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Clean Tech Hub

Clean Tech Hub is a pioneering hybrid hub for the research, development, demonstration and incubation of clean energy ideas, technologies, and resources for clean energy organizations and environment and climate friendly initiatives across Africa. <p></p> The hub provides strategic and invaluable support to idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs to help prove the viability of their businesses and access funding. With this, we aim to build a pipeline of Nigeria off-grid energy businesses which provide solutions to Africa’s biggest challenges. We provide funding and access to funding. <p></p> <mark>Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation Program <br> Clean Tech Hub’s Incubation program focuses on idea and early stage energy entrepreneurs and provides them with the support needed to prove the viability of their businesses. The Hub recently launched the 3rd cohort of her early-stage incubation program for clean energy enterprises. Interested applicants can apply.</mark> <p></p> Climate Fintech Program <br> Clean Tech Hub in partnership with New Energy Nexus launched a climate fintech program with the aim to catalyze climate finance for green development and promote the application of financial technology for decarbonization in Africa. In the first series of events, the focus will be on creating awareness, securing relevant partnerships, and fostering collaborations that will support and enable Nigeria’s nascent climate fintech sector to thrive. <p></p> Clean Tech Hub Startup Accelerator Program <br> Clean Tech Hub Startups Accelerator Program aims to build a pipeline of innovative clean energy and climate-smart enterprises in Nigeria and across Sub-Saharan Africa. This program is designed to nurture and support viable, scalable and investment-ready businesses by providing access to resources, business training, mentoring, funding and access to funding opportunities. <p></p> Energy Access Bootcamps <br> Clean Tech Hub organises regular “Energy Access Bootcamps” and has so far impacted over 500 students across Nigerian universities. The purpose of the bootcamps for Nigerian students in their penultimate year across tertiary Institutions in Nigeria, is to teach them about renewable energy and climate change; how to build a career and start a business in the sector.

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Roar Nigeria Hub

Roar Nigeria Hub is a community that provides professional support to technology enabled startups, researchers, entrepreneurs and SME’s. Her programs are designed to develop a new generation of innovators and creators that will provide local technology based solutions with a global perspective <p></p> Roar Nigeria is hosted within University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) and is the 1st full-fledged university embedded technology Hub in West Africa, with a student population of nearly 40,000 and 12 institutions of higher learning within an hour drive from Enugu City. <p></p> <mark>The Hub is a hotbed of ideas, invention and market induced solutions created with the concept of a triple helix (An interaction between Academia, Industry and Government) and hosted in a serene environment with researchers, students, industry and government within a stone throw distance.</mark>

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Plus Innovation Hub

Plus Innovation Hub is a community of vibrant startups and tech enthusiasts in Lagos. We offer services like Annual Incubation Programme, Code Camp, Digital Skills Training, Hack SDG, Business Clinics and Masterclasses for startups, as well as organize tech meetups for incubatees. We are a founding member of ISN Nigeria. <p></p> <mark>We offer startup incubation and acceleration services, access to market, mentors and money (investors) and also provides state of the art facilities such 247 electricity, fast internet, meeting rooms, training halls, coffee corner, game lounge, shared or private office in a great ambiance with plans to open in other locations within the country.</mark>

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The CANs Park

We're West Africa's first eco-friendly tech hub. We provide amazing work spaces, support government agencies, individuals and organisations working towards social development. We are using new technology to accelerate the impact of local & international initiatives in Africa. <mark>We are committed to building an Africa where young people are empowered to become leaders who through innovation will create a lasting impact on the African continent. </mark> <p></p> Our deep understanding of the African space and modern technology as well as our network of impact investors, consultants and government agencies help us deliver the best technical support. <p></p> Our ethos of environmental sustainability and innovation drives our services. The Cans is an eco-friendly approach to designing spaces where people do creative work. We are leading by example to show that we can build great companies while sustaining the environment. Beyond infrastructure, our processes are done to minimize carbon prints on the world.

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Thescathcompanies is a hybrid VC firm that is powering early stage seed funding & advisory for founders, building innovative startups that are solving real problems within northern Nigeria & globally <p></p> 1. Accelerator is a feature by THESCATHCOMPANIES which helps mentor, seed-fund and build some of Africa’s promising businesses & startups who are turning Africa’s biggest challenges into global business opportunities. <p></p> <mark>We help mentor, seed-fund and build some of Northern Nigeria & Africa’s promising startups who are turning Africa’s biggest challenges into global business opportunities.</mark> <p></p> Join our portfolio of companies transforming Africa’s future we’re early believers for the smartest & most ambitious new generation of founders, backing them by writing those first cheques of an average of $50,000 for a minimum of 7.5% equity ownership. <p></p> 2. OFFICES is a feature by THESCATHCOMPANIES that <mark>provides a conducive state of the art co-working space, seminar space, board room, private office, library & creative space for bookings by individuals, startups, businesses and companies</mark> on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly & annual subscription. <p></p> 3. Code to startup (CTS) is a feature by TSC that <mark>offers paid & free certified tech courses, which helps you learn tech related skills & gain possible placement in global organizations looking to hire.</mark>

