroccan culture, steeped in centuries-old traditions and open to modern creative trends, offering a cultural showcase rich in colors, sounds and flavors!​</mark> <p></p> Become a full stack developer or be part of the Moroccan entrepreneurs who are bringing a tech revolution, and boost your career by joining our 9-weeks immersive coding bootcamp in Casablanca!

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1337 is the first to provide IT training in Morocco, completely free of charge, open and accessible to anyone between the ages of 18 and 30. No need for an IT degree, or of having undergone extensive IT training. The only criteria for admission in Treize, Trente-Sept is CREATIVITY. <p></p> The Treize, Trente-Sept educational approach is based on peer-learning. A participatory operating style allowing students to unleash their creativity through project-based learning. <mark>To train the future coders of tomorrow, we had to rethink learning. We had to make IT something fun, exciting and at odds with the restrictive vision that the general public may have about it.</mark> <p></p> 1337 is the coding school par excellence, completely free of charge and accessible to all with no prerequisite of a degree. It offers a full immersion in a universe where the future is already present. Where IT and the lines of code are way more than a vague and off-putting concept… <p></p> Treize, Trente-Sept, a forward-looking school from the present.

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MakerLab Workshop

At MakerLab Space we create flexible experiences that shift students between the excitement and hands-on activities of our indoor activities and the freedom and exploration of the outdoors. <mark>Participants utilize imagination, hand-eye coordination and STEM applications to conquer challenges and missions – all in a team-oriented environment. Under the umbrella of a friendly competitive and gamified teaching and learning methodology, participants collaborate in a team setting to deconstruct challenges and then solve them.</mark> <p></p> The core foundation of our company and the programming we work diligently to develop is built upon creativity, exploration, technology and fun. Our commitment and passion is derived from the unlimited positive applications of innovative technology. Throughout all of our kids camps and teen programs students thrive under the supervision of an adult-led staff committed to the development of the individual and team.