Impact Lab
We support start-ups, companies and public institutions to enable them to respond in an innovative way to their growth and transformation challenges in Morocco and Africa. <p></p> Today, it is becoming increasingly critical to reconcile economic development on the one hand, and inclusion and sustainability on the other. <p></p> At IMPACT Lab, our mission is to accelerate the deployment of innovative African models to meet the socio-economic challenges of the continent. <p></p> AN AFRICAN VISION <p></p> Capitalize on synergies in Africa<br> Today Africa not only represents the last economic frontier of our planet, but also a unique opportunity to build innovative, sustainable and inclusive socio-economic models. This opportunity comes first and foremost through the ability to create synergies between African innovation ecosystems. <p></p> <mark>Based on this conviction, IMPACT Lab is positioned as a privileged innovation partner to support the growth of startups and private and public institutions in the main hubs of Africa and to deploy concrete projects and solutions, carrying these new models.</mark>

Emerging Business Factory
The Emerging Business Factory is the first private IT and Media incubator in the Marrakech-Safi region and the only one of its kind in Morocco. <p></p> <mark>Also a coworking space, the Emerging Business Factory was a former textile factory nestled in the industrial district of Sidi Ghanem, the industrial and creative culture hub of the ocher city.</mark>

Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
Founded in 2012 by a group of people enthusiastic about social change in Morocco, the Moroccan Center for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship (MCISE) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to finding entrepreneurial and innovative solutions to every social challenge in Morocco. <p></p> <mark>We believe that supporting social entrepreneurs with system-changing ideas can provide benefits for Morocco and the wider global community.</mark> <p></p> In 2017, MCISE joined the Ashoka network of international change makers. <p></p> Our Vision <br> A world where innovative ideas and opportunities are at the service of the common good. <p></p>Our Mission <br> Find innovative and entrepreneurial solutions for every social challenge in Morocco.

Bridges to the Future
We exist to complete the existing entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing quality expertise to entrepreneurs but also to those involved in entrepreneurship (training, support, incubation, networking, etc.) <p></p> We aim to "Develop Fez, Morocco and Africa through responsible, necessary, autonomous, useful and sustainable companies" <p></p> <mark>Coworking space<br> After the launch of one of the first coworking in Fez, the first in Fez El Bali, Bridges To The Future launched the new concept of the business center in Fez with private offices and dedicated spaces <p></p> Entrepreneurship-innovation<br> Pack of services and programs at the service of project leaders or entrepreneurs (incubation, training, support, etc.) in partnership with local and international programs</mark>

Enactus is a community of students and academic and business leaders committed to using entrepreneurship to improve lives and shape a better, sustainable world.<p></p> Our Vision and Goals: <mark><br> - In entrepreneurship - our ability to identify opportunities and our talent to transform them into value-creating projects; <br> - Action - our desire to take action, to set up concrete projects on the ground; <br> - Us - a community of professionals and educators supporting a new generation of young leaders to become agents of change.</mark>