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Bayelsa Tech Hub

The Bayelsa Tech Hub, is a technology and enterprise development establishment providing a wide range of support services such as Co-work spaces, Incubation, Training’s and Robotics to help the Bayelsa community build livelihood through technology, innovation and diverse enterprises. We are a people centered community focused on growing talent, sustaining businesses and developing human capital in Bayelsa State and beyond. <p></p> Established in November 2019 as a CSR project of the Bank of Industry, the Bayelsa Tech Hub is cited in the capital city; Yenagoa, as the go-to establishment for tech innovations. Through her Programs and Initiatives, the Hub exists to support the growth of Indigenous Startups, Up and coming tech entrepreneurs, SMEs, Local Tech Communities and other stakeholders. <p></p> <mark>The Bayelsa Tech Hub is positioned for the future to be a recognized center for research and development in key sectors of our economy. For this purpose, the Facility houses a laboratory for robotics, drone technology, artificial intelligence, game development and coding programs.</mark> <p></p> The Bayelsa Tech Hub is powered by Bank of Industry (BoI) and managed by Vatebra Tech Hub. <p></p> Incubator/Accelerator <br> <mark>Our incubator/accelerator program is for start-ups and budding entrepreneurs with genius tech-driven business ideas. We provide business mentorship and infrastructural support (office spaces) that will help the entrepreneurs scale. Through our incubation programs, we provide Incubation for Startups with Minimum Viable Products annually, and help them through a series of enterprise training, finance and technical support to get to Product Market Fit.</mark> <p></p> Training<br> We offer tech training as short courses, intermediary courses and professional curricular courses. Our courses cut across Programming, Graphic Design, Digital Marketing, Use of Microsoft Office Suite and other tech-related training’s. We also offer non-tech training in areas of entrepreneurship and business management. We provide Tech and Enterprise Development training’s to foster human capital development in Bayelsa State. Our training’s are targeted at building Tech skills among Young people while providing enterprise support for Business Owners and Startups. <p></p>Robotics <br> We also have a great in-house robotics lab. Robotics has proven to be a more interesting and engaging way to teach STEM to young people. The coming decade will be defined by the largest workforce transition in the history of mankind. Millions of jobs will be lost to technology, while new jobs will be created. Robotics and artificial intelligence will be the driving force behind future technology that will drive new jobs. Through our weekend robotics program for Kids and other in-house and onsite programs, we are building the next generation of innovators through Robotics, Drone Technology and Artificial Intelligence Programs. <p></p>Coworking <br> We offer subscription-based co-work spaces and shared offices with world class amenities. We offer a range of affordable co-work spaces to cater to the needs of up-and-coming entrepreneurs, existing startups and individuals who seek a more convenient set up structure for their business.

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Civic Innovation Lab

At Civic Innovation Lab, we are at the front line of supporting indigenous start-ups through technical and business solutions. We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. <p></p>Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> <mark>Our focus this year is providing women entrepreneurs with tools, finance and information to ACCESS MARKETS. </mark> <p></p> We Empower Enterprenuers And Inspire Innovators <p></p> We empower entrepreneurs to do more good by creating successful enterprises. Our system puts in place a number of trainings and programs where innovators and entrepreneurs within/ outside of our community get access to our mentorship and engagements programs. <p></p> Our role as an impact driven hub is to act as an intermediary, initiating conversation between the government and the start-up/tech ecosystem. The aim of this interaction is to enable government crowd source indigenous solutions among Nigerian start-ups. There exists a huge gulf between the start-up space and the affairs of government in Nigeria. We know that government support for start-ups and tech innovations is the fastest, easiest and most economical route to solving the challenges peculiar to our nation. <p></p> Pitch Sessions <br> In our bid to create the perfect ambience of entrepreneurial support to our local community of social entrepreneurs, the creative in our space decided to design a bridge that connects investors to start-ups <p></p> Government Support <br> <mark>One of our primary roles is the establishment of a Government-start-up relationship. This relationship focuses on getting the Government to look at indigenous SMEs for execution of operations</mark> <p></p>Building Communities <br> Our foremost goal is community and this is what we have at Civic Innovation Lab. We have a rich tightly bonded community of diversified personalities. All coming from different places, races and colors having different strengths and skills, in this diversity lies our strength. <p></p> Dev Talks <br> <mark>DevTalks is a that provides a platform to dialogue and engage civil society on issues that affect their well-being. The aim is to articulate social problems and spark innovative ideas to tackle them. The program brings all relevant stakeholders and industry influencers to the table to discuss topics that affects civil society.</mark>

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Co-Creation Hub

CcHUB is Nigeria’s first open living lab and pre-incubation space designed to be a multi-functional, multi-purpose space where work to catalyze creative social tech ventures take place. <mark>The HUB is a place for technologists, social entrepreneurs, government, tech companies, impact investors and hackers in and around Lagos to co-create new solutions to the many social problems in Nigeria.</mark>

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SnapiLABs is a Technology Innovation lab where ideas, codes, frameworks, plugins and passion are mixed to render services and build platforms that solves real life problems. <p></p> The Hub is a community-driven coworking and co-launch space located in Port Harcourt, Niger Delta. <mark>Dedicated to tech and digital entrepreneurs, digital nomads, bloggers, digital marketers, digi-hippies, digital hustlers, designers, coders and all the free-minded people.</mark>

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720Degree Hub

We are a community of innovators, educators, entrepreneurs, creative and industry leading professionals, developers, investors, tech influencers working to create sustainable impacts that reach millions of people. We provide platform to connect, ideate and collaborate, giving birth to successful innovations. <p></p> At 720Degree Hub, <mark>we create outstanding opportunities for economic prosperity through innovations and entrepreneurship by leveraging on technology.</mark>

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Blue Sapphire Hub

Blue Sapphire Hub is the first-female owned innovation center in Northern Nigeria. We started operations since 2014. We are focused on developing sustainable solutions and building entrepreneurial communities for scalable impact. Our budding community is made up of innovators, entrepreneurs, freelancers and dare dreamers who leverage the power of tech and innovation to identify and solve the most pressing societal challenges. <p></p> <mark>Innovation and Technology are at the heart of the work we do, we believe in breaking barriers, disrupting and challenging stereotypes in order to create positive change.</mark> We provide a launchpad for Innovators and support young entrepreneurs to thrive. We provide Incubation programs, Capacity building services, Consultancy and Product Development for startups, government organizations, NGOs and companies respectively

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Start Innovation Hub

Start Innovation Hub is an ICT firm with an innovation lab in Uyo, Nigeria. We serve as an opportunity centre for technical talents and local businesses to leverage technology and start up faster. <p></p> <mark>We provide an all-in-one open space and business centre facilities for talents and entrepreneurs, to take advantage of Nigeria’s strength and capitalize on opportunities in the global economy.</mark> <p></p> We aim at stimulating economic growth in the technology community by providing key ingredients like seed funding and mentorship to early-stage entrepreneurs. We also provide other services centered around networking opportunities, peer review, pitch development, product testing and introduction to investors.

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Root Hub

Root Hub is where change goes to work. A Coworking space that is Part innovation lab, part business incubator, and part community center. <p></p> A business incubator, accelerator and community center, the RootHub facilitates the expansion and growth of ideas into small and medium scale businesses. <p></p> Coworking Space<br> Choose from a variety of workspace options designed for you <p></p> Idea Lab<br> <mark>We incubate, accelerate and support ideas to increase the number of self-sufficient businesses, tackling complex issues and change.</mark> <p></p> Trainings<br> We are on a mission to close the digital skills gap through trainings and capacity development <p></p> Community<br> A thriving network of like minds connected with opportunities to enable collaboration.

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Stonebricks Hub

The Stonebricks Hub was primarily conceived by two young successful entrepreneurs with a combined work experience of over 30 years in various sectors ranging from infrastructure advisory to engineering & construction. Our network of professionals and experts in different fields are an integral part of the support system StoneBricks offers startups and early-stage entrepreneurs. <p></p> <mark>We provide a complete ecosystem that turn ideas to business solutions and eventually to markets. We work with tech-founders, innovators, creative minds, influencers and incubates within the StoneBricks academy to launch initiatives that contribute to the global economic growth.</mark>

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Aiivon Innovation hub

Aiivon innovation hub is a social, digital and creative community strategically located at Abuja’s commercial nerve center. The hub gives valid expression to our desire to support tech development in West Africa as it is home to over 60 start-ups to whom <mark>we provide fully serviced offices and co-working spaces, capacity building programs, incubation, business development support, mentorship, access to funds and market penetration for increased traction and revenue among other things.</mark> <p></p> We are a community of motivated individuals, focused on developing solutions to local challenges by utilizing innovation from our inventive workspaces and inspiring creativity, advancing effectiveness and encouraging coordinated efforts among members. <p></p> Through our partnership with The British Council, NITDA and other reputable organizations, we are directly influencing the lives of many Nigerians who are aspiring to become successful entrepreneurs especially in the creative and information technology industries.

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Abia Tech Hub

We are a team of creative tech innovators, equipped with a highly developed skill set and experiences not only in information technology, but also in business processes across a range of industries and sectors. <p></p> The need for a digital skill in our era cannot be overemphasized. <p></p> <mark>Digital skills gives people a chance to explore a wide range of careers, prepare themselves for future opportunities and enable them contribute to their communities.</mark> <p></p> ATH Academy is a gaining ground committed to impacting knowledge and building people and communities with these skills.

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Innovation Growth Hub

IGHub is a Creative, Tech, and Business Incubation Hub that works with startups at various stages of maturity by providing Space, Mentorship, Internet, Power, Training, Business Support services, Warm Community and Network for entrepreneurs. <p></p> <mark>We encourage collaboration, nurture and help turn their ideas to products. Our aim is to stimulate economic growth in our community through technology solutions by providing support like business resources, seed funding, mentoring, training and access to business expertise.</mark> <p></p> We are always looking for new talent to train them and join us in providing these solutions